2017-07-28T13:54:38+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Zambo, Iowa people, Zapotec peoples, English Americans, Demographics of Chile, Guatemalans, National Congress of American Indians, Indigenous peoples of the Americas, Americans, Brazilians, Yuracaré people, Miskito people, Ecuadorians, Peninsulars, African diaspora in the Americas flashcards
Ethnic groups in the Americas

Ethnic groups in the Americas

  • Zambo
    Zambo (Spanish: [ˈθambo] or [ˈsambo]) or cafuzo (Portuguese: [kɐˈfuzu]) are racial terms used in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires and occasionally today to identify individuals in the Americas who are of mixed African and Amerindian ancestry (the analogous English term, considered a slur, is sambo).
  • Iowa people
    The Iowa or Ioway, known as the Báxoǰe in their own language, are a Native American Siouan people.
  • Zapotec peoples
    The Zapotecs (Zoogocho Zapotec: Didxažoŋ) are an indigenous people of Mexico.
  • English Americans
    English Americans, also referred to as Anglo-Americans, are Americans whose ancestry originates wholly or partly in England, a constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  • Demographics of Chile
    This article is about the demographic features of Chile, including population density, ethnicity, economic status and other aspects of the population.
  • Guatemalans
    Guatemalan people (Spanish: Pueblo guatemalteco (collective), Guatemaltecos (individuals)) refers to all persons who identify with Guatemala, a multiethnic country in Central America.
  • National Congress of American Indians
    The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is an American Indian and Alaska Native indigenous rights organization.
  • Indigenous peoples of the Americas
    The indigenous peoples of the Americas are the pre-Columbian peoples of the Americans and their descendants.
  • Americans
    Americans are citizens of the United States of America.
  • Brazilians
    Brazilians (brasileiros in Portuguese, IPA: [bɾɐ̞ziˈlejɾus]) are citizens of Brazil.
  • Yuracaré people
    Yuracaré (also called Yurujare, Yurucare) are South American indigenous people living on 2,500 square kilometres along the Chapare River watershed in Cochabamba Department and Beni Department, in the Bolivian Lowlands of the Amazon Basin.
  • Miskito people
    The Miskito are a Native American ethnic group in Central America, of whom many are mixed race.
  • Ecuadorians
    The majority of Ecuadorians trace their origins to one or more of three geographical sources of human migrations: the pre-Hispanic indigenous populations who settled the region over 15,000 years ago, the Europeans (principally Spaniards) who arrived over five centuries ago, and ultimately the black sub-Saharan Africans whom they imported as slave labor during the same period.
  • Peninsulars
    In the colonial caste system of Spanish America and Spanish Philippines, a peninsular (Spanish pronunciation: [peninsuˈlar], pl. peninsulares) was a Spanish-born Spaniard residing in the New World or the Spanish East Indies.
  • African diaspora in the Americas
    The African diaspora in the Americas is used to refer to people born in the Americas with predominantly Sub-Saharan African ancestry.