2019-10-29T17:28:13+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Point of View, First Person, Protagonist, Characters, conflict, solution, resolution, Dynamic characters, static characters, Round, dialogue, Antagonist, setting, theme, plot, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, Foreshadowing, inference, Flat, Internal Conflict, External conflict, Third person limited, Thrid person omniscient, second person, Person vs. Person, Person vs. Society, Person vs. Nature, Person vs. Self flashcards
Elements of Fiction

Elements of Fiction

  • Point of View
    the narrators view of the events of a literary work
  • First Person
    the narrator is a character in the story,referred to as "I"
  • Protagonist
    who the story is mostly about, the main character experiences the problem
  • Characters
    the people (animals,things, etc...presented as people) appearing in a literary work
  • conflict
    The problem in the story.
  • solution
    How the problem is solved.
  • resolution
    The end of the story. The very last event that happens in the story.
  • Dynamic characters
    experience some changes in personality,atitude,etc... during the course of the story.
  • static characters
    remain the same from beginning to end
  • Round
    Characters are complex and have many sides.they often have unpredictable behavior because their personalities are fully devoloped.
  • dialogue
    uses quotation marks; it is when characters speak
  • Antagonist
    the character that opposes the main character. He/she are in conflict with the protagonist.
  • setting
    when and where the story takes place
  • theme
    the lesson or moral learned
  • plot
    the action and events in the story
  • exposition
    the beginning of the story where the characters and setting is introduced
  • rising action
    follows the exposition, this is where the conflict is introduced
  • climax
    the turning point in the story, where the character learns the lesson and has a change
  • falling action
    follows the climax, any events after the character changes
  • Foreshadowing
    words, phrases, or actions that hint something is going to happen without revealing the story or spoiling the suspense.
  • inference
    a guess made based on what the text says, and your background knowledge
  • Flat
    characters reveal only one personality trait. They are often stereotypes,and can be summed up in a few words(Ex. Bad/Good guy,lone ranger, etc...)
  • Internal Conflict
    conflict within a character
  • External conflict
    conflict between a character and an outside force
  • Third person limited
    the narrator reveals the thoughts,feelings, and observations of one character
  • Thrid person omniscient
    the narrator can describe the thoughts,feelings, and observations of any character, and can reveal information unknown to the characters
  • second person
    the narrator rarely used, the narrator will narrarate directly to the reader as if he/she were a character in the story
  • Person vs. Person
    The character struggles against the will or actions of another character or characters.
  • Person vs. Society
    A character has a problem with some element of society: the school, the law, the accepted way of doing things.
  • Person vs. Nature
    The central character struggles against animals, the elements, or other natural forces.
  • Person vs. Self
    the type of struggle in which an individual is in direct conflict with his own desires or beliefs