2017-07-27T21:43:18+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Aerosinusitis, Drowning, Nitrogen narcosis, Air embolism, Hypothermia, Barotrauma, Decompression sickness, Hypoxia (medical), Hypocapnia, Atrial septal defect, Oxygen toxicity, Diving chamber, Diving disorders, Dental barotrauma, Swimming-induced pulmonary edema, Avascular necrosis, Barodontalgia, List of diving hazards and precautions, Taravana, Dysbarism flashcards
Diving medicine

Diving medicine

  • Aerosinusitis
    Aerosinusitis, also called barosinusitis, sinus squeeze or sinus barotrauma is a painful inflammation and sometimes bleeding of the membrane of the paranasal sinus cavities, normally the frontal sinus.
  • Drowning
    Drowning is defined as respiratory impairment from being in or under a liquid.
  • Nitrogen narcosis
    Narcosis while diving (also known as nitrogen narcosis, inert gas narcosis, raptures of the deep, Martini effect), is a reversible alteration in consciousness that occurs while diving at depth.
  • Air embolism
    An air embolism, also known as a gas embolism, is an embolism or blood vessel blockage caused by one or more bubbles of air or gas in the circulatory system.
  • Hypothermia
    Hypothermia is defined as a body core temperature below 35.
  • Barotrauma
    Barotrauma is physical damage to body tissues caused by a difference in pressure between a gas space inside, or in contact with the body, and the surrounding fluid.
  • Decompression sickness
    Decompression sickness (DCS; also known as divers' disease, the bends or caisson disease) describes a condition arising from dissolved gases coming out of solution into bubbles inside the body on depressurisation.
  • Hypoxia (medical)
    Hypoxia is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level.
  • Hypocapnia
    Hypocapnia or hypocapnea also known as hypocarbia, sometimes incorrectly called acapnia, is a state of reduced carbon dioxide in the blood.
  • Atrial septal defect
    Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a congenital heart defect in which blood flows between the atria (upper chambers) of the heart.
  • Oxygen toxicity
    Oxygen toxicity is a condition resulting from the harmful effects of breathing molecular oxygen (O2) at increased partial pressures.
  • Diving chamber
    A diving chamber has two main functions: * as a simpler form of submersible vessel to take divers underwater and to provide a temporary base and retrieval system in the depths; * as a land or ship-based hyperbaric chamber to artificially reproduce the hyperbaric conditions under the sea (pressures above normal atmospheric pressure) for diving-related and non-diving medical applications such as hyperbaric medicine).
  • Diving disorders
    Diving disorders, or diving related medical conditions, are conditions associated with underwater diving, and include both conditions unique to underwater diving, and those that also occur during other activities.
  • Dental barotrauma
    Dental barotrauma is a condition in which barometric pressure changes in the external environment cause damage to the dentition.
  • Swimming-induced pulmonary edema
    Swimming induced pulmonary edema (SIPE), also known as immersion pulmonary edema, occurs when fluids from the blood leak abnormally from the small vessels of the lung (pulmonary capillaries) into the airspaces (alveoli).
  • Avascular necrosis
    Avascular necrosis (AVN), also called osteonecrosis, bone infarction, aseptic necrosis, and ischemic bone necrosis, is cellular death (necrosis) of bone components due to interruption of the blood supply.
  • Barodontalgia
    Barodontalgia, commonly known as tooth squeeze and previously known as aerodontalgia, is a pain in tooth caused by a change in atmospheric pressure.
  • List of diving hazards and precautions
    Divers face specific physical and health risks when they go underwater with scuba or other diving equipment, or use high pressure breathing gas.
  • Taravana
    Taravana is a disease often found among Polynesian island natives who habitually dive deep without breathing apparatus many times in close succession, usually for food or pearls.
  • Dysbarism
    Dysbarism refers to medical conditions resulting from changes in ambient pressure.