2024-02-04T14:37:13+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Farmer's Bride</p>, <p>WHY farmer bride and porphyria lover? 1</p>, <p>WHY farmer bride and porphyria lover? 2</p>, <p>WHY farmer bride and porphyria lover? 3</p>, <p>Walking Away</p>, <p>WHY walking away and mother any distance? 1</p>, <p>WHY walking away and mother any distance? 2</p>, <p>WHY walking away and mother any distance? 3</p>, <p>Sonnet 29 (also can be compared to sing song)</p>, <p>WHY love philosophy and sonnet 29? 1</p>, <p>WHY love philosophy and sonnet 29? 2</p>, <p>WHY love philosophy and sonnet 29? 3</p>, <p>Edens Rock</p>, <p>WHY eden rock and bywm? 1</p>, <p>WHY eden rock and bywm? 2</p>, <p>WHY eden rock and bywm? 3</p>, <p>Follower</p>, <p>WHY follower and climbing my grandfather? 1</p>, <p>WHY follower and climbing my grandfather? 2</p>, <p>WHY follower and climbing my grandfather? 3</p>, <p>When We Two Parted</p>, <p>WHY WWTP AND WS? 1</p>, <p>WHY WWTP AND WS? 2</p>, <p>WHY WWTP AND WS? 3</p>, <p>Neutral tones </p>, <p>Letters from Yorkshire</p>, <p>WHY nt and WWTP?</p>, <p>WHY LFY and S29?</p> flashcards

English Literature Paper 2 - Anthology Comparisons


  • Farmer's Bride

    Porphyria Lover

  • WHY farmer bride and porphyria lover? 1

    Both obsessive male "No paint felt she" and " She was mine, mine"

  • WHY farmer bride and porphyria lover? 2

    Both love is destructive "Her head which droops" (physical) "She sleeps up in the attic there. Alone, poor maid."

  • WHY farmer bride and porphyria lover? 3

    Farmer bride aware of suffering, porphyria lover isn't. "too young maybe" "One wish would" (triadic structure in the "W" sounds to emphasise idea that porphyria wanted it)

  • Walking Away

    Mother Any Distance

  • WHY walking away and mother any distance? 1

    Direct address to show the intimacy "You come to help me measure windows" "I watched you play"

  • WHY walking away and mother any distance? 2

    Both end the poem with a hopeful optimistic tone. "Endless sky" "selfhood begins with a walking away, And love is proved in the letting go."

  • WHY walking away and mother any distance? 3

    Walking away has a consistent rhyme scheme while Mother any distance is more erratic and irregular and also has a 15th line

  • Sonnet 29 (also can be compared to sing song)

    Love philosophy

  • WHY love philosophy and sonnet 29? 1

    Both use natural imagery as a metaphor for romantic love. "The fountains mingle with the river"

  • WHY love philosophy and sonnet 29? 2

    Both are short and concise with highly intense and quite sexual emotions. Semantic field of embrace "mingle" "mix" "clasp" "kiss". VS "Set thy trunk all bare"

  • WHY love philosophy and sonnet 29? 3

    Sonnet 29 ends in a feeling of resolution "I think of thee" in the first line to "I do not think of thee". love philosophy ends with the same yearning tone from beginning "why not I with thine" to "if thou not kiss me" same lust

  • Edens Rock

    Before you were mine

  • WHY eden rock and bywm? 1

    Fond memory of parent "my father, twenty five" described in youth showing the idolisation of their prime. "sparkle and waltz and laugh" jovial language

  • WHY eden rock and bywm? 2

    Connote to after life "ghost" symbolise lost glamour "drifted dream" River Styx

  • WHY eden rock and bywm? 3

    ER present tense "They beckon to me" BWYM different times "cha cha cha" "your polka dot blows round your dress. Marilyn."

  • Follower

    Climbing My grandfather

  • WHY follower and climbing my grandfather? 1

    Share a theme of idolising a family member. "An expert." vs extended metaphor of climbing "without a rope or net"

  • WHY follower and climbing my grandfather? 2

    Use extreme sports to show admiration - climbing "climbing my grandfather" VS "shoulders globed like a full sail strung" sailing

  • WHY follower and climbing my grandfather? 3

    Different structures - CMG has a loose structure in one stanza mimicking the imposing mountain VS FOLLOWER has a constant ABAB rhyme and a strict quatrains format

  • When We Two Parted

    Winter Swans


    both explore difficulties in relationships "Waterlogged earth" "two days of rain"


    Both attribute difficulties in communications "silent and apart" vs "in silence and tears"


    WWTP do not reunite "knell in my ear" "pale grew thy cheek" death, knell somberly announce relationship dead VS WS "pair of wings settling after flight" - stability

  • Neutral tones


  • Letters from Yorkshire

    Sonnet 29

  • WHY nt and WWTP?

    ADD UP

  • WHY LFY and S29?