The crust is a layer of rock that forms Earth's outer skin. On the crust you find rocks and mountains. But the crust also includes the soil and water that cover large parts of Earth's surface.
The mantle is made of hot, solid rock. Through the process of conduction, heat flows from warmer objects to cooler objects. The lower mantle is heated directly by conduction from the core.
Inner Core
The inner core is a dense ball of solid metal. In the inner core, extreme pressure squeezes the atoms of iron and nickel so much that they cannot spread out and become liquid.
Outer Core
The outer core is a layer of molten metal that surrounds the inner core. In spite of enormous pressure, the outer core behaves like a thick liquid.
The crust is a layer of rock that forms Earth's outer skin. On the crust you find rocks and mountains. But the crust also includes the soil and water that cover large parts of Earth's surface.
The mantle is made of hot, solid rock. Through the process of conduction, heat flows from warmer objects to cooler objects. The lower mantle is heated directly by conduction from the core.
Inner Core
The inner core is a dense ball of solid metal. In the inner core, extreme pressure squeezes the atoms of iron and nickel so much that they cannot spread out and become liquid.
Outer Core
The outer core is a layer of molten metal that surrounds the inner core. In spite of enormous pressure, the outer core behaves like a thick liquid.
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