2020-08-07T09:30:01+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueMuch of that confidence comes from having a good process to use when approaching a problem., There are four basic steps in solving a problem, Taking you through a series of steps to help you solve any life or business challenge you may face, Only in this way will you gain optimal value from this process, The purpose of this first step is to clearly define the problem that is confronting your reality, If you don’t have enough reasons why you are solving this problem, then it’s likely you won’t get very far along this journey, Becoming crystal clear about this purpose will allow you to work through this process far more effectively, The key to a good problem definition is ensuring that you deal with the real problemflashcards
Much of that confidence comes from having a good process to use when approaching a problem.
There are four basic steps in solving a problem
Taking you through a series of steps to help you solve any life or business challenge you may face
Only in this way will you gain optimal value from this process
The purpose of this first step is to clearly define the problem that is confronting your reality
If you don’t have enough reasons why you are solving this problem, then it’s likely you won’t get very far along this journey
Becoming crystal clear about this purpose will allow you to work through this process far more effectively
The key to a good problem definition is ensuring that you deal with the real problem
Studylib tips
Did you forget to review your flashcards?
Try the Chrome extension that turns your New Tab screen into a flashcards viewer!
The idea behind StudyLib Extension is that reviewing flashcards will be easier if we distribute all flashcards reviewing into smaller sessions throughout the working day.