2017-07-29T18:17:55+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Exponential decay, Compound interest, Exponentiation, Exponential function, Half-life, Hyperbolic function, Radioactive decay, Square (algebra), Exponential integral, Matrix exponential, Exponential distribution, Exponential growth, Tetration, Power law, Q-exponential, Exponential family flashcards


  • Exponential decay
    A quantity is subject to exponential decay if it decreases at a rate proportional to its current value.
  • Compound interest
    The addition of interest to the principal sum of a loan or deposit is called compounding.
  • Exponentiation
    Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, written as bn, involving two numbers, the base b and the exponent n.
  • Exponential function
    In mathematics, an exponential function is a function of the form in which the input variable x occurs as an exponent.
  • Half-life
    Half-life (abbreviated t1⁄2) is the time required for a quantity to reduce to half its initial value.
  • Hyperbolic function
    In mathematics, hyperbolic functions are analogs of the ordinary trigonometric, or circular functions.
  • Radioactive decay
    Radioactive decay (also known as nuclear decay or radioactivity) is the process by which the nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting radiation, including alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, and conversion electrons.
  • Square (algebra)
    In mathematics, a square is the result of multiplying a number by itself.
  • Exponential integral
    In mathematics, the exponential integral Ei is a special function on the complex plane.
  • Matrix exponential
    In mathematics, the matrix exponential is a matrix function on square matrices analogous to the ordinary exponential function.
  • Exponential distribution
    In probability theory and statistics, the exponential distribution (a.k.a. negative exponential distribution) is the probability distribution that describes the time between events in a Poisson process, i.
  • Exponential growth
    Exponential growth is a phenomenon that occurs when the growth rate of the value of a mathematical function is proportional to the function's current value, resulting in its growth with time being an exponential function.
  • Tetration
    In mathematics, tetration (or hyper-4) is the next hyperoperation after exponentiation, and is defined as iterated exponentiation.
  • Power law
    In statistics, a power law is a functional relationship between two quantities, where a relative change in one quantity results in a proportional relative change in the other quantity, independent of the initial size of those quantities: one quantity varies as a power of another.
  • Q-exponential
    In combinatorial mathematics, a q-exponential is a q-analog of the exponential function,namely the eigenfunction of a q-derivative.
  • Exponential family
    In probability and statistics, an exponential family is a set of probability distributions of a certain form, specified below.