2023-09-06T19:35:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p><strong>Microeconomics</strong></p>, <p><strong>Supply and Demand</strong></p>, <p><strong>Opportunity</strong> Cost</p>, <p><strong>Scarcity</strong></p>, <p><strong>Market</strong></p>, <p><strong>Factors of Production</strong></p>, <p><strong>Circular-Flow Diagram</strong></p>, <p><strong>Two Actors</strong></p>, <p><strong>Two Markets</strong></p>, <p><strong>Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF)</strong></p>, <p><strong>Possible and Efficient</strong></p>, <p><strong>Facing a trade-off</strong></p>, <p><strong>PPF and Economy Growth</strong></p>, <p><strong>If opportunity cost remains constant, what happens to the PPF shape/curve?</strong></p>, <p><strong>If opportunity cost rises, what happens to the PPF shape/curve?</strong></p>, <p><strong>What is a reason opportunity cost might rise?</strong></p>, <p><strong>Why might opportunity cost rise or fall?</strong></p>, <p><strong>Microeconomics</strong></p>, <p><strong>Positive Statements</strong></p>, <p><strong>Normative Statements</strong></p> flashcards

ECON 101 definitions Chapters 1-12 (Microeconomics)

Definitions for ECON 101

  • Microeconomics

    The study of peoples/firms decision making and also their decisions making about resources, production, and consumption

  • Supply and Demand

    How prices are set in economics and how they fluctuate/change - led by the people/consumers.

  • Opportunity Cost

    What you have to give up to buy what you want/the benefit of an alternative option

  • Scarcity

    The problem of unlimited human wants and needs in a world with limited resources

  • Market

    A group of buyers and sellers

  • Factors of Production

    Resources used to produce goods and services; for example

  • Circular-Flow Diagram

    a visual model of the economy, that shows how dollars flow through markets among households(us/buyers) and firms

  • Two Actors

    Households(us/buyers) and Firms(businesses)

  • Two Markets

    Markets for goods and services and the markets for factors of production

  • Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF)

    a graph that shows the combinations of two goods the economy can produce given its available resources and the available technology. ex; computers and wheat.

  • Possible and Efficient

    Has to be possible for society and all resources have to be fully utilized

  • Facing a trade-off

    Society has to pick what good they want more and which one they could do with less of

  • PPF and Economy Growth

    With additional resources and more advanced technology, the economy can produce more of their wants/needs (wheat and computers)

  • If opportunity cost remains constant, what happens to the PPF shape/curve?

    Line of PPF will remain straight

  • If opportunity cost rises, what happens to the PPF shape/curve?

    Will turn bow shaped

  • What is a reason opportunity cost might rise?

    Workers have a high set of skills in that area

  • Why might opportunity cost rise or fall?

    The land they are on might be suitable or unsuitable for production

  • Microeconomics

    examines how households and firms make choices and how they interact in markets

  • Positive Statements

    Attempt to describe the world as it is - can construct a test (not theoretical)

  • Normative Statements

    Cannot be put to a test (kind of like an opinion)