2020-09-30T21:45:35+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Current asset, cash flow from assets, cash flow to stockholders, Types of Current Assets, Action that can increase a firm's current ratio, Balance Sheet, Fact about Total Assets and Total Claims, Income Statement, Indirect Statement of Cash Flow Purpose, Cash Sources and Uses, Common Size Statements Definition, Common Size Statements Characteristics, Quick Ratio's Alternate Name, Long-Term Solvency Ratios' Alternate Name, i alternate definition, Interest, Compound interest, Future Value, Present Value, Interest Component , Times interest Earned Alternate Name, Marginal tax, Creditors, Stockholders, Net Capital Raised flashcards

FIN 302 Exam 1 Definitions and Facts

Currently under construction; Version 3

  • Current asset
    An item currently owned by the firm that will convert to cash within the next 12 months
  • cash flow from assets
    The firm's net total cash flow accruing to its creditors and stockholders
  • cash flow to stockholders
    The firm's dividend payments minus any new equity raised
  • Types of Current Assets
    Inventory, cash on hand, accounts receivable, and marketable securities
  • Action that can increase a firm's current ratio
    Paying off a short-termed bank loan with the proceeds from new long-term debt
  • Balance Sheet
    financial statement showing a firm's accounting values at a particular date
  • Fact about Total Assets and Total Claims
    They must be equal to each other
  • Income Statement
    financial statement summarizing a firm's performance over a time period
  • Indirect Statement of Cash Flow Purpose
    It summarizes a firm's cash sources and uses over a specified period.
  • Cash Sources and Uses
    Operating activity, investment activity, and financing activity
  • Common Size Statements Definition
    Standardized financial statements presenting all items in percentage form
  • Common Size Statements Characteristics
    They are easier to read to compare and they use percentages instead of values
  • Quick Ratio's Alternate Name
    Acid-test Ratio
  • Long-Term Solvency Ratios' Alternate Name
    Financial Leverage Ratios
  • i alternate definition
    Discount Rate
  • Interest
    the return received for investing money
  • Compound interest
    the interest that the investment earns on interest; interest's interest
  • Future Value
    the investment's value at the end of the year n
  • Present Value
    The money's sum in today's dollars
  • Interest Component
  • Times interest Earned Alternate Name
    interest covered ratio
  • Marginal tax
    amount of tax paid on the next dollar earned
  • Creditors
  • Stockholders
  • Net Capital Raised
    Change in Common Stock and Paid in Surplus