Time complexity of quickSort
Worst case: n^2, best case: n log n
Time complexity of mergeSort
n log n, worst, average and best
What is the maximum height difference between branches in an AVL tree?
Operation for reading from a linked list
Arrays are fast for ______ but slow for _________, while linked lists are the opposite
access, addition/deletion
Dynamic arrays are called ________ in java
Bags (sets) notes
Operations for queues
enqueue(), dequeue(), isEmpty(), size()
Worst and best case space complexity for tries
worst: O(K x L), where K is the number of words or keys and L is the average length of each of them. best: O(K + L)
When discussing space complexity, we are mainly concerned with the additional space used by the algorithm beyond the space needed to store the input itself.
Knuth Morris search algorithm steps
Build failure function. (essentially P[j] is every node in the input string and f(j) is 0 or however many times the same value as occurred consecutively immediately before in the big string (so P[j-1] = P[j])). Then start comparing at the start of both strings. If a mismatch and no characters to the left in the input string, shift one space to the right. If a mismatch and there is characters to the left, consult the failure function corresponding to the value immediately on the left and move the string n-f spaces, where n is the number of spaces to get to the beginning of the string, and f is the value of the failure function. If a match, keep comparing without shifting the input string.
Time complexity for Dijstra's algorithm
Is insertion sort faster than selection sort?
Time complexity knuth-Morris
Time complexirt boyer-Moore