2023-08-01T03:31:49+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueSolar Variability, Human activity, Naturah gh effect, Earth temperturant, Input, Output, Radiation from sun, Troposphere, Stratosphere, <p>Mesophere, Thermosphere, Exosphere</p>, Ozone forms, Albedo Effect, Ice albedo feedback, Ocean circulation, Global winds, Carbon sequestration, or storage, Ocean carbon, Forests, Geological Sequestration, Technological sequestration, <p>% change =</p>, Enhanced Greenhouse effect, 21st century, Prevelant ghg, the contribution a gas makes to the greenhouse effect depends upon, GWP, GWP of a gas, Gwp of the top 4, Co2, Keeling curve, Ch4 methane, Nitrous oxide n20, Cfc and halons, Perflurocarbons, Ozone o3, Water vapor, Aerosol, Ice core samples, Ics pt 2, Palaeobotany, ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEAN TEMPERATURES reecorded in many ways, Climate, Global average temperature, Sea ice modelling, Ipcc, WGI, WGII, WGIII, Communication of certainty, Ipcc 5th ar, Projections for aus, Changes in length of plant growing seasons and animal breeding cycles, Pollinators, Regulatory framework innated with shareholder supervision and good environmental managementflashcards
every 11y oscillating, difference >1%. But doesn’t account for global warming. Influences water and air circulation patterns and chemistry of stratosphere. Impacting temps and wind
Human activity
burning of fossil fuels and livestock. 1800 280 ppm of co2 now 418 iin 2021. even in ice core samples
Naturah gh effect
process of retaining heat in atmosphere arround 15 C.
Earth temperturant
dependant on balance between enegery input/output.
Solar Radiation from the Sun. 19% is absorbed into ghg like vapour, co2 (worst), methane.
dependant on the level of gases in the troposphere. 34% reflected as infrared.
Radiation from sun
sun wavelength is short need of electromagnetic spectrum 5,800 C. 38% visible, 53 infrared.
8 to 15kms. The troposphere contains 75% of the atmosphere's total mass. Weather occurs in the troposphere
15 to 50km. Ultra Violet Radiation from the sun is absorbed. Upper stratosphere contains the ozone layer. (15km to 30km)
Mesophere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
50 to 80km, 50 to 880km. >
Ozone forms
when ultraviolet light strikes oxygen forming individual oxygen atoms - are then free to combine with another molecules of 02 to form 03. O + O2 -> 03. Ozone then protects us from harmful UV
Albedo Effect
Is the fraction of solar energy that is reflected from Earth back into space. Range from 0(no reflection) to 1 (100%). Ice is 0.6 to 0.9 and water o.1.
Ice albedo feedback
if ice and snow decreases, more energy is absorbed by ground and water, causing more ice to melt and water vapour.
Ocean circulation
most heat is stored, distributing it around in surface currents and stabilise climate patterns.
Global winds
are caused by the sun heating different parts of earth by different amounts. These winds blow in a constant direction and the surface water is pushed in the major wind belts (trade winds, westerlies, and polar easterlies).
Carbon sequestration, or storage
is a natural part of the carbon cycle and has been happening for billions of years on Earth. Like decomposition of organic material
Ocean carbon
48 per cent stored in form of carbonic acid or limestone from seashells, cool, alkaline ocean sinks carbon better.
tropical and old growth forests have the highest carbon storage potential. In soil organic matter also, higher from clearing and grazing.
Geological Sequestration
Typically, carbon dioxide is captured from an industrial source, such as steel or cement production, or an energy-related source, such as a power plant or natural gas processing facility and injected into porous rocks for long-term storage.
Technological sequestration
Scientists are exploring new ways to remove and store carbon from the atmosphere using innovative technologies. Researchers are also starting to look beyond removal of carbon dioxide and are now looking at more ways it can be used as a resource
% change =
= new value - initial value
Enhanced Greenhouse effect
higher concentrations of greenhouse gases leads to more heat energy being absorbed in the atmosphere and gradual warming of the Earth’s surface.
21st century
Increased combustion of fossil fuels, loss of vegetation cover (forests as carbon sinks) due agriculture and population. artificial gases such as (CFCs) and (HCFCs).
Prevelant ghg
water vapour, co2, methane, nitous oxide.
the contribution a gas makes to the greenhouse effect depends upon
The capacity of the gas to absorb heat (radiative efficiency), The length of time it persists in the atmosphere (lifetime) and The concentration in the atmosphere.
was developed to enable the comparison of the impact of different gases in the atmosphere.
GWP of a gas
is the measure of how much energy can be absorbed by the emission of 1 tonne (1000kg) of gas over its lifetime relative to the emission of 1 tonne of CO2.
Gwp of the top 4
co2 is 1 (used as reference for other gases), ch4 is 28-36 over 100y but higher energy absorption, n20 gwp of 265-289 over 100y, emitted today stays for 120-150y.
major ghg effect contributor, 280ppm to 418ppm in 2021 since inudstrial revelution, 0.5 per cent yearly from fossil fuels and forest clearing.
Keeling curve
1958, first significant evidence, zigzag curve showing seasonal change of co2 getting higher, measuring at 4km.
Ch4 methane
60 per cent from humans like garbabeg and ruminant animals and rest from bogs and tundra.
Nitrous oxide n20
4o per cent human from chemical manufacture and fertiliser. 298x to absorb heat than co2.
Cfc and halons
phased out with international treats, 5000x co2, 100 years in atmosphere
6500x co2, 50ky in air from aluminium product and electronic refrigerants.
Ozone o3
in the stratosphere protects earth by filtering harmful uv, close on ground it irritate respiratory systems of animals and damages trees. In troposphere its ghg, from by-product of uv interacting with hydrocarbons, increasing 0.5% yearly.
Water vapor
unclear effect as ghg, but increased cloud cover = reduced surface temp.
burning fossil fuels, particles make haze, refelcting short wave radiation = colling effect.
Ice core samples
cylinders of ice drilled out of ice sheet or glacier. holds small bubbles of air with carbon dioxide and methane.
Ics pt 2
oxygen 16:oxygen 18 isotopes in water molecules provides past temperatures. Less heavy oxygen means were cooler.
plant fossils or impressions of plant parts preserved in sedimentary rocks, coal or other geological deposits. ancient plant fossils are over 1 billion years old eg. Precambrian algae. across landscape based on temperature and precipitation patterns, plant communities change.
Direct measurements from weather stations on land and on water. Remotely by thermal and microwave imaging sensors on satellites and studies using balloon-borne sensors.
is the average weather . Climate models are sophisticated mathematical representations, simulating interactions of drivers.
Global average temperature
the temperature range of more than 55 c now. With day and night and seasonal. how much sunlight Earth absorbs minus how much it radiates to space as heat over time.
Sea ice modelling
found linear relations with artic sea melting and human co2 emissions and temp ww. Likely the artic will be ice free by 2056. causing sea level to rise.
climate change body and policymakers based on regular scientific assessments. Has a yearly conference with lead authors with business, has a budget etc.
assesses the physical science of climate change
assesses the vulnerability of socio-economic and natural systems to CC
assesses options for Climate change mitigation
Communication of certainty
very high, high, medium, low, very low confidence on evidence quality and scientific agreement intra.
Ipcc 5th ar
2/3 chance of reducing warming of 2 C by stopping fossil fuel use to reduce emission.
Projections for aus
csiro said oceans be acidic, and rise, more extreme rainfall and hot days. More exotic species.
Changes in length of plant growing seasons and animal breeding cycles
milder winters and warmer conditions, reduce frost, enhanced photosynthesises from co2.
phenological patterns disrupted by changes in climate triggers.
Regulatory framework innated with shareholder supervision and good environmental management
sea walls, raising building on stilts, moving inland
every 11y oscillating, difference >1%. But doesn’t account for global warming. Influences water and air circulation patterns and chemistry of stratosphere. Impacting temps and wind
Human activity
burning of fossil fuels and livestock. 1800 280 ppm of co2 now 418 iin 2021. even in ice core samples
Naturah gh effect
process of retaining heat in atmosphere arround 15 C.
Earth temperturant
dependant on balance between enegery input/output.
Solar Radiation from the Sun. 19% is absorbed into ghg like vapour, co2 (worst), methane.
dependant on the level of gases in the troposphere. 34% reflected as infrared.
Radiation from sun
sun wavelength is short need of electromagnetic spectrum 5,800 C. 38% visible, 53 infrared.
8 to 15kms. The troposphere contains 75% of the atmosphere's total mass. Weather occurs in the troposphere
15 to 50km. Ultra Violet Radiation from the sun is absorbed. Upper stratosphere contains the ozone layer. (15km to 30km)
Mesophere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
50 to 80km, 50 to 880km. >
Ozone forms
when ultraviolet light strikes oxygen forming individual oxygen atoms - are then free to combine with another molecules of 02 to form 03. O + O2 -> 03. Ozone then protects us from harmful UV
Albedo Effect
Is the fraction of solar energy that is reflected from Earth back into space. Range from 0(no reflection) to 1 (100%). Ice is 0.6 to 0.9 and water o.1.
Ice albedo feedback
if ice and snow decreases, more energy is absorbed by ground and water, causing more ice to melt and water vapour.
Ocean circulation
most heat is stored, distributing it around in surface currents and stabilise climate patterns.
Global winds
are caused by the sun heating different parts of earth by different amounts. These winds blow in a constant direction and the surface water is pushed in the major wind belts (trade winds, westerlies, and polar easterlies).
Carbon sequestration, or storage
is a natural part of the carbon cycle and has been happening for billions of years on Earth. Like decomposition of organic material
Ocean carbon
48 per cent stored in form of carbonic acid or limestone from seashells, cool, alkaline ocean sinks carbon better.
tropical and old growth forests have the highest carbon storage potential. In soil organic matter also, higher from clearing and grazing.
Geological Sequestration
Typically, carbon dioxide is captured from an industrial source, such as steel or cement production, or an energy-related source, such as a power plant or natural gas processing facility and injected into porous rocks for long-term storage.
Technological sequestration
Scientists are exploring new ways to remove and store carbon from the atmosphere using innovative technologies. Researchers are also starting to look beyond removal of carbon dioxide and are now looking at more ways it can be used as a resource
% change =
= new value - initial value
Enhanced Greenhouse effect
higher concentrations of greenhouse gases leads to more heat energy being absorbed in the atmosphere and gradual warming of the Earth’s surface.
21st century
Increased combustion of fossil fuels, loss of vegetation cover (forests as carbon sinks) due agriculture and population. artificial gases such as (CFCs) and (HCFCs).
Prevelant ghg
water vapour, co2, methane, nitous oxide.
the contribution a gas makes to the greenhouse effect depends upon
The capacity of the gas to absorb heat (radiative efficiency), The length of time it persists in the atmosphere (lifetime) and The concentration in the atmosphere.
was developed to enable the comparison of the impact of different gases in the atmosphere.
GWP of a gas
is the measure of how much energy can be absorbed by the emission of 1 tonne (1000kg) of gas over its lifetime relative to the emission of 1 tonne of CO2.
Gwp of the top 4
co2 is 1 (used as reference for other gases), ch4 is 28-36 over 100y but higher energy absorption, n20 gwp of 265-289 over 100y, emitted today stays for 120-150y.
major ghg effect contributor, 280ppm to 418ppm in 2021 since inudstrial revelution, 0.5 per cent yearly from fossil fuels and forest clearing.
Keeling curve
1958, first significant evidence, zigzag curve showing seasonal change of co2 getting higher, measuring at 4km.
Ch4 methane
60 per cent from humans like garbabeg and ruminant animals and rest from bogs and tundra.
Nitrous oxide n20
4o per cent human from chemical manufacture and fertiliser. 298x to absorb heat than co2.
Cfc and halons
phased out with international treats, 5000x co2, 100 years in atmosphere
6500x co2, 50ky in air from aluminium product and electronic refrigerants.
Ozone o3
in the stratosphere protects earth by filtering harmful uv, close on ground it irritate respiratory systems of animals and damages trees. In troposphere its ghg, from by-product of uv interacting with hydrocarbons, increasing 0.5% yearly.
Water vapor
unclear effect as ghg, but increased cloud cover = reduced surface temp.
burning fossil fuels, particles make haze, refelcting short wave radiation = colling effect.
Ice core samples
cylinders of ice drilled out of ice sheet or glacier. holds small bubbles of air with carbon dioxide and methane.
Ics pt 2
oxygen 16:oxygen 18 isotopes in water molecules provides past temperatures. Less heavy oxygen means were cooler.
plant fossils or impressions of plant parts preserved in sedimentary rocks, coal or other geological deposits. ancient plant fossils are over 1 billion years old eg. Precambrian algae. across landscape based on temperature and precipitation patterns, plant communities change.
Direct measurements from weather stations on land and on water. Remotely by thermal and microwave imaging sensors on satellites and studies using balloon-borne sensors.
is the average weather . Climate models are sophisticated mathematical representations, simulating interactions of drivers.
Global average temperature
the temperature range of more than 55 c now. With day and night and seasonal. how much sunlight Earth absorbs minus how much it radiates to space as heat over time.
Sea ice modelling
found linear relations with artic sea melting and human co2 emissions and temp ww. Likely the artic will be ice free by 2056. causing sea level to rise.
climate change body and policymakers based on regular scientific assessments. Has a yearly conference with lead authors with business, has a budget etc.
assesses the physical science of climate change
assesses the vulnerability of socio-economic and natural systems to CC
assesses options for Climate change mitigation
Communication of certainty
very high, high, medium, low, very low confidence on evidence quality and scientific agreement intra.
Ipcc 5th ar
2/3 chance of reducing warming of 2 C by stopping fossil fuel use to reduce emission.
Projections for aus
csiro said oceans be acidic, and rise, more extreme rainfall and hot days. More exotic species.
Changes in length of plant growing seasons and animal breeding cycles
milder winters and warmer conditions, reduce frost, enhanced photosynthesises from co2.
phenological patterns disrupted by changes in climate triggers.
Regulatory framework innated with shareholder supervision and good environmental management
sea walls, raising building on stilts, moving inland
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