2021-04-19T07:05:11+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true celebrity, legend, Big name, centre, Favorite son, Olympian, National treasure, world-famous, prominent, notorious, superstardom, renown, Phenomenon/na, Favourite son, glitterati, Household name, icon, immortal, megastar, name, it girl, luminary, megastar, notable, personage, personality, Public figure, Rising star, VIP, renowned flashcards


Yuri Gagarin was the first man to fly into space. On April 12, 1961 the 27-year-old Soviet fighter pilot orbited the world at an altitude of 203 miles with Vostok 1. The spacecraft was launched from the cosmodrome in Baikonur. The journey itself lasted 108 minutes. For the first time in history man had freed himself from the earth’s gravity. Gagarin was the son of a carpenter. His mother worked as a milkmaid. When the Germans occupied their village during World War II the family were forced out of their home and lived in a hut nearby. In school Gagarin’s favorite subjects were mathematics and physics. Yuri went on to a technical college where he became interested in flying. After graduating from pilot school Gagarin became a fighter pilot for the Soviet Air Force. Over 20 candidates were trained for the Soviet Union’s first manned space mission. The son of a worker was chosen because the Soviet Union wanted to show the west that, in a socialist society, everyone could succeed, even those from poorer families. When Gagarin’s Vostok spacecraft lifted off on the morning of April 12, 1961 Gagarin was only a passenger. He could not control anything on board Vostok 1. Although the flight was a success, the west found out later that Gagarin was close to being killed. The service module did not separate from the capsule on its return to earth. Temperatures in the capsule got very high and Gagarin said he was engulfed in a cloud of fire when returning to earth. Shortly before the capsule crashed on the ground Gagarin was able to eject and return to earth with a parachute. The Soviet Union kept Gagarin’s flight secret until it was almost over because they feared something might go wrong and the Communist superpower would be humiliated. After returning to earth Gagarin became famous around the world. He visited Germany, Canada, Japan and many other countries in order to show the success of Soviet technology. Soviet leader Nikita Khruschev hailed Gagarin as Hero of the Soviet Union and compared him to Christopher Columbus. The first Russian cosmonaut did not live long enough to see how space exploration continued. In 1968 Gagarin was killed when his airplane crashed in a forest on a training flight. He was 34 years old. With the first manned spaceflight the Soviet Union had scored a major victory in the Cold War. They wanted to show the west that Communist technology was at least as advanced as that of the west. The space race continued throughout the 1960s. About a month after the Vostok mission American President John F. Kennedy announced that the United States would send a man to the moon by the end of the decade. On July 20, Apollo 11 landed on the lunar surface.

  • celebrity
    someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business
  • legend
    a very old story or set of stories from ancient times, or the stories, not always true, that people tell about a famous event or person:
  • Big name
    a famous or important person
  • centre
    the middle point or part:
  • Favorite son
    a famous person, especially a politician, who is supported and praised by people in the area they come from
  • Olympian
    Having the qualities of a god
  • National treasure
    Someone or something of which a particular country is very proud
  • world-famous
    Known about by many people from most parts of the world
  • prominent
    Very well known and important
  • notorious
    Famous for something bad
  • superstardom
    the state of being an extremely famous actor, singer, musician, sports player, etc.
  • renown
    the state of being famous
  • Phenomenon/na
    something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or interesting
  • Favourite son
    a famous person, especially a politician, who is supported and praised by people in the area they come from
  • glitterati
    Rich, famous, and fashionable people whose activities are of interest to the public and are written about in some newspapers and magazines
  • Household name
    A famous person that most people know of: He was a household name in the 1950s.
  • icon
    A very famous person or thing considered as representing a set of beliefs or a way of life
  • immortal
    Very special and famous and therefore likely to be remembered for a long time
  • megastar
    a very famous person, especially an actor or pop star
  • name
    The opinion or reputation that someone or something has
  • it girl
    A famous young woman who is known for going to a lot of parties and social events:
  • luminary
    A person who is famous and important in a particular area of activity
  • megastar
    a very famous person, especially an actor or pop star
  • notable
    important and deserving attention, because of being very good or interesting
  • personage
    an important or famous person
  • personality
    the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel, and think
  • Public figure
    a famous person who is often written about in newspapers and magazines or is often on television or the radio
  • Rising star
    a person who is likely to be successful
  • VIP
    a very important person; a person who is treated better than ordinary people because they are famous or influential (= they have a lot of influence) in some way
  • renowned
    Famous for something: Marco Polo is a renowned explorer/is renowned as an explorer.