2024-02-13T17:35:56+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>what is the homeostasis?</p>, <p>what is the stimulus?</p><p>list 3 causes</p> flashcards


  • what is the homeostasis?

    what is the homeostasis?

    Normal blood oxygen levels

  • what is the stimulus?list 3 causes

    what is the stimulus?

    list 3 causes

    hypoxia from inadequate oxygen delivery

    decreased RBC count

    decreased amount of hemoglobin

    decreased availability of oxygen

  • kidney and to a smaller extent the liver releases erythropoietin

  • erythropoietin stimulates red bone marrow

  • enhanced erythropoiesis increases reticulocyte count

  • o2 carry ability of blood rises