2024-10-29T16:36:20+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueVertical teaming/alignment:, Horizontal teaming/alignment:, Stakeholders:, ESL staff:, Librarian:, Technology coordinator:, Counselors:, Principal:, Curriculum specialist/coordinator:, Professional development:, Journals:, Self-reflection/reflective teaching, Teacher Appraisal System (Professional Development and Appraisal System), Volunteers, paraprofessionals, and teacher aides, Compulsory education:, ESL program:, Action research:, TExES:, Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE):, Inservice training:, Mission statement:, National Education Association (NEA):, Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS):, Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS):, Probationary teacher:, Professional autonomy:, Pull-out programs:, Convergence of evidence:, State Board for Education Certification (SBEC):, State Board of Education (SBOE):, Site-based decision making:, Education diagnostician:, State Commissioner of Education:, Texas Administrative Code (TAC):, Teacher empowerment:, Texas Educator Code (TEC):, Title I:, Title IX:, Title VI:, Individual Education Plan (IEP):, IEP Team:, Tenure contract, term contract:, Team/partner teaching:, Inclusion teaching:, Special education law:, Alternative education program:, Code of Conduct:, Non-instructional responsibilities:flashcards
The teacher enhances professional knowledge and skills by effectively interacting with other members of the educational community and participating in various types of professional activities.
Coordinated, integrated curriculum among elementary, middle school, and high school teachers for a given subject area
Horizontal teaming/alignment:
AKA grade-level team meeting
teachers, parents, students, admin, community members
ESL staff:
modify instruction based on the needs of ESL students
many librarians have keyed their resources to objectives in related subject areas so that the teacher can incorporate them with ease into their lessons. Share your instructional methods/activities
Technology coordinator:
how to integrate technology into the classroom
emotional problems, family problems, substance abuse
discipline problems, school/class functionality problems, gang issues, mentoring
Curriculum specialist/coordinator:
development of curriculum/curriculum meetings, select textbooks, provide support/guidance about curriculum
Professional development:
Ask for help/guidance from mentor teacher, ask help from experienced teacher, local educational services (regions)
Updated information about your content area
Self-reflection/reflective teaching
involves examining one's underlying beliefs about teaching and learning and one's alignment with actual classroom practice before, during and after a course is taught. Teaching tools include: teacher diary, peer observation, recording lessons, student feedback, self-monitoring, self-regulation
Teacher Appraisal System (Professional Development and Appraisal System)
Teachers are appraised on the following: Active, successful student participation in the learning process, Learner-centered instruction, Evaluation and feedback on student progress, Management of student discipline, instructional strategies, time / materials, Professional communication
Volunteers, paraprofessionals, and teacher aides
assist the teacher in instructional preparation, class organization, special-needs students, or routine time-consuming tasks.
Compulsory education:
Legally mandated school attendance for every child (unless specifically exempted under the law) who is at least 6 and has not yet turned 18
ESL program:
Program of intensive instruction in English from teachers trained in recognizing differences; must be designed to consider students' learning experiences and must incorporate the cultural aspects of students' backgrounds
Action research:
Reflective-process that leads to inquiry in search of solutions to everyday real problems The steps: Identify problem Collect data, Organize, analyze, and interpret this data, Develop a plan to fix it, Improve your practice, Begin cycle again
State-mandated test for educator certification to ensure all public school teachers have the knowledge required to teach their specific subject to students
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE):
Provision of IDEA that guarantees SPED and related services to children with disabilities, at a public cost
Inservice training:
Professional development workshops, lectures, and so forth provided by the school district to keep teachers current in their fields
Mission statement:
A broad statement of a unique purpose for which an organization exists and the specific function it performs
National Education Association (NEA):
The largest professional educators organization in the US. Purpose includes working for improved education and enhancing the status of teachers
Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS):
Designed to support teachers and help them improve and grow: Goal-settings and PD plans, Evaluation rubric (pre-conference, observation, post-conference)
Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS):
A means of reporting attendance personnel, management, special programs, and populations to the state
Probationary teacher:
Teachers under probationary contract that may not exceed one year but may be renewed for 2 additional 1-year periods for a max of 3 probationary years
Professional autonomy:
Freedom of professionals or groups of professionals to function independently
Pull-out programs:
Students with special needs are taken out of regular classes for instructions
Convergence of evidence:
Refers to argument that teachers should use evidence-based practices in their classrooms that are based on converging evidence rather than anchored on philosophies and belief systems
State Board for Education Certification (SBEC):
15-member board created in 1995 to govern standards of the education profession that oversees all aspects of public education certification, continuing education, and standards of conduct
State Board of Education (SBOE):
15 member board with established rules for public schools in Texas and, with the commissioner of education, oversees the public education system of Texas in accordance with the Texas Education Code (TEC)
Site-based decision making:
State-mandated requirement that the campus-level committee be involved in decisions in the areas of planning, budgeting, curriculum, staffing patterns, and staff development
Education diagnostician:
Provides diagnostic evaluations to students who are referred for SPED services
State Commissioner of Education:
Educational leader of state appointed by the governor that serves as the executive officer of the TEA and executive secretary of the SBOE
Texas Administrative Code (TAC):
SBOE rulings associated with the interpretation of the laws that affect Texas public schools
Teacher empowerment:
Concept of putting decision making in the hands of the teachers, the school personnel closest to the students
Texas Educator Code (TEC):
Statutes resulting from Senate Bill 1 of 1995 that govern public education in Texas
Title I:
Federal programs that provides funding for remedial education programs to poor and disadvantaged students
Title IX:
Bars discrimination in federally assisted programs and activities
Title VI:
Bars discrimination in federally assisted programs and activities on the basis of color, race, or national origin
Individual Education Plan (IEP):
Written educational plan for special needs students developed by professionals and the child's parents. Describes education related services developed for each student with a disability. it is a requirement of the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
IEP Team:
Committee that works together to write and/or change IEP (goals for the SPED student). Includes: Parents, Student, General Ed Teacher, SPED Teacher, Diagnostician District Representative, Others with expertise about the child
Tenure contract
Veteran teachers are given a tenure contract which protects from dismissal without probable cause
term contract:
Beginning teachers may not be dismissed without being indicated; a beginning teacher will be given a term contract (usually years 1-3)
Team/partner teaching:
Involves working with teacher partners within the same classroom.
Inclusion teaching:
When a special ed teacher is assisting students in a regular classroom as regular teacher
Special education law:
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, was created in 1990 and is a modification of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This law ensures that special needs students receive appropriate free public education in the least restrictive environment necessary to meet those students' needs
Alternative education program:
An educational program for students who have been suspended or expelled, most often located at a place other than the assigned campus
Code of Conduct:
Document that outlines the expected behaviors of students on a particular campus and includes teachers responsibility to report and document violations of the code
Non-instructional responsibilities:
Duties assumed by or assigned to teachers that are outside of their regular teaching responsibilities.
Coordinated, integrated curriculum among elementary, middle school, and high school teachers for a given subject area
Horizontal teaming/alignment:
AKA grade-level team meeting
teachers, parents, students, admin, community members
ESL staff:
modify instruction based on the needs of ESL students
many librarians have keyed their resources to objectives in related subject areas so that the teacher can incorporate them with ease into their lessons. Share your instructional methods/activities
Technology coordinator:
how to integrate technology into the classroom
emotional problems, family problems, substance abuse
discipline problems, school/class functionality problems, gang issues, mentoring
Curriculum specialist/coordinator:
development of curriculum/curriculum meetings, select textbooks, provide support/guidance about curriculum
Professional development:
Ask for help/guidance from mentor teacher, ask help from experienced teacher, local educational services (regions)
Updated information about your content area
Self-reflection/reflective teaching
involves examining one's underlying beliefs about teaching and learning and one's alignment with actual classroom practice before, during and after a course is taught. Teaching tools include: teacher diary, peer observation, recording lessons, student feedback, self-monitoring, self-regulation
Teacher Appraisal System (Professional Development and Appraisal System)
Teachers are appraised on the following: Active, successful student participation in the learning process, Learner-centered instruction, Evaluation and feedback on student progress, Management of student discipline, instructional strategies, time / materials, Professional communication
Volunteers, paraprofessionals, and teacher aides
assist the teacher in instructional preparation, class organization, special-needs students, or routine time-consuming tasks.
Compulsory education:
Legally mandated school attendance for every child (unless specifically exempted under the law) who is at least 6 and has not yet turned 18
ESL program:
Program of intensive instruction in English from teachers trained in recognizing differences; must be designed to consider students' learning experiences and must incorporate the cultural aspects of students' backgrounds
Action research:
Reflective-process that leads to inquiry in search of solutions to everyday real problems The steps: Identify problem Collect data, Organize, analyze, and interpret this data, Develop a plan to fix it, Improve your practice, Begin cycle again
State-mandated test for educator certification to ensure all public school teachers have the knowledge required to teach their specific subject to students
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE):
Provision of IDEA that guarantees SPED and related services to children with disabilities, at a public cost
Inservice training:
Professional development workshops, lectures, and so forth provided by the school district to keep teachers current in their fields
Mission statement:
A broad statement of a unique purpose for which an organization exists and the specific function it performs
National Education Association (NEA):
The largest professional educators organization in the US. Purpose includes working for improved education and enhancing the status of teachers
Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS):
Designed to support teachers and help them improve and grow: Goal-settings and PD plans, Evaluation rubric (pre-conference, observation, post-conference)
Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS):
A means of reporting attendance personnel, management, special programs, and populations to the state
Probationary teacher:
Teachers under probationary contract that may not exceed one year but may be renewed for 2 additional 1-year periods for a max of 3 probationary years
Professional autonomy:
Freedom of professionals or groups of professionals to function independently
Pull-out programs:
Students with special needs are taken out of regular classes for instructions
Convergence of evidence:
Refers to argument that teachers should use evidence-based practices in their classrooms that are based on converging evidence rather than anchored on philosophies and belief systems
State Board for Education Certification (SBEC):
15-member board created in 1995 to govern standards of the education profession that oversees all aspects of public education certification, continuing education, and standards of conduct
State Board of Education (SBOE):
15 member board with established rules for public schools in Texas and, with the commissioner of education, oversees the public education system of Texas in accordance with the Texas Education Code (TEC)
Site-based decision making:
State-mandated requirement that the campus-level committee be involved in decisions in the areas of planning, budgeting, curriculum, staffing patterns, and staff development
Education diagnostician:
Provides diagnostic evaluations to students who are referred for SPED services
State Commissioner of Education:
Educational leader of state appointed by the governor that serves as the executive officer of the TEA and executive secretary of the SBOE
Texas Administrative Code (TAC):
SBOE rulings associated with the interpretation of the laws that affect Texas public schools
Teacher empowerment:
Concept of putting decision making in the hands of the teachers, the school personnel closest to the students
Texas Educator Code (TEC):
Statutes resulting from Senate Bill 1 of 1995 that govern public education in Texas
Title I:
Federal programs that provides funding for remedial education programs to poor and disadvantaged students
Title IX:
Bars discrimination in federally assisted programs and activities
Title VI:
Bars discrimination in federally assisted programs and activities on the basis of color, race, or national origin
Individual Education Plan (IEP):
Written educational plan for special needs students developed by professionals and the child's parents. Describes education related services developed for each student with a disability. it is a requirement of the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
IEP Team:
Committee that works together to write and/or change IEP (goals for the SPED student). Includes: Parents, Student, General Ed Teacher, SPED Teacher, Diagnostician District Representative, Others with expertise about the child
Tenure contract
Veteran teachers are given a tenure contract which protects from dismissal without probable cause
term contract:
Beginning teachers may not be dismissed without being indicated; a beginning teacher will be given a term contract (usually years 1-3)
Team/partner teaching:
Involves working with teacher partners within the same classroom.
Inclusion teaching:
When a special ed teacher is assisting students in a regular classroom as regular teacher
Special education law:
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, was created in 1990 and is a modification of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This law ensures that special needs students receive appropriate free public education in the least restrictive environment necessary to meet those students' needs
Alternative education program:
An educational program for students who have been suspended or expelled, most often located at a place other than the assigned campus
Code of Conduct:
Document that outlines the expected behaviors of students on a particular campus and includes teachers responsibility to report and document violations of the code
Non-instructional responsibilities:
Duties assumed by or assigned to teachers that are outside of their regular teaching responsibilities.
Studylib tips
Did you forget to review your flashcards?
Try the Chrome extension that turns your New Tab screen into a flashcards viewer!
The idea behind StudyLib Extension is that reviewing flashcards will be easier if we distribute all flashcards reviewing into smaller sessions throughout the working day.