2023-12-20T06:25:43+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>What is a Firm</p>, <p>What is Production?</p>, <p>What is Profit?</p>, <p>What are Implicit Costs?</p>, <p>What are Explicit Costs?</p>, <p>What is Accounting Profit?</p>, <p>What is Economic Profit?</p>, <p>What’s the difference between FIXED inputs vs VARIABLE inputs?</p>, <p>What is the difference between&nbsp; SHORT run vs LONG run?</p>, <p>What is Marginal Product?</p>, <p>What is the Law of DIMINISHING&nbsp; Marginal Product?</p>, <p>What is Revenue?</p>, <p>What is&nbsp; <strong>Entrepreneurship</strong>?</p>, <p>What is the Production Function about?</p>, <p>What are Factor Payments?</p>, <p>What makes up TOTAL Costs and briefly explain each component?</p>, <p>What are <strong>AVERAGE </strong>Total Costs?</p>, <p>What are<strong> Average Variable Costs</strong></p>, <p>What are Marginal Costs?</p>, <p>What is Perfect Competition Market Structure and what are its&nbsp; Major Characteristics?</p>, <p>What does Market Structure mean and what are the types?</p>, <p>What does Price Taker refer to ?</p>, <p>What is marginal revenue?</p>, <p>In Perfect Competition Market Structure, why Is Price =Marginal Revenue?&nbsp;</p>, <p>What is Break-Even Point?</p>, <p>What is the Shut-Down Point or Exit point&nbsp; in the Perfect Competition market&nbsp; Structure ?</p>, <p>What are the two Goals of a Firm in a Perfect Competition Market.</p>, <p>What is basically the only decision that a firm in a Perfect Competition Market.has to make?</p>, <p>At what point does a firm in Perfect Competition&nbsp; MAXIMIZE profit.</p>, <p>What does Entry or Barriers to Entry mean?</p>, <p>Why might a firm stay in business in the Short Run if it is losing money?</p>, <p>How does a perfectly competitive firm decide what price to charge?</p>, <p>What is an Initial Public Offer (IPO) all about?</p>, <p>What is a BOND and what are the main characteristics of a bond?</p>, <p>What are Corporations?</p>, <p>What are Shareholders?</p>, <p>What are the two ways an investor can earn a Return on Investment (ROI) if they purchase some stock?</p>, <p>What is liquidity?</p>, <p>What is equity?</p>, <p>What is the Risk and Reward (Return) Concept all about.</p>, <p>What is diversification and why is it important?</p>, <p>What are Mutual funds</p> flashcards
ECO Final Exam

ECO Final Exam

  • What is a Firm

    is the producer or business.

  • What is Production?

    is transforming inputs.

  • What is Profit?

    is the total revenue minus total cost. 

  • What are Implicit Costs?

    are non-actual payments “silent costs” or “opportunity costs”

  • What are Explicit Costs?

    are actual payments that are out of pocket such as rent, labor, utilities

  • What is Accounting Profit?

    is the total revenue minus explicit costs. It is a cash concept.

  • What is Economic Profit?

    is the total revenue minus total cost, and it includes both implicit and explicit costs. 

  • What’s the difference between FIXED inputs vs VARIABLE inputs?

     Fixed inputs can’t decrease or increase fast or in a short period of time. Where variable inputs are able to increase or decrease in a short period of time. 

  • What is the difference between  SHORT run vs LONG run?

    The short run is where some factors of production are fixed and a long run is when all production factors are variables. 

  • What is Marginal Product?

    is the output of an additional worker. 

  • What is the Law of DIMINISHING  Marginal Product?

    according to the textbook “is a characteristic of a production in the short run”

  • What is Revenue?

    income from selling a firm’s product; defined as price times quantity sold

  • What is  Entrepreneurship?

    is when someone seeks to create a business or manage a company and they seek profit as one of their goals. They also produce inputs to provide outputs.

  • What is the Production Function about?

    is an equation that tells you how much output a firm can produce with the inputs that it’s given.

  • What are Factor Payments?

    are what a firm can pay for the factors of production.

  • What makes up TOTAL Costs and briefly explain each component?

    Total costs are the sum of fixed and variable costs of production according to the textbook. The different components in total costs are the inputs and outputs that the firm converts.

  • What are AVERAGE Total Costs?

    are the total costs divided by the quantity of the output.

  • What are Average Variable Costs

    are the variable costs divided by the quantity of the output.

  • What are Marginal Costs?

    are the additional cost of producing more than one unit.

  • What is Perfect Competition Market Structure and what are its  Major Characteristics?

    Perfect competition market structure is when there are many firms and each one represents different characteristics of the market. Some characteristics are many buyers and many sellers of a homogenous product. Consumers are able to decide the price and firms have to accept that price. Many sellers have low barriers to enter in or out.

  • What does Market Structure mean and what are the types?

    is how your industry is organized and set up. The different types of market structures are perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly.

  • What does Price Taker refer to ?

    refers to p.c. firms, you take what the market pays.

  • What is marginal revenue?

    is the revenue that is gained from selling another or one more unit.

  • In Perfect Competition Market Structure, why Is Price =Marginal Revenue? 

    This is because firms have to accept prices in the market-determined by market forces such as demand and supply under perfect competition.

  • What is Break-Even Point?

    is when there is no profit or loss, when the profit is zero, and when the revenue covers costs.

  • What is the Shut-Down Point or Exit point  in the Perfect Competition market  Structure ?

    is when a firm’s total cost goes over or exceeds the price of a product in the market. The selling price is equal to marginal revenue which is then equal to the average price. You then subtract variable costs which then gives you your contribution margin. You might be able to stay in business because the contribution margin contributes to covering fixed costs.

  • What are the two Goals of a Firm in a Perfect Competition Market.

    of a firms in a perfect competition market are to max profit (90%) and minimize loss (10%).

  • What is basically the only decision that a firm in a Perfect Competition Market.has to make?

    One decision that a firm in perfect competition has to make is how much output to produce. 

  • At what point does a firm in Perfect Competition  MAXIMIZE profit.

    This occurs when marginal revenue is equal to marginal costs. A PC firm will only have one choice or option to decide.

  • What does Entry or Barriers to Entry mean?

    means it’s different factors that end up preventing new forms or sellers into the market.

  • Why might a firm stay in business in the Short Run if it is losing money?

    because it will still help cover their variable costs.

  • How does a perfectly competitive firm decide what price to charge?

    Firms are not able to decide what prices they want to charge. They need to charge the price that is given to them by the market.

  • What is an Initial Public Offer (IPO) all about?

    the first initial shares of stock that a firm has to outside investors.

  • What is a BOND and what are the main characteristics of a bond?

    is a contract in which a borrower for example the federal government or state agrees to repay the amount of money that was borrowed as well as the rate of interest that is accumulated during that time.

  • What are Corporations?

    is a business that is owned by shareholders who have liability but the liability they have is limited. This is for the company’s debt yet they have a share of the company’s profits. A corporation can either be public or private.

  • What are Shareholders?

    are people who own a part of shares of stock in a firm.

  • What are the two ways an investor can earn a Return on Investment (ROI) if they purchase some stock?

    is by dividends paid by the firm and capital gain that is achieved by an investor selling stock for more than what they paid for. 

  • What is liquidity?

    refers to how easily one can exchange money or financial assets for a good or service

  • What is equity?

    is the monetary value a homeowner would have after selling a house but then still having to pay the loans that they received from the bank in order to purchase the house. 

  • What is the Risk and Reward (Return) Concept all about.

    is that investors take a risk when investing their money but the greater the risk is the more the reward or return should be. According to the textbook the risk and return concept complicates the different tasks of a financial investor.

  • What is diversification and why is it important?

    is when you invest in a wide range of different companies this is important because the use of diversification is in order to avoid or reduce the level of risks. 

  • What are Mutual funds

    Collection or Basket of Stocks from many different companies