2019-10-29T16:20:43+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueParallel Circuit, Series Circuit, Electric Current, Closed Circuit, Open Circuit, Conductor, Insulator, Electric Circuit, Examples of insulators, Examples of conductors, Mechanical energy, Currentflashcards
A circuit that contains more than one path for current flow.
Series Circuit
An electric circuit with a single path
Electric Current
A continuous flow of electric charge
Closed Circuit
A pathway that allows an electric current to flow freely - light is on!
Open Circuit
A pathway that prevents electric current from flowing freely or stops the flow - light is off!
A material that allows heat and electricity to flow through it
A material that stops heat and electric current from flowing
Electric Circuit
The pathway through which electric current (electron) flows.
Examples of insulators
Rubber, styrofoam, cotton
Examples of conductors
Paperclip, penny, pencil lead
Mechanical energy
Kinetic and potential energy, the energy of moving things
The rate of electron flow in a circuit
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