2017-07-27T22:42:47+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Himba people, Ovambo people, Nama people, Chokwe people, ǂAakhoe dialect, Afrikaners, San people, Lozi people, Baster, Damara people, Herero people, British diaspora in Africa, Kwisi people, Twa, Oorlam people, ǃKung people, Coloureds, Kavango people, Masubia, Angolans in Namibia, Chinese people in Namibia, Coloured People in Namibia flashcards
Ethnic groups in Namibia

Ethnic groups in Namibia

  • Himba people
    The Himba (singular: OmuHimba, plural: OvaHimba) are indigenous peoples with an estimated population of about 50,000 people living in northern Namibia, in the Kunene region (formerly Kaokoland) and on the other side of the Kunene River in Angola.
  • Ovambo people
    The Aawambo or Ambo people (endonyms Aawambo [Ndonga], Ovawambo [Kwanyama]) consist of a number of kindred Bantu ethnic groups who inhabit what is called Owamboland in northern Namibia and the southernmost Angolan province Cunene.
  • Nama people
    Nama (in older sources also called Namaqua) are an African ethnic group of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
  • Chokwe people
    The Chokwe (also spelled Tchokwe) are an ethnic group of Central Africa whose ancestry can perhaps be traced to Mbundu and Mbuti Pygmies.
  • ǂAakhoe dialect
    (Not to be confused with ǂ'Amkoe language.) ǂAakhoe (ǂĀkhoe) and Haiǁom are part of the Khoekhoe dialect continuum.
  • Afrikaners
    Afrikaners are a Southern African ethnic group descended from predominantly Dutch settlers first arriving in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  • San people
    The San people (or Saan), also known as Bushmen or Basarwa, are members of various indigenous hunter-gatherer people of Southern Africa, whose territories span Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and South Africa.
  • Lozi people
    The Lozi people are an ethnic group primarily of western Zambia, inhabiting the region of Barotseland.
  • Baster
    The Basters (also known as Baasters, Rehobothers or Rehoboth Basters) are a Namibian ethnic group descended from European settlers and indigenous African women from the Dutch Cape Colony.
  • Damara people
    The Damara, plural Damaran (Khoekhoegowab: ǂNūkhoen, literally Black people, German: Berg Damara, referring to their extended stay in hilly and mountainous sites, also called at various times the Daman or the Damaqua) are an ethnic group who make up 8.
  • Herero people
    The Herero is an ethnic group inhabiting parts of Southern Africa.
  • British diaspora in Africa
    The British diaspora in Africa is a population group broadly defined as English-speaking white Africans of mainly (but not only) British descent who live in or come from Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Kwisi people
    The Kwisi are a seashore-fishing and hunter-gatherer people of southwest Angola that physically seem to be a remnant of an indigenous population—along with the Kwadi, the Cimba, and the Damara—that are unlike either the San (Bushmen) or the Bantu.
  • Twa
    The Twa (also Cwa) are any of several African hunting peoples or castes who live interdependently with agricultural Bantu populations, and who generally hold a socially subordinate position: They provide the farming population with game in exchange for agricultural products.
  • Oorlam people
    The Oorlam or Orlam people (also known as Orlaam, Oorlammers, Oerlams, or Orlamse Hottentots) are a subtribe of the Nama people, largely assimilated after their migration from the Cape Colony (today, part of South Africa) to Namaqualand and Damaraland (now in Namibia).
  • ǃKung people
    The ǃKung, also spelled ǃXun, are a San people living in the Kalahari Desert in Namibia, Botswana and in Angola.
  • Coloureds
    In Southern Africa, the term Coloureds (also known as Bruinmense or Kleurlinge) is an ethnic label for people of mixed ethnic origin who possess ancestry from Europe, Asia, and various Khoisan and Bantu ethnic groups of southern Africa.
  • Kavango people
    The Kavango people, also known as the vaKavango, are a Bantu ethnic group that resides on the Namibian side of the Namibian–Angolan border along the Kavango River.
  • Masubia
    The Masubia are the largest tribe in Caprivi Strip Their traditional authority (kuta) is based in Bukalo.
  • Angolans in Namibia
    There are various communities of Angolans in Namibia.
  • Chinese people in Namibia
    The number of Chinese people in Namibia has grown tremendously since independence.
  • Coloured People in Namibia
    Coloured people in Namibia are people with both European and African ancestry.