2023-10-10T16:43:06+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true to compete, competing product, What similar or rival products are on the market?, competing firms, competitor, to drive a competitor out of business, to undercut a competitor, in order to harm competitors, competition, fierce competition, main competitors, Who do you see as the main competition?, free competition, domestic competition, key player, track record, competitive, Howe's prices are extremely competitive., to eliminate a competitor, Our main competitor offers a 5% discount on first-time orders., concurrent, to test several projects concurrently, concurrent courses, competitive market, competitive edge, to maintain a competitive edge, to forge ahead, to jump the gun, to go with the flow, to fall behind, to be left behind, price cuts, take €10 off the price, Price-cutting would pay off, it would certainly kill off competition., strategic weapon, to appear on the market, New models are sure to appear on the market every year., comparison, by way of comparison, to compare with, comparable, Lawson sells toys comparable with ours., to revise a catalogue, Harveys revise their catalogues every few months., to offer a discount, Regal Furnishing offers a 5% discount on first-time orders., to look at what somebody is doing, Look at what Greene & May are doing - they have ten agents around the country. flashcards


  • to compete
  • competing product
    concurrerend product
  • What similar or rival products are on the market?
    Welke vergelijkbare of concurrerende producten zijn er op de markt?
  • competing firms
    concurrerende bedrijven
  • competitor
  • to drive a competitor out of business
    een concurrent van de markt verdringen
  • to undercut a competitor
    met de prijzen onder die van de concurrent blijven
  • in order to harm competitors
    om concurrenten te benadelen
  • competition
  • fierce competition
    sterke concurrentie
  • main competitors
    de belangrijkste concurrenten
  • Who do you see as the main competition?
    Wie is volgens u de belangrijkste concurrent?
  • free competition
    vrije concurrentie
  • domestic competition
    binnenlandse concurrentie
  • key player
    belangrijke speler
  • track record
    lijst met prestaties
  • competitive
  • Howe's prices are extremely competitive.
    Howes prijzen zijn uitermate competitief.
  • to eliminate a competitor
    een concurrent uitschakelen
  • Our main competitor offers a 5% discount on first-time orders.
    Onze hoofdconcurrent geeft 5% korting op alle eerste bestellingen.
  • concurrent
  • to test several projects concurrently
    meerdere projecten tegelijk toetsen
  • concurrent courses
    parallelle cursussen
  • competitive market
    markt met concurrentie
  • competitive edge
  • to maintain a competitive edge
    het concurrentievoordeel behouden
  • to forge ahead
  • to jump the gun
    op de zaak vooruit lopen
  • to go with the flow
    met de stroom meegaan
  • to fall behind
    achterop raken
  • to be left behind
    achtergelaten worden
  • price cuts
  • take €10 off the price
    de prijs met tien euro verlagen
  • Price-cutting would pay off, it would certainly kill off competition.
    Prijsverlaging zou de moeite waard kunnen zijn en in ieder geval de concurrentie uitschakelen.
  • strategic weapon
    strategisch wapen
  • to appear on the market
    op de markt verschijnen
  • New models are sure to appear on the market every year.
    Met zekerheid komen er elk jaar nieuwe modellen op de markt.
  • comparison
  • by way of comparison
  • to compare with
    vergelijken met
  • comparable
  • Lawson sells toys comparable with ours.
    Lawson verkoopt speelgoed dat vergelijkbaar is met dat van ons.
  • to revise a catalogue
    een catalogus herzien
  • Harveys revise their catalogues every few months.
    Harveys herziet zijn catalogussen om de zoveel maanden.
  • to offer a discount
    korting geven
  • Regal Furnishing offers a 5% discount on first-time orders.
    Regal Furnishing geeft 5% korting op alle eerste bestellingen.
  • to look at what somebody is doing
    observeren wat iemand doet
  • Look at what Greene & May are doing - they have ten agents around the country.
    Kijk goed wat Greene & May aan het doen zijn. Zij hebben nu tien vertegenwoordigers verdeeld over het land.