2023-05-24T10:02:21+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>______transforms the egg from a metabolically depressed state to one of extreme vigor, characterized by a sharp increase in respiratory and synthetic activity.</p>, <p>During _______ waves of cell division follow one another almost without pause, subdividing the unmanageably large zygote into progressively smaller cellular units</p>, <p>the stage of development during which the dividing cell mass doubles with each cycle and resembles a mulberry</p>, <p>In time the cleaving embryo develops a central cavity or _____ and enters the blastula stage.</p>, <p>In many species the _______ of the egg is not homogeneous</p>, <p>In the normal embryo a cleavage division consists of _______ followed by _________</p>, <p>_______ occurs after karyokinesis</p>, <p>The ________ forms first in the region of the cortex nearest to the mitotic spindle and then moves around the cell</p>, <p>the position of the cleavage furrow is established by the time of ______</p>, <p>These are composed of microtubules, are the structures that interact with the cell cortex to stimulate the formation of the cleavage furrow</p>, <p>The cells that arise from cleavage are known as</p>, <p>The type of cleavage characterized by the complete division of cells, is called </p>, <p>eggs with small amount of yolk; evenly distributed; vertebrates</p>, <p>eggs with moderate amounts of yolk; tend to be concentrated toward the vegetal pole, thereby displacing the nucleus toward the animal pole; vertebrates</p>, <p>eggs with large amount of yolk; commonly displaces the embryo-forming cytoplasm into a small disk on one edge of the ovum; vertebrates</p>, <p>Relatively small animals that need to produce immense numbers of eggs to ensure propagation of the species (e.g., the sea urchin)</p>, <p>The first cleavage division cuts the egg in half from the ___________ to the _________ in the plane of the metaphase plate of the dividing nucleus.</p>, <p>eggs that are on the center of oocyte; in aquatic and terrestrial arthropods</p>, <p>the eggs of sea urchins are _____</p>, <p>The first two divisions of sea urchin eggs are meridional (from animal pole to vegetal pole), and the third is equatorial, producing an eight-cell embryo with blastomeres of almost equal size.</p>, <p>The fourth cleavage of sea urchin eggs, results in the __________</p>, <p>a blastomere of medium size</p>, <p>a blastomere of large size; occur in the hemisphere of telolecithal egg containing the vegetal pole </p>, <p>any of the small cells formed by unequal cleavage of a fertilized ovum</p>, <p>Formation of _________ is dependent on the presence of cytoplasm located at the vegetal pole; without vegetal pole, micromeres do not form</p>, <p>Five territories of sea urchin embryo</p>, <p>During the entire period of _______, the embryo is enclosed in the fertilization membrane</p>, <p>As the embryo goes into the seventh and eighth cleavage cycles, the central cavity (blastocoel) becomes well established and the embryo has entered the _____ phase.</p>, <p>By about the tenth cleavage cycle, the blastomeres form ________which penetrate the hyaline layer and extend into the perivitelline space.</p>, <p>The next morphological change after the cells of blastula secrete into the perivitelline space is the formation of a tuft of long, nonmotile cilia at the animal pole of the blastula</p><p></p><p></p><p>At about the same time, the region around the vegetal pole flattens to form the micromere-containing vegetal plate</p>, <p>The final major event during the blastula phase presages the sweeping changes that will occur at ________</p>, <p>The former micromeres will make their way into the blastocoel and will form the __________</p>, <p>The first cleavage division in __________ begins at the animal pole and bisects the gray crescent</p>, <p>The __________ begins at the animal pole, with its plane perpendicular to that of the first cleavage plane</p>, <p>The third cleavage plane in division in AMPHIBIANS is horizontal and passes nearer to the animal pole, dividing the embryo into _________________.</p>, <p>In amphibians, an embryo between the 16- and 64-cell stages is commonly called a _____</p>, <p>After the morula stage in AMPHIBIANS, a _____________appears in the animal hemisphere above the mass of yolk</p>, <p>The amphibian blastula can be conveniently subdivided into three main regions:</p>, <p>the period in amphibian embryo where the main activity is the increase in the number of cells </p>, <p>__________ in the amphibian blastula forms in an equatorial ring between the prospective ectoderm and endoderm</p>, <p>(Amphibians) Cells of the animal hemisphere above the blastocoel normally form ________</p>, <p>Cleavage in _____ eggs occurs as the egg is passing down the oviduct</p>, <p>In _______, by the time the egg is laid, early gastrulation has already begun</p>, <p>The first cleavage furrow in birds begins to appear near the center of the blastodisk during __________.</p>, <p>The sequence of ______- cleavage is not always regular, and after about the third cleavage division it is not synchronous.</p>, <p>outer layer of cells that forms the wall of blastula</p>, <p>the embryo-forming portion of an egg with discodial cleavage usually appearing on the upper surface of the yolk mass</p>, <p>In birds, when the embryo contains about 100 cells, the blastoderm is underlain by a _______</p>, <p>The central portion of the blastoderm, thinned out by the shedding of cells and underlain by the subgerminal cavity</p>, <p>it surrounds are pellucida; the region where the cells of the blastoderm still abut directly onto the yolk</p>, <p>At about the time the egg is laid (in birds), individual cells or aggregates of cells shed from the lower surface of the blastoderm by a process of polyingression coalesce to form a thin disklike layer called the ______</p>, <p>outer layer of the blastoderm </p>, <p>The __________, which ultimately forms extraembryonic endoderm, possesses an inherent polarity which it confers on the embryo proper, which is represented at this stage by the early epiblast.</p>, <p>The _________ is considered the equivalent of the animal hemisphere, and the primary hypoblast shares many common properties with the vegetal hemisphere of the amphibian embryo</p>, <p>Mammals produce extremely small eggs with _________</p>, <p>In __________, early cleavage divisions are practically unmodified mitoses, or in more technical terms, equal holoblastic cleavage of an isolecithal egg</p>, <p>Cleavage in mammals is much slower than it is in most other vertebrates</p>, <p>A critical stage that takes place at the eight-cell stage in the mouse.</p><p></p><p>During this, the blastomeres flatten and become tightly joined so that they cannot become distinguished from one another with the light microscope</p>, <p>_________ prevent the free exchange of fluid between the inside and the outside of the embryo, allowing the accumulation of fluid inside the embryo</p>, <p>_________couple all the blastomeres of the compacted embryo and permit the exchange of ions and small molecules from one cell to the next.</p>, <p>In mammals, by the 16-cell stage the embryo, still enclosed in the zona pellucida, is said to be in the ______ stage</p>, <p>(Mammals) In the morula the internal secretion of fluid by the blastomeres leads to the formation of a well-defined central cavity called the ______</p>, <p>The first is a rapid enlargement of the blastocyst cavity; the second is the emergence of distinctly different types of cells within the embryo.</p>, <p>The early mammalian blastocyst remains enclosed within the _________, but the overall size of the embryo increases to some extent because of the accumulation of fluid.</p>, <p>outer wall of the blastocyst </p>, <p>A is</p>, <p>B is</p>, <p>In both _________ initial control of polarity appears to reside in the vegetative regions of the embryos</p>, <p>In birds, early control of polarity resides in the primary hypoblast.</p>, <p>the _______________ shows few signs of polarity until well into the stage of the blastocyst</p>, <p>egg fragments</p>, <p>As early as the third or fourth cleavage division, the ______________ begins.</p><p></p><p>New rRNA and tRNA appear around the time of the blastula. Overall, there is a steady increase in embryonic RNA synthesis until the blastula stage, at which point it begins to level off</p>, <p>the synthesis of __________ is prominent during cleavage</p>, <p>the increase in cell number is the dominant manifestation of _____a simple phase of development during which the embryo is simply increasing its number of cells</p>, <p>As the blastula becomes more mature, its activities are increasingly directed toward making preparations for gastrulation.</p> flashcards
EMBRYOL Chapter 5 - Cleavage and Formation of the Blastula

EMBRYOL Chapter 5 - Cleavage and Formation of the Blastula

  • ______transforms the egg from a metabolically depressed state to one of extreme vigor, characterized by a sharp increase in respiratory and synthetic activity.


  • During _______ waves of cell division follow one another almost without pause, subdividing the unmanageably large zygote into progressively smaller cellular units


  • the stage of development during which the dividing cell mass doubles with each cycle and resembles a mulberry


  • In time the cleaving embryo develops a central cavity or _____ and enters the blastula stage.


  • In many species the _______ of the egg is not homogeneous


  • In the normal embryo a cleavage division consists of _______ followed by _________

    nuclear division (karyokinesis); cell division (cytokinesis)

  • _______ occurs after karyokinesis


  • The ________ forms first in the region of the cortex nearest to the mitotic spindle and then moves around the cell

    cleavage furrow

  • the position of the cleavage furrow is established by the time of ______


  • These are composed of microtubules, are the structures that interact with the cell cortex to stimulate the formation of the cleavage furrow


  • The cells that arise from cleavage are known as


  • The type of cleavage characterized by the complete division of cells, is called

    holoblastic cleavage

  • eggs with small amount of yolk; evenly distributed; vertebrates

    oligolecithal eggs

  • eggs with moderate amounts of yolk; tend to be concentrated toward the vegetal pole, thereby displacing the nucleus toward the animal pole; vertebrates

    mesolecithal eggs

  • eggs with large amount of yolk; commonly displaces the embryo-forming cytoplasm into a small disk on one edge of the ovum; vertebrates

    telolecithal eggs

  • Relatively small animals that need to produce immense numbers of eggs to ensure propagation of the species (e.g., the sea urchin)


  • The first cleavage division cuts the egg in half from the ___________ to the _________ in the plane of the metaphase plate of the dividing nucleus.

    animal pole; vegetal pole

  • eggs that are on the center of oocyte; in aquatic and terrestrial arthropods


  • Cleavage in Amphioxus

  • the eggs of sea urchins are _____


  • The first two divisions of sea urchin eggs are meridional (from animal pole to vegetal pole), and the third is equatorial, producing an eight-cell embryo with blastomeres of almost equal size.


  • The fourth cleavage of sea urchin eggs, results in the __________

    production of three distinct types of blastomeres

  • a blastomere of medium size


  • a blastomere of large size; occur in the hemisphere of telolecithal egg containing the vegetal pole


  • any of the small cells formed by unequal cleavage of a fertilized ovum


  • Formation of _________ is dependent on the presence of cytoplasm located at the vegetal pole; without vegetal pole, micromeres do not form


  • Five territories of sea urchin embryo

    1. prospective ectoderm

    2. prospective aboral ectoderm

    3. prospective skeletogenic mesoderm

    4. vegetal plate

    5. small micromeres

  • During the entire period of _______, the embryo is enclosed in the fertilization membrane


  • As the embryo goes into the seventh and eighth cleavage cycles, the central cavity (blastocoel) becomes well established and the embryo has entered the _____ phase.


  • By about the tenth cleavage cycle, the blastomeres form ________which penetrate the hyaline layer and extend into the perivitelline space.

    motile cilia

  • The next morphological change after the cells of blastula secrete into the perivitelline space is the formation of a tuft of long, nonmotile cilia at the animal pole of the blastula

    At about the same time, the region around the vegetal pole flattens to form the micromere-containing vegetal plate


  • The final major event during the blastula phase presages the sweeping changes that will occur at ________


  • The former micromeres will make their way into the blastocoel and will form the __________

    primary mesenchyme

  • The first cleavage division in __________ begins at the animal pole and bisects the gray crescent


  • The __________ begins at the animal pole, with its plane perpendicular to that of the first cleavage plane

    second division in amphibians

  • The third cleavage plane in division in AMPHIBIANS is horizontal and passes nearer to the animal pole, dividing the embryo into _________________.

    four smaller blastomeres at the animal hemisphere and four larger blastomeres at the vegetal pole

  • In amphibians, an embryo between the 16- and 64-cell stages is commonly called a _____


  • After the morula stage in AMPHIBIANS, a _____________appears in the animal hemisphere above the mass of yolk

    prominent cavity (blastocoel)

  • The amphibian blastula can be conveniently subdivided into three main regions:

    1. A region around the animal pole, roughly including the cells forming the roof of the blastocoel. These cells correspond roughly to the future ectodermal germ layer.

    2. A region around the vegetal pole, including the large cells in the interior which constitute the yolk mass. These are the future endodermal cells.

    3. A marginal ring of cells in the subequatorial region of the embryo, including the region of the gray crescent. Cells of this zone normally form the embryonic mesoderm.

  • the period in amphibian embryo where the main activity is the increase in the number of cells


  • __________ in the amphibian blastula forms in an equatorial ring between the prospective ectoderm and endoderm


  • (Amphibians) Cells of the animal hemisphere above the blastocoel normally form ________


  • Cleavage in _____ eggs occurs as the egg is passing down the oviduct

    bird/avian eggs

  • In _______, by the time the egg is laid, early gastrulation has already begun


  • The first cleavage furrow in birds begins to appear near the center of the blastodisk during __________.

    late anaphase of the first mitotic division after fertilization

  • The sequence of ______- cleavage is not always regular, and after about the third cleavage division it is not synchronous.


  • outer layer of cells that forms the wall of blastula


  • the embryo-forming portion of an egg with discodial cleavage usually appearing on the upper surface of the yolk mass


  • In birds, when the embryo contains about 100 cells, the blastoderm is underlain by a _______

    subgerminal cavity

  • The central portion of the blastoderm, thinned out by the shedding of cells and underlain by the subgerminal cavity

    area pellucida

  • it surrounds are pellucida; the region where the cells of the blastoderm still abut directly onto the yolk

    area opaca

  • At about the time the egg is laid (in birds), individual cells or aggregates of cells shed from the lower surface of the blastoderm by a process of polyingression coalesce to form a thin disklike layer called the ______

    primary hypoblast

  • outer layer of the blastoderm


  • The __________, which ultimately forms extraembryonic endoderm, possesses an inherent polarity which it confers on the embryo proper, which is represented at this stage by the early epiblast.

    primary hypoblast

  • The _________ is considered the equivalent of the animal hemisphere, and the primary hypoblast shares many common properties with the vegetal hemisphere of the amphibian embryo


  • Mammals produce extremely small eggs with _________

    almost no yolk

  • In __________, early cleavage divisions are practically unmodified mitoses, or in more technical terms, equal holoblastic cleavage of an isolecithal egg


  • Cleavage stages in the pig embryo

  • Cleavage in mammals is much slower than it is in most other vertebrates


  • A critical stage that takes place at the eight-cell stage in the mouse.

    During this, the blastomeres flatten and become tightly joined so that they cannot become distinguished from one another with the light microscope


  • _________ prevent the free exchange of fluid between the inside and the outside of the embryo, allowing the accumulation of fluid inside the embryo

    Tight Junctions

  • _________couple all the blastomeres of the compacted embryo and permit the exchange of ions and small molecules from one cell to the next.

    Gap junctions

  • In mammals, by the 16-cell stage the embryo, still enclosed in the zona pellucida, is said to be in the ______ stage


  • (Mammals) In the morula the internal secretion of fluid by the blastomeres leads to the formation of a well-defined central cavity called the ______

    blastocoel or blastocyst cavity

  • The first is a rapid enlargement of the blastocyst cavity; the second is the emergence of distinctly different types of cells within the embryo.

    Two stages that mark the transition from morula to blastocyst

  • The early mammalian blastocyst remains enclosed within the _________, but the overall size of the embryo increases to some extent because of the accumulation of fluid.

    zona pellucida

  • outer wall of the blastocyst


  • A is

    A is

    Morula stage

  • B is

    B is

    Blastocyst stage

  • In both _________ initial control of polarity appears to reside in the vegetative regions of the embryos

    amphibians and birds

  • In birds, early control of polarity resides in the primary hypoblast.


  • the _______________ shows few signs of polarity until well into the stage of the blastocyst

    mammalian inner cell mass

  • egg fragments


  • As early as the third or fourth cleavage division, the ______________ begins.

    New rRNA and tRNA appear around the time of the blastula. Overall, there is a steady increase in embryonic RNA synthesis until the blastula stage, at which point it begins to level off

    synthesis of mRNA and heterogeneous nuclear RNA

  • the synthesis of __________ is prominent during cleavage


  • the increase in cell number is the dominant manifestation of _____a simple phase of development during which the embryo is simply increasing its number of cells

    Cleavage stage

  • As the blastula becomes more mature, its activities are increasingly directed toward making preparations for gastrulation.
