2020-07-18T17:09:04+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true advise, alternative, attainable , battery, blueprint, carbon (dioxide) , catalyst, circumstances, commitments , commute, conflict, consume, decade, decline, demand, destructive , drive, economic, ecosystem, efficiency , extract, generate, hypothesize, impact, Indigenous, industry, instability, integrate, manufacturing, mining, origin, pathways, policy, progress, prominent, resource , security, standards, storage, supply, toxic flashcards

ESLDO: Unit 4: Green Energy


  • advise
    VERB to offer suggestions or recommendations
  • alternative
    ADJECTIVE one or more different options NOUN one or more possibilities
  • attainable
    ADJECTIVE describes that is you are likely to get or succed at; achievable
  • battery
    NOUN a container used to keep or store electricity/energy
  • blueprint
    NOUN a plan or design
  • carbon (dioxide)
    NOUN a gas produced by burning fossil fuels
  • catalyst
    NOUN a person or thing that starts a big change/transformation
  • circumstances
    NOUN a fact/condition that is connected to other events/actions
  • commitments
    NOUN a promise or undertaking; being dedicated/responsible for something
  • commute
    VERB to travel between home and work NOUN the trip between home and work
  • conflict
    NOUN a serious disagreement or argument
  • consume
    VERB to eat; to use up a resource
  • decade
  • decline
    VERB to go decrease or get smaller NOUN a gradual loss of value or amount
  • demand
    NOUN a powerful request; the desire of people to buy something VERB to ask in a strong way; to insist on something
  • destructive
    ADJECTIVE describes causing great and serious harm or damage
  • drive
    VERB to move something forward; to push something forward
  • economic
    ADJECTIVE relating to economics or finances
  • ecosystem
    NOUN the environment of animals and plants living together
  • efficiency
    NOUN the state or quality of being productive or doing something well
  • extract
    VERB to take out or remove
  • generate
    VERB to produce something (especially energy); to create a situation
  • hypothesize
    VERB to put an idea as a guess or prediction
  • impact
    NOUN the effect or influence of one person, thing, action on another VERB to have a strong effect on someone or something
  • Indigenous
    ADJECTIVE describes a person or thing that was there first; native
  • industry
    NOUN economic activity around making large quantities of goods/products
  • instability
    NOUN a lack of certainty; no predictability
  • integrate
    VERB to combine one or more things with another; to add things together
  • manufacturing
    NOUN the making of articles on a large scale VERB make something on a large scale
  • mining
    NOUN the process of getting resources from the ground (diamonds, coal, oil, etc.)
  • origin
    NOUN the point or place where something begins or starts
  • pathways
    NOUN a way that helps you achieve a certain result or action
  • policy
    NOUN a course or rule adopted by a government, business, or person
  • progress
    NOUN forward movement; development towards a better, more modern condition VERB to move forward; to advance or develop towards a better conditon
  • prominent
    ADJECTIVE important, famous
  • resource
    NOUN a stock or supply of money/materials used by people to create or work
  • security
    NOUN the state of not being in danger
  • standards
    NOUN a level of quality or achievement
  • storage
    NOUN the action or method of storing something for future use
  • supply
    NOUN a stock of resource or object that people can use as needed VERB to make something that people need
  • toxic
    ADJECTIVE describes something that is poisonous or very bad