what is the definition of eggs?
A specialized structure is necessary for the development of a fertilized egg into a chick.
What is biological value ?
the amount of protein (%) that is being absorbed by our body
what are the three main parts of egg?
shell, egg white/albumen, yolk
what is the function of shell?
a barrier for the egg from microorganism and the environment
what are the composition of the shell?
94% calcium carbonate
4% protein
1% magnesium carbonate
1% organic matter
what are two parts of shell membrane?
- inner membrane (stick to the albumen)
- outer membrane (stick to the shell)
why an air cell can be an indicator?
because it indicates :
- large air cell (not fresh)
- small air cell (still fresh)
how long does a hen produce an egg?
once for 2 weeks
what is the main function of albumen?
the main source of protein
state the structure of albumen and the function of each structure!
- chalazae ( to put the yolk at the center )
- Vitelline (to keep the egg white and the yolk separated)
what is the function of ovomucin?
- Provides viscosity and structure
- Barrier against microbial invasion
what is the function of ovomucoid?
- protease inhibitor, meaning it blocks enzymes (like trypsin) that digest proteins.
- protecting it from microbial attack by inhibiting enzymes used by bacteria to break down proteins.
which part of the egg is more allergenic?
why can albumen act as an indicator?
because by looking : - spread (not fresh)
- thick (still fresh)
what are the structures of yolk?
- germinal disk
- latebra
- concentric layers of light & dark
- vitelline membrane
33% of the liquid weight of the egg is ?
egg yolk
factors that affecting the egg quality?
- age of the egg
- storage atmosphere
- temp. storage
- relative humidity
- pre-treatments given
Testing that used to know the quality of egg?
1. water test
2. Sensory test
3. Candling test
what are the functional properties of egg?
- coagulation
- foaming
- emulsifying
- contributing nutrients
- additional color & flavor
how to store eggs ?
put in the a cool temperature (refrigerator)
why do we must put an egg in the refrigerator?
to prevent microorganism grow faster, inhibit most and gas exigation