2023-05-23T06:34:54+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Fertilization </p>, <p>Internal Fertilization </p>, <p>Components of Fertilization</p>, <p>Polyspermy</p>, <p>Sea urchin eggs</p>, <p>Mammals (internal fertilization)</p>, <p>Fishes</p>, <p>Jelly coat (sea urchins)</p>, <p>Acrosome reaction </p>, <p>Speract</p>, <p>Consequence of the interaction of the sperm with speract</p>, <p>Acrosome reaction</p>, <p>Consequences of acrosome reaction</p>, <p>Bindin</p>, <p>Vitelline envelope</p>, <p>Lysins</p>, <p>Plasma membrane of egg</p>, <p>Intracellular and extracellular region</p>, <p>Extracellular region</p>, <p>Intracellular region</p>, <p>Membrane fusion</p>, <p>Fertilization cone</p>, <p>The fast block to polyspermy</p>, <p>Resting membrane potential </p>, <p>Cortical reaction</p>, <p>Fertilization membrane</p>, <p>Hyaline layer</p>, <p>Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)</p>, <p>Ovoperoxidase </p>, <p>Blocks to polyspermy</p>, <p>Urodele amphibians and birds</p>, <p>Sperm main function (early stages of fertilization)</p>, <p>Activation of the egg</p>, <p>Release of intracellular Ca2+</p>, <p>Enzyme NAD kinase</p>, <p>True</p>, <p>Male pronucleus</p>, <p>Sperm aster</p>, <p>Pronuclear fusion</p>, <p>Replicate their DNA</p>, <p>Natural acidity of the upper vagina</p>, <p>Natural acidity of the upper vagina</p>, <p>Seminal fluid</p>, <p>Rodents</p>, <p>The entrance into the uterine tubes</p>, <p>Uterotubal junction</p>, <p>Positive rheotactic response</p>, <p>Capacitation</p>, <p>True</p>, <p> immotile cilia syndrome</p>, <p>Corona radiata</p>, <p>Aging or Deterioration</p>, <p>True</p>, <p>Mammals</p>, <p>True</p>, <p>Hyaluronidase </p>, <p>Sperm receptors</p>, <p>Acrosome reaction</p>, <p>lytic enzymes</p>, <p>First step in acrosome reaction</p>, <p> Zona pellucida</p>, <p>Acrosin</p>, <p>Fluid-filled perivitelline space</p>, <p>Acrosome reaction</p>, <p>Microvilli</p>, <p>True</p>, <p>True</p>, <p>True</p>, <p>Protamines</p>, <p>Decondensation</p>, <p>Parthenogenesis</p>, <p>False</p>, <p>True</p>, <p>Birds</p>, <p>Sexual differentiation</p>, <p>Sex chromatin or Barr body</p>, <p>Sex chromatin</p>, <p>True</p>, <p>True</p><p></p><p>(both X chromosomes are actively functioning during early cleavage, but as the trophectoderm and later the primitive endoderm form during the early blastocyst stage)</p>, <p>True</p>, <p>True</p>, <p>craniocaudal (anteroposterior) axis</p><p>dorsoventral axis</p><p>mediolateral axis</p>, <p>Animal pole</p>, <p>Vegetal pole</p>, <p>Amphibians</p>, <p>Keys to fixation of the dorsoventral axis </p>, <p>dorsalizing blastomeres</p>, <p>dorsoventral </p>, <p>craniocaudal axis</p> flashcards

EMBRYOL Chapter 4 - Fertilization and Cleavage

page 159 sex determination continue

  • Fertilization

    a process not a single event; begins with sperm cell contact with egg, ends with the intermingling of maternal and paternal chromosomes at the metaphase plate prior to the first cleavage division

  • Internal Fertilization

    a more efficient mechanism of fertilization; characteristic of mammals

  • Components of Fertilization

    initial membrane contact between sperm and egg

    entry of sperm into the egg

    prevention of polyspermy

    metabolic activation of the egg

    completion of meiosis by the egg

    formation and fusion of male/female pronuclei -leading to the first cleavage division

  • Polyspermy

    entry of more than one sperm into the egg cell

  • Sea urchin eggs

    at cellular level, they are covered by a noncellular jelly coat, and the eggs complete their second meiotic division before the entry of spermatozoon

  • Mammals (internal fertilization)

    eggs are surrounded by a cellular layer (not a jelly coat) and must complete the second meiotic devisionjelly coat,

  • Fishes

    Female extrudes egg

    Male floods area with spermatozoa

  • Jelly coat (sea urchins)

    thick outer investment; is composed of a mixture of small peptides, glycoproteins, and a polysaccharide containing fucose sulfate units.

  • Acrosome reaction

    Direct contact with jelly coat increases motility and stimulates the ____

  • Speract

    a decapeptide (10 amino acids), in one species of sea urchin, that is responsible, at least in part, for the increased motility and activated respiration that occur when the sperm contacts jelly coat

  • Consequence of the interaction of the sperm with speract

    an increase in permeability of the plasma membrane of the sperm to Ca++ and an increased concentration of intracellular Ca++ and a subsequent exchange of inside the sperm head for extracellular Na+.

  • Acrosome reaction

    stimulated by an exchange of extracellular Ca++ with intracellular K+, and if the intracellular pH is higher than 7.2, it begins with a localized fusion of the outer acrosomal membrane with the plasma membrane and their ultimate breakdown

  • Consequences of acrosome reaction

    the release of the soluble enzymes located within the acrosomal vesicle.

    polymerization of g-actin (the globular form) within the subacrosomal region tof-actin (the filamentous form).

  • Bindin

    protein that mediates sperm binding to the surface of the egg

    tip of the acrosomal process is covered with this protein

  • Vitelline envelope

    a tough noncellular layer interposed between the jelly coat and the plasma membrane of the egg

    composed of glycoprotein and polysaccharide molecules

  • Lysins

    acrosomal enzymes with trypsinlike activity

  • Plasma membrane of egg

    After making its way through the vitelline coat, a sperm cell makes contact with the ______

  • Intracellular and extracellular region

    The sperm receptor molecule consists of an _____

  • Extracellular region

    This region differs from species to species and is responsible for ensuing that only sperm of the same species fertilizes the egg

  • Intracellular region

    This region remains constant among different species, and it may serve to stimulate a signal transduction event that initiates the profound changes that affect the egg immediately after sperm-egg membrane fusion

  • Membrane fusion

    a common feature of fertilization in all animals

    first reported by Colwin and Colwin (1963)

  • Fertilization cone

    Soon after sperm-egg fusion, a group of microvilli seem to engulf the head of the sperm, causing a bulge known as the ____

    Where the sperm has made contact with the egg, the cytoplasm of the egg in many species bulges out in an elevated process called the_______

  • The fast block to polyspermy

    a membrane event that is set in place within 2 to 3 seconds and lasts for about 60 seconds, by which time the permanent (slow) block to polyspermy is established

  • Resting membrane potential

    difference in electrical potential generated by the plasma membrane of the egg

  • Cortical reaction

    the rupture of cortical granules and the release of these contents into the space surrounding the egg (the perivitelline space)

  • Fertilization membrane

    new name given to the vitelline envelope after it has undergone the changes set in motion by the cortical reaction

  • Hyaline layer

    located between the plasma membrane and fertilization membrane

  • Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

    powerful oxidizing agent

    released by the egg at the time ofthe cortical reaction

  • Ovoperoxidase

    mediates the chemical breakdown of H2O2 at the fertilization membrane

  • Blocks to polyspermy

    an effective way of maintaining the genetic integrity of the fertilized egg

  • Urodele amphibians and birds

    In these species, polyspermy is normal and other means have been devised for inactivating and removing excess sperm from the fertilized egg

  • Sperm main function (early stages of fertilization)

    activate a program of events that is already patterned in the egg

  • Activation of the egg

    begins with the influx of Na+ associated with the membrane depolarization of the fast block to polyspermy.

  • Release of intracellular Ca2+

    appears to be the main stimulus for the next major series of events (in activation of egg).

  • Enzyme NAD kinase

    facilitate the biosynthesis of new membrane lipids

  • True

    As the sperm nucleus becomes incorporated into the fertilization cone of the egg, the nuclear membrane begins to disintegrate.

  • Male pronucleus

    As the phase of chromatin dispersion nears completion, a new membrane forms around what can now be properly called the ______

  • Sperm aster

    a radiating array of microtubules emanating from the original centrioles of the sperm

    important in getting the male and female pronuclei together

    plays a major role in guiding the migrations of the pronuclei

  • Pronuclear fusion

    As the two pronuclei (male/female) come into contact with each other, their membranes fuse, leading to both maternal and paternal chromosome being enclosed in a single membrane.

  • Replicate their DNA

    Shortly after pronuclear fusion, the chromosomes _______ in preparation for the first cleavage division.

  • Natural acidity of the upper vagina

    The first barrier the spermatozoa has the face

  • Natural acidity of the upper vagina

    The apparent function of this acidity is to act as a bacteriostatic medium.

  • Seminal fluid

    acts as an effective buffer against natural vaginal acidity

  • Rodents

    In ______, the semen coagulates shortly after insemination and forms a characteristic plug which prevents the backflow of spermatozoa

  • The entrance into the uterine tubes

    The next barrier in the path of the spermatozoa after the natural acidity of the upper vagina

  • Uterotubal junction

    may act as a valve which permits or prevents the passage of spermatozoa into the uterine tube

  • Positive rheotactic response

    The spermatozoan response in which they orient themselves so that they move against a gentle current

  • Capacitation

    As the spermatozoa are transported through the female reproductive tract, they are subjected to a poorly understood influence by the maternal tissues which enables them better to penetrate the membranes surrounding the egg. This phenomenon is called _______

  • True

    The spermatozoa that are not directly involved in fertilization are ultimately removed from the female reproductive tract. Those in the uterine cavity are eventually swept through the cervix and into the vagina; those in the uterine tubes are ingested by phagocytic cells.

  • immotile cilia syndrome

    women who have the ________ are typically fertile

  • Corona radiata

    ____(cells of the cumulus oophorus) surrounding the ovum is very important in egg transport

    without this layer, ovum makes little progress

  • Aging or Deterioration

    certain changes the ovum begins to undergo when liberated from the ovary

  • True

    Motility lasts much longer than the ability to fertilize

  • Mammals

    fertilization occurs in the upper part of the uterine tubes

  • True

    The spermatozoa must first penetrate the cells of the corona radiata and then the zona pellucida before they can make contact with the plasma membrane of the egg

  • Hyaluronidase

    a sperm-derived enzyme, that facilitates penetration through the corona radiata by dissolving extracellular matrix material around the cells.

  • Sperm receptors

    When the spermatozoa reach the zona pellucida, specific molecules on the head of the sperm bind to species-specific ______, which consist of exposed parts of the ZP-3 molecule.

  • Acrosome reaction

    Further contact with the sperm head and other core regions of the ZP-3 molecule induce the _________

    Capacitation is a prerequisite for this reaction

  • lytic enzymes

    enzymes that facilitate the passage of the sperm through the zona pellucida

  • First step in acrosome reaction

    The localized fusion of portions of the outer acrosomal membrane with the overlying plasma membrane of the spermatozoon.

  • Zona pellucida

    After the acrosome reaction, the spermatozoon digests a narrow pathway through the ______

  • Acrosin

    a trypsinlike proteinase responsible for the spermatozoon's digestion of a narrow pathway through the zona pellucida

    bound to the inner acrosomal membrane, which after the completion of the acrosome reaction is exposed to the surface of the head of the sperm

  • Fluid-filled perivitelline space

    Once through the zona pellucida, the spermatozoon enters the _____________ between the zona and the plasma membrane of the ovum.

  • Acrosome reaction

    This reaction appears to cause a change in the plasma membrane of the sperm that allows it to fuse with other cell membranes

  • Microvilli

    Contact is quickly established between the egg and sperm membranes and may be faciliated by the ______ projecting from the ovum.

  • True

    As in the sea urchin, it is important for the egg to prevent polyspermy once it has been penetrated by the first sperm cell. This is accomplished by means of blocks to polyspermy

  • True

    With sperm entry, the block to the second meiotic division of the egg is rapidly lifted and the second polar body is released, leaving a haploid female nucleus.

  • True

    after entry into the egg, the nuclear membrane of the sperm breaks down, allowing the interaction between the nuclear contents of the sperm and the cytoplasm of the egg.

  • Protamines

    facilitate the extremely dense condensation of the nuclear chromatin that is required for proper packing of the nucleus of the mature sperm cell.

  • Decondensation

    _______ ofthe sperm head is more complex than a mere exchange of protamines for histones

    In the early stages of ______, the enzymatic breakdown of numerous disulfide bonds that keep the sperm chromatin condensed also occurs.

  • Parthenogenesis

    unfertilized eggs may become activated and develop into viable individuals as part of the normal life cycle

    a reproductive strategy that involves development of a female gamete without fertilization

  • False

    The sex of most animals is not determined at the time of fertilization

  • True

    In mammals, the egg contributes an X chromosome to the process, whereas the sperm will contribute either an X or a Y chromosome, thus determining the sex of the zygote (XX for female and XY for male).

  • Birds

    In this group of vertebrate, the chromosomal pairs of the male are alike, and those of the female show sexual differences.

  • Sexual differentiation

    The union of gametes and the genetic determination of sex constitute just the beginning of a long process of ________

  • Sex chromatin or Barr body

    chromatin mass

  • Sex chromatin

    represents the morphological expression of a genetic control mechanism

  • True

    The activity of only one X chromosome is required or permissible for normal development in either males or females.

  • True

    (both X chromosomes are actively functioning during early cleavage, but as the trophectoderm and later the primitive endoderm form during the early blastocyst stage)

    Sex chromatin bodies are typically not seen during early embryonic cleavage

  • True

    the paternal X chromosome is selectively inactivated in each of these extraembryonic tissues

  • True

    The vertebrate body is bilaterally symmetrical

  • craniocaudal (anteroposterior) axis

    dorsoventral axis

    mediolateral axis

    Vertebrate body three polar axes

  • Animal pole

    The nucleus (germinal vesicle) is located near the ______

  • Vegetal pole

    Both the size and the concentration of yolk platelets increase markedly toward the ______

  • Amphibians

    In this group of vertebrate, the region of the animal pole will ultimately form the head and the vegetal pole will form the tail

  • Keys to fixation of the dorsoventral axis

    (1) the activation of a specific region of vegetal cytoplasm and its displacement toward the cortex of the vegetal pole

    (2) as cleavage occurs, the inclusion of the activated vegetal cytoplasm in cells (blastomeres) located near the gray crescent (future dorsal midline) area

    (3) an inductive action of these cells on the neighboring cells in the equatorial region (between the animal and vegetal hemispheres)

  • dorsalizing blastomeres

    sometimes called the dorsalizing center or Nieuwkoop center

  • dorsoventral

    the _________ axis can be predicted by the position of cells or cell layers relative to the yolk

  • craniocaudal axis

    ________ becomes fixed after the fertilized egg has been in the uterus from 14 to 16 hours.