2024-10-28T04:03:50+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</p><p>-&gt; Ocean phase</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus Keta </p><p>-&gt;Ocean phase</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus gorbuscha</p><p>-&gt; Ocean phase</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus nerka</p><p>-&gt; Ocean phase</p>, <p>Paired parietal bone</p>, <p>Orbitosphoid Bone</p>, <p>Supra preopercle Bone</p><p> (SP)</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</p><p>-&gt; Secondary sexual characteristics</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus nerka</p><p>-&gt; Secondary sexual characteristics</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus gorbuscha</p><p>-&gt; Secondary sexual characteristics</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus keta</p><p>-&gt; Secondary sexual characteristics</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus kisutch</p><p>-&gt; Ocean phase</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus kisutch</p><p>-&gt; Secondary sexual characteristics</p>, <p>Salvelinus namaycush</p>, <p>Salvelinus fontinalis</p>, <p>Salvelinus alpinus</p>, <p>Salvelinus malma</p>, <p>Salvelinus confluentus</p>, <p>Salmo trutta</p>, <p>Salmo salar</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii</p>, <p>Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisii</p>, <p>Primitive vs derived fish</p>, <p>What is fecundity</p>, <p>Anadromy</p>, <p>Catadromy</p>, <p>What do salt water fishes have to do for Osmoregulation</p>, <p>What do freshwater fishes have to do for Osmoregulation</p>, <p>Which of the bc big 5:</p><p>Some remain in coastal waters. Some go Southward. Move slowly home. Northern populations head further into open ocean.</p>, <p>Which of the bc big 5:</p><p>Rapid movement (~60km per day</p>, <p>Diadromy</p>, <p>Smoltification</p>, <p>what is a parr</p>, <p>what is a Jack</p>, <p>where and what is the auxiliary process</p>, <p>how many anal fins do the BC big 5 have</p>, <p>How many anal fins rays do trouts or chars have</p>, <p>what is the advantage of having larger eggs</p>, <p>What time of day do smolts travel</p>, <p>Iteroparous</p>, <p>Semelparous</p>, <p>What are 3 ways that the BC big 5 do not compete</p>, <p>what is the pinball hypothesis</p>, <p>What are 3 spawning risks for the eggs</p>, <p>what is the main hypothesis for natal river homing</p>, <p>why can straying be positive</p>, <p>what is the difference between Stream type and Ocean type chinook salmon</p>, <p>What is the only BC big 5 to spawn in lakes</p>, <p>rank BC Big 5 in order to return to fresh water</p>, <p>How does temperature affect sockeye spawning</p>, <p>Rank the BC big 5 from largest to smallest egg size</p>, <p>Within a BC big 5 population during spawning what fish will survive the longest</p>, <p>What are the 3 runs of Fraser Sockeye called</p>, <p>What is the only species of Salvelinus native to Van Isl</p>, <p>What type of salmon have Jills</p>, <p>Why do Pink salmon not have jacks</p>, <p>What freshwater system type do each of the BC big 5 like to spawn in</p>, <p>what is a precocious parr called</p>, <p>what is the fredle index</p>, <p>what is the difference in male vs female fighting</p>, <p>Why does size matter?</p>, <p>what is the mound downstream of the redd called</p>, <p>what is the leading factor in female v female fights</p>, <p>what are some salmon river migrations barriers</p>, <p>nest v redd</p>, <p>what isotopes are used commonly to detect MDN</p>, <p>what species was most impacted by the Hells gate land slide</p>, <p>what is a mini jack</p>, <p>what is tailspin</p> flashcards
FISH 115 midterm written word questions

FISH 115 midterm written word questions

  • Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

    -> Ocean phase

    Chinook salmon

    - Black gums and mouth

    - med-> small black round spots on both lobs of the caudal fin

  • Oncorhynchus Keta

    ->Ocean phase

    Chum salmon

    - Large teeth

    - short gill rakers

    - silver streaks on caudal fin

    - Narrow caudal peduncle

    - No spots on tail

  • Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

    -> Ocean phase

    Pink salmon

    - Large oval spots both lobs of caudal fin

    - Small scales

  • Oncorhynchus nerka

    -> Ocean phase

    Sockeye salmon

    - No spots on back or caudal fin

    - "Toothless"

    - No silver streaks on the caudal fin

    - Long gill rakers

  • Paired parietal bone


    - Separated by supra-occipital

    Corgoninae AND Thymallinae

    - Fused (Joined)

  • Orbitosphoid Bone

    Present IN

    - Salmoninae

    - Coregoninae

    Absent IN

    - Thymallinae

  • Supra preopercle Bone


    Present IN

    - Salmoninae

    Absent IN

    - Coregoninae

    - Thymallinae

  • Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

    -> Secondary sexual characteristics

    Chinook Salmon

    - Spots on back

    - Black gums and mouth

    Solid color

    - Bronze

    - Brown

    - Magenta

  • Oncorhynchus nerka

    -> Secondary sexual characteristics


    - Green head

    - Red Body

    - Hump

    - Males have a kype

  • Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

    -> Secondary sexual characteristics

    Pink salmon

    - Large Hump

    - spots on caudal fin

    - grey/brown

    - kype

  • Oncorhynchus keta

    -> Secondary sexual characteristics

    Chum salmon

    - Large teeth

    - Male

    - Vertical camo pattern

    - Females

    - Horizontal camo pattern

  • Oncorhynchus kisutch

    -> Ocean phase

    Coho salmon

    - Spots only on upper lobe of caudal fin

    - light colored mouth

    - Silver streaks in tail

  • Oncorhynchus kisutch

    -> Secondary sexual characteristics

    Coho salmon

    - Lacks hump

    - Large kype

    - Hook nose salmon

    - Dark red body

    - Black head (In males)

    - white lips and mouth

  • Salvelinus namaycush

    Lake Char/trout

    - Light spots on dark body

    - Forked caudal tail

    - Irregular white markings

    - Vermiculations

    - maxilla extends past eye

  • Salvelinus fontinalis

    Brook Char/trout

    - Light spots on dark body

    - maxilla extends past eye

    - red spots with blue halo

    - Vermiculations on back and dorsal fin

    - White leading edge on pelvic and anal fins

  • Salvelinus alpinus

    Arctic char

    - large pink-violet and white spots on backs and sides

    - NO blue halo

    - caudal fin not deeply forked

    - NOT IN BC

  • Salvelinus malma

    Dolly Varden

    - Lacks dark spots on the dorsal fin

    - Round white marking on the body

    - pinkish spots


    - maxilla does not usually extend past eye

    - Smaller more dense spots than Bull

  • Salvelinus confluentus

    Bull trout

    - Lacks dark markings on dorsal fin

    - round white markings on body similar sized

    - Pinkish spots

    - NO blue halo

    - Flattened head with large mouth

    - White leading edge on pelvic fin

    - Larger less dense spots then Dolly

  • Salmo trutta

    Brown trout

    - dark spots on light body

    - black and some red spots with pale halos

    - Red spots only on lower flank

    - caudal fin not forked

  • Salmo salar

    Atlantic salmon

    - Black spots on operculum

    - No spots on caudal fin

    - No halos

    - Dark spots light background

  • Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii

    Coastal cutthroat trout

    - Dark spots on light body

    - spots on back, flank, dorsal and caudal fins

    - Red slash on hyroid arch

    - Maxilla extends past eye

    - basibranchial teeth

  • Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisii

    Westslope cutthroat trout

    - Dark spots on light body

    - spots on back, flank, dorsal and caudal fins

    - Spots concentrated on back half of body

    - often absent in lower half of front half of body

    - Red slash on hyroid arch

    - Maxilla extends past eye

    - basibranchial teeth

  • Primitive vs derived fish

    "primitive" fish are more similar to the shared common ancestor."derived" fish differ more from the shared common ancestor.

  • What is fecundity

    Number of eggs

  • Anadromy

    fish spawn in freshwater and feed in saltwater.

  • Catadromy

    fish spawn in saltwater and feed in freshwater.

  • What do salt water fishes have to do for Osmoregulation

    Drink water constantly

  • What do freshwater fishes have to do for Osmoregulation

    pee constantly

  • Which of the bc big 5:

    Some remain in coastal waters. Some go Southward. Move slowly home. Northern populations head further into open ocean.



  • Which of the bc big 5:

    Rapid movement (~60km per day




  • Diadromy

    Fish that migrate between fresh and saltwater

  • Smoltification

    Process in which parr prepare for the ocean phase of the lifecycle

    kidney and gills reverse function

  • what is a parr

    juvenile salmon with prominent parr marks (Stage before smolt)

  • what is a Jack

    a male pacific salmon that matures early (1 year or less in the ocean

    Sneaky spawners

  • where and what is the auxiliary process

    small triangular stiff skin flap at the origin of the pelvic fin

  • how many anal fins do the BC big 5 have


  • How many anal fins rays do trouts or chars have


  • what is the advantage of having larger eggs

    larger offspring

    Higher survival rates

  • What time of day do smolts travel

    At night

  • Iteroparous

    Can spawn multiple times

  • Semelparous


  • What are 3 ways that the BC big 5 do not compete

    While in the ocean:

    - stay at differnet depths during their ocean phase

    - Have different diets

    While spawning

    - Spawn at different times

    - Have specific flow and depth preferences

  • what is the pinball hypothesis

    Fish swim towards the shoreline but if when they reach a river they do not smell their natal streams sent the return to the ocean and zig zag up or down the coast till they find the right scent

  • What are 3 spawning risks for the eggs

    1. Predation

    2. dehydration

    3. dislodgement

  • what is the main hypothesis for natal river homing

    Olfactory imprinting (sent)

  • why can straying be positive

    straying can reintroduce salmonids to streams they have previously gone extinct or where not present

  • what is the difference between Stream type and Ocean type chinook salmon

    stream type stay in natal rivers for longer as parr but migrate further as adults

    Ocean type go out to the ocean sooner but do not migrate as far

  • What is the only BC big 5 to spawn in lakes


  • rank BC Big 5 in order to return to fresh water

    1. Sockeye

    2. Chinook

    3. Pink

    4. Chum

    5. Coho

  • How does temperature affect sockeye spawning

    Hotter years = fish return later

    Colder years = fish return earlier

  • Rank the BC big 5 from largest to smallest egg size

    1. Chum

    2. Pink

    3. Chinook

    4. Coho

    5. Sockeye

  • Within a BC big 5 population during spawning what fish will survive the longest

    The earlier arriving fish typically survive the longest

  • What are the 3 runs of Fraser Sockeye called

    1. Early stuart

    2. Early summer

    3. Summer

    4. Late

  • What is the only species of Salvelinus native to Van Isl

    Salvelinus malma

    Dolly Varden

  • What type of salmon have Jills


    - Female Jackes

  • Why do Pink salmon not have jacks

    Because they only spend 1 year in the ocean

    - jacks are defined as males that spend ~ a year in the ocean

  • What freshwater system type do each of the BC big 5 like to spawn in


    - Large rivers or main chanels


    - prefer smaller rivers and side channels

    (All accessible reaches)


    - Large lakes or rivers or steams which connect to a lake


    - further upstream then Pink but close to the intertidal area


    - Close to intertidal area

  • what is a precocious parr called

    A parr that have sexually matured without going to the ocean

    Sneaky spawners

  • what is the fredle index

    standard for evaluating spawning gravel

    Higher is better

  • what is the difference in male vs female fighting

    Males mainly threats

    females straight to fighting (can lead to the death) usually over redd location

  • Why does size matter?

    Females want a larger male for

    - better genes

    - more sperm

    - more eggs fertilized

  • what is the mound downstream of the redd called

    Tail spill

  • what is the leading factor in female v female fights

    Redd defense

  • what are some salmon river migrations barriers

    High/low water flow

    High water temp



    Dams + blockages

  • nest v redd

    a redd is a series of redds dug by a individual female

  • what isotopes are used commonly to detect MDN

    Carbon 13 and Nitrogen 15

  • what species was most impacted by the Hells gate land slide

    Sockeye salmon

    Oncorhynchus Nerka

  • what is a mini jack

    a jack that smoltified down to the estuary then returned to spawn

  • what is tailspin

    tail spin happens when the females flick their tails to clear out the silt and to dig a nest/redd