2024-02-29T21:11:30+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>"O, she doth....."</p>, <p>"O, she doth" quote analysis</p>, <p>"Thy beauty....."</p>, <p>"Thy beauty....." quote analysis</p>, <p>"Good father....."</p>, <p>"Good father....." quote analysis</p>, <p>"that one word....."</p>, <p>"O calm...."</p>, <p>"O calm....." quote analysis</p>, <p>"These violent....."</p>, <p>"These violent....." quote analysis</p>, <p>"Turn thee....." </p>, <p>"Turn thee....." quote analysis </p>, <p>"he that can...."</p>, <p>"he that can...." quote analysis</p>, <p>"Thus then...." </p>, <p>"Thus then...." quote analysis</p>, <p>"We talk here ....."</p>, <p>"We talk here....." quote analysis</p>, <p>"O happy...."</p>, <p>"O happy....." quote analysis</p>, <p>“shake the…”</p>, <p>“Shake the..” quote analysis</p>, <p>(Holy Palmer sonnet) Semantic field of religion</p>, <p>(Holy Palmer sonnet) semantic field of body</p>, <p>Semantic field of religion and body analysis</p>, <p>Key words</p>, <p>prologue 3 quotes</p>, <p>Tybalt name</p>, <p>"King of ??"</p><p>1) what is ??</p><p>2) who says it</p><p>3) who's it about</p>, <p>true false there was a plague in Elizabeth era</p> flashcards

English Literature Paper 1 - R + J


  • "O, she doth....."

    "O, she doth teaches the torches to burn bright!"

  • "O, she doth" quote analysis

    Her beauty makes torches burn brighter as she is bright

    However could be that torches burn too brightly and die

  • "Thy beauty....."

    "Thy beauty have made me effeminate"

  • "Thy beauty....." quote analysis

    Blaming Juliet for mercutio death

  • "Good father....."

    "Good father, I beseech you on my knees"

  • "Good father....." quote analysis

    Patriarchal society, Juliet feels powerless calling her 'good' and on her knees. Capulet treating her as property the way he gives her off. She begs on her knees as if capulet is god so shows men is like god to women.

  • "that one word....."

    "that one word "banished" hath slain ten thousand tybalts"

  • "O calm...."

    "O calm, dishonourable, vile submission!"

  • "O calm....." quote analysis

    'sumbission' and 'dishonourable' highlights the male dominated society and masculine code of honour.

  • "These violent....."

    "These violent delights have violent ends"

  • "These violent....." quote analysis

    Friar views the lovers as misguided teenagers overwhelmed by emotions. But this is dramatic irony as the audience know from the prologue that these words hint to the lovers death.

  • "Turn thee....."

    "Turn thee Benvolio, look upon thy death"

  • "Turn thee....." quote analysis

    Tybalt describing himself as 'death' in a metaphor as all powerful, desperate to prove his male status as duelling was the ultimate expression of male status

  • "he that can...."

    "he that can lay hold of her, shall have all the chinks"

  • "he that can...." quote analysis

    Tells us nurse has a patriarchal way of thinking, viewing Juliet as a commodity. "hold" a metaphor making us think of possession

  • "Thus then...."

    "Thus then in brief"

  • "Thus then...." quote analysis

    THE BRIEF shows us what a rush she is in to get Juliet to marry Paris, showing how highly she values status. It also has a cold tone, implying that its Juliet duty to marry Paris and get pregnant.

  • "We talk here ....."

    "We talk here in the public haunt of men"

  • "We talk here....." quote analysis

    "talk" shows benvolio trying to subtly deescalate the situation by trying to calm things down with his language choice. "haunt" has connotations of death, further highlighting what could happen

  • "O happy...."

    "O happy dagger, this is thy sheath"

  • "O happy....." quote analysis

    oxymoron shows her happiness

    O overwhelm

    they sheath shows connection to Romeo in afterlife

  • “shake the…”

    “Shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world wearied flesh”

  • “Shake the..” quote analysis

    “Inauspicious” means unofrtuante - he’s ballin fate. Romeo is trying to defy the domination of the unfavorable stars but dramatic irony as audience know by killing himsekf he’s fufilling fate

  • (Holy Palmer sonnet) Semantic field of religion

    “Pilgrim” “saint” “holy Palmer”

  • (Holy Palmer sonnet) semantic field of body

    “Hands” “lips” “kiss”

  • Semantic field of religion and body analysis

    The contrast between these two semantic fields suggests their love is both physical and spiritual. The religious langauge also highlights their dedication for eacother which is ironic as they r sinning by worshiping eacother not god. They speak equally mirrioring that their love is equal

  • Key words

    Veronese society


    Allegorical tragedy - hidden meaning

  • prologue 3 quotes

    civil blood make civil hand unclean

    death mark'd love

    star crossed lovers

  • Tybalt name

    allusion to cats - anamalistic violent

  • "King of ??"

    1) what is ??

    2) who says it

    3) who's it about




  • true false there was a plague in Elizabeth era
