2023-06-14T13:16:18+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>enables users to format, organize and calculate data in a spreadsheet.</p>, <p>. Excel contains a large number of boxes called</p>, <p>How many sheets, rows, and columns can a spreadsheet have?</p><p>&nbsp;</p>, <p>A combination of numbers and symbols used to express a calculation. Always begins with an = sign is</p>, <p>Microsoft Excel default automatically saves a copy of your spreadsheet every</p>, <p>file format extension spreadsheet file that can be created by Excel.</p>, <p>The little triangle in the top right corner of a cell means</p>, <p>….There's something wrong with the way your formula is typed or there's something wrong with the cells you are referencing.</p>, <p>the column width is not wide enough.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>, <p>is adjusted to fit the longest entry.</p>, <p>- is a combination of a column letter and a row number that identifies a cell on a worksheet.</p>, <p>Column Letter is followed by the&nbsp; Row Number</p>, <p>a group of cells collection. It can be referred to in a formula.&nbsp; ex: (A1:C6)</p>, <p><strong>Microsoft Excel</strong> is a</p>, <p>An Excel file is called a</p>, <p>Ribbon broken into Tabs</p> flashcards
etech thingz

etech thingz

  • enables users to format, organize and calculate data in a spreadsheet.

    Microsoft Excel 

  • . Excel contains a large number of boxes called


  • How many sheets, rows, and columns can a spreadsheet have?


    in excel 2019 update - - - -


              Rows ---------- 1,048,576

              Column -------16,384 XFD

    Column width ------------ 255 characters

    Row height--------------   409 points

  • A combination of numbers and symbols used to express a calculation. Always begins with an = sign is


  • Microsoft Excel default automatically saves a copy of your spreadsheet every

    10 minutes.

  • file format extension spreadsheet file that can be created by Excel.


  • The little triangle in the top right corner of a cell means

    there is a note or comment with that cell. --right Click at Cell and choose

      insert comment


  • ….There's something wrong with the way your formula is typed or there's something wrong with the cells you are referencing.


  • the column width is not wide enough.



  • is adjusted to fit the longest entry.

     Column Width

  • - is a combination of a column letter and a row number that identifies a cell on a worksheet.

    Cell address

  • Column Letter is followed by the  Row Number


  • a group of cells collection. It can be referred to in a formula.  ex: (A1:C6)

    cell range

  • Microsoft Excel is a

    spreadsheet program

  • An Excel file is called a


  • Ribbon broken into Tabs

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