2017-07-30T07:39:50+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Evolutionary epistemology, The Phenomenon of Man, Natural landscape, Memetics, Rare Earth hypothesis, Outline of evolution, Evolution of the cochlea, Postbiological evolution, Gauntlet (glove), Sympatry, Social Bonding and Nurture Kinship, Historicism, Evolutionary informatics, Evolution of emotion, Chronology of the universe, Evolutionary ethics, Trabecular cartilage, Level of support for evolution flashcards


  • Evolutionary epistemology
    Evolutionary epistemology refers to three distinct topics: (1) the biological evolution of cognitive mechanisms in animals and humans, (2) a theory that knowledge itself evolves by natural selection, and (3) the study of the historical discovery of new abstract entities such as abstract number or abstract value that necessarily precede the individual acquisition and usage of such abstractions.
  • The Phenomenon of Man
    The Phenomenon of Man (Le phénomène humain, 1955) is a book written by the French philosopher, paleontologist and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
  • Natural landscape
    A natural landscape is the original landscape that exists before it is acted upon by human culture.
  • Memetics
    Memetics is the theory of mental content based on an analogy with Darwinian evolution, originating from the popularization of Richard Dawkins' 1976 book The Selfish Gene.
  • Rare Earth hypothesis
    In planetary astronomy and astrobiology, the Rare Earth Hypothesis argues that the origin of life and the evolution of biological complexity such as sexually reproducing, multicellular organisms on Earth (and, subsequently, human intelligence) required an improbable combination of astrophysical and geological events and circumstances.
  • Outline of evolution
    The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to evolution: Evolution – change in heritable traits of biological organisms over generations due to natural selection, mutation, gene flow, and genetic drift.
  • Evolution of the cochlea
    The word cochlea /ˈkɒklɪə/ is Latin for “snail, shell or screw” and originates from the Greek word kohlias.
  • Postbiological evolution
    Postbiological evolution is a form of evolution which has transitioned from a biological paradigm, driven by the propagation of genes, to a nonbiological (e.g., cultural or technological) paradigm, presumably driven by some alternative replicator (e.g., memes or temes), and potentially resulting in the extinction, obsolescence, or trophic reorganization of the former.
  • Gauntlet (glove)
    Gauntlet /ˈɡɔːntlɪt/ is a name for several different styles of glove, particularly those with an extended cuff covering part of the forearm.
  • Sympatry
    In biology, two species or populations are considered sympatric when they exist in the same geographic area and thus regularly encounter one another.
  • Social Bonding and Nurture Kinship
    Social Bonding and Nurture Kinship: compatibility between cultural and biological approaches is a book on human kinship and social behavior by Maximilian Holland, published in 2012.
  • Historicism
    Historicism is a mode of thinking that assigns major significance to a specific context, such as historical period, geographical place, and local culture.
  • Evolutionary informatics
    Evolutionary informatics is a subfield of informatics addressing the practice of information processing in, and the engineering of information systems for, the study of biological evolution, as well as the study of information in evolutionary systems, natural and artificial.
  • Evolution of emotion
    The study of the evolution of emotions dates back to the 19th century.
  • Chronology of the universe
    The chronology of the universe describes the history and future of the universe according to Big Bang cosmology, the prevailing scientific model of how the universe developed over time from the Planck epoch, using the cosmological time parameter of comoving coordinates.
  • Evolutionary ethics
    Evolutionary ethics is a term referring equally to a form of descriptive ethics or normative ethics.
  • Trabecular cartilage
    Trabecular cartilages (trabeculae cranii, sometimes simply trabeculae) are paired, rod-shaped cartilages, which develop in the head of the vertebrate embryo.
  • Level of support for evolution
    The level of support for evolution among scientists, the public and other groups is a topic that frequently arises in the creation-evolution controversy and touches on educational, religious, philosophical, scientific and political issues.