2019-04-02T17:41:04+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true zygote, embryo, fetus, teratogens, habituation, rooting reflex, sucking reflex, grasping reflex, Moro reflex, Babinski reflex, Jean Piaget, schema, maturation, assimilation, accommodation, conservation, object permanence, sensorimotor, preoperational, egocentrism, animism, magical thinking, theory of mind, categorization inability, concrete operational, formal operational, social development theory, Lev Vygotsky, More Knowledge Other (MKO), zone of proximal development, stranger anxiety, attachment, critical period, imprinting, Konrad Lorenz, Harry Harlow, Mary Ainsworth, secure attachment, strange situation, anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, basic trust, Diana Baumrind, authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, menarche, Lawrence Kohlberg, preconventional, conventional, postconventional, Jonathon Haidt, trust v. mistrust, autonomy v. shame & doubt, initiative v. guilt, industry v. inferiority, identity v. role confusion, intimacy v. isolation, generativity v. stagnation, integrity v. despair, Erik Erikson, G. Stanley Hall, emerging adulthood, Alzheimer's disease, cross-sectional study, crystallized intelligence, fluid intelligence, social clock, prospective memory, retrospective memory, autism spectrum disorder, neurocognitive disorder, longitudinal study, temperament, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), social identity, menopause, Carol Gilligan, androgyny, culture, fraternal birth order effect, gender, gender identity, gender role, gender schema theory, gender-typing, interaction, intersex, Mark Rosenzweig, norms, primary sex characteristics, pruning, role, secondary sex characteristics, sexual orientation, social learning theory, testosterone, transgender, X chromosome, Y chromosome flashcards
Developmental Psychology terms

Developmental Psychology terms

  • zygote
    stage in prenatal development from conception to 2 weeks
  • embryo
    stage in prenatal development from 2 to 9 weeks, wherein organs and primary sex characteristics begin to develop
  • fetus
    stage in prenatal development from 9 weeks to birth
  • teratogens
    harmful environmental agents that disrupt proper development (e.g. alcohol)
  • habituation
    decreasing responsiveness to an unchanging stimulus; used to assess infant cognition
  • rooting reflex
    infant reflex wherein the baby will, when touched on the cheek, turn its head toward the direction of the touch and search for a nipple
  • sucking reflex
    when an object is placed in the baby's mouth, he will begin to suck on it
  • grasping reflex
    when touched on the palm of the hand, a baby will wrap his fingers tightly around the stimulus
  • Moro reflex
    infant startle response; when alarmed, the baby will fling his limbs outward, then retract them and hold them close to his body
  • Babinski reflex
    when stroked on the bottom of the foot, a baby will spread its toes
  • Jean Piaget
    most famous for his 4-stage model of cognitive development
  • schema
    concept or framework that organizes and aids in interpretation of information
  • maturation
    physical (or biological) process of growth; believed to occur in mostly universal sequence, though timing varies from individual to individual
  • assimilation
    interpreting new information with the context of existing schemas
  • accommodation
    adjusting or changing one's schema's to account for new information
  • conservation
    principle that certain properties of matter (e.g. mass, volume, number) remain the same despite changes in appearance; exhibited during the concrete operational phase
  • object permanence
    awareness that things continue to exist even though they are not perceived; develops at 6-8 months of age
  • sensorimotor
    in Piaget's theory, the stage (from birth to 2) during which infants know the world mostly in terms of their impressions and motor activities
  • preoperational
    in Piaget's theory, the stage (from about 2 to 6/7) during which a child learns to communicate using symbols (language) but does not demonstrate mental operations of concrete logic.
  • egocentrism
    the inability of preoperational children to take the perspective of another
  • animism
    belief, often demonstrated by preoperational children, that inanimate objects have thoughts and feelings
  • magical thinking
    cognitive feature of preoperational children; unconstrained by adult understandings of reality, they may believe, for example, that it is possible to turn into a racecar
  • theory of mind
    people's ideas about their own and others' mental states (about their feelings, perceptions, and thoughts and the behavior these might predict)
  • categorization inability
    the inability of preoperational children to group items according to rules or criteria
  • concrete operational
    in Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development (from 6/7 to 11/12) during which children gain the mental operations that allow them to think logically about real or "concrete" events
  • formal operational
    in Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development which begins about age 12 and is characterized by the ability to think logically about abstact concepts
  • social development theory
    Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development which emphasized the importance of other people (more knowledge others) in our mental growth
  • Lev Vygotsky
    most famous for social development theory (of child cognitive development)
  • More Knowledge Other (MKO)
    In Vygotsky's theory, another person who possesses expertise and can help you learn something
  • zone of proximal development
    In Vygotsky's theory, the context in which learning takes place; the gap between when a child can accomplish with assistance and when he can do something independently
  • stranger anxiety
    fear of people other than those with whom the infant is familiar; appears around 8 months and peaks at 13 months
  • attachment
    an emotional tie with another person; shown in infants by their seeking closeness with caregivers and displaying distress upon separation
  • critical period
    time frame during which exposure to a particular stimulus must take place in order for proper development to occur
  • imprinting
    rigid, inflexible attachments demonstrated by some animal species (e.g. ducks, sheep)
  • Konrad Lorenz
    Nobel Prize-winning researcher famous for his imprinting studies, and for advocating the study of animals in their natural environments
  • Harry Harlow
    presented infant monkeys with a choice between two artificial mothers; the monkeys preferred the warm, cloth mothers to cold ones with food
  • Mary Ainsworth
    researcher who described attachment styles in infants as measured by the "strange situation" test
  • secure attachment
    demonstrated when infants seem to view their caregiver as a "secure base" for exploration, seeking closeness to him/her and being upset at separation.
  • strange situation
    test developed by Mary Ainsworth to assess attachment style in infants; involves separation and reunion with a parent
  • anxious attachment
    demonstrated by babies who seem constantly afraid of potential separation from the caregiver; they cling to caregivers in strange settings and display intense distress upon separation
  • avoidant attachment
    demonstrated by babies who seem to avoid contact and closeness with caregivers
  • basic trust
    in Erikson's model, this attitude develops as a result of secure attachment; babies come to view the world as safe & predictable and believe that others will reliably meet their needs
  • Diana Baumrind
    researcher who developed a model of parenting styles that included authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive
  • authoritarian
    parenting style (in Baumrind's model)characterized by high levels of demandingness and low warmth; they impose rules and expect obedience
  • authoritative
    parenting style (in Baumrind's model) characterized by high demandingness and high warmth; these parents explain reasons for rules and are open to negotiation (with older children)
  • permissive
    parenting style (in Baumrind's model) characterized by low demandingness and high warmth; they submit to their children's desires, make few rules, and use little punishment
  • menarche
    onset of menstruation; key marker of onset of puberty for females
  • Lawrence Kohlberg
    used moral dilemmas to assess moral thinking in children; most well-known for his description of levels of morality (preconventional, conventional, postconventional)
  • preconventional
    stage of moral development in which children seek to avoid punishment or gain reward when determining right from wrong
  • conventional
    stage of moral development wherein individuals seek to gain social approval or maintain the social order (follow rules and laws)
  • postconventional
    stage of moral development wherein individuals use abstract reasoning to determine right from wrong, often by citing agreed-upon rights (e.g. "the right to live") or personal ethical principles
  • Jonathon Haidt
    countered Kohlberg's theory with "Social Intuitionist" theory; believed we make moral choices based on emotional reactions ("moral feeling") not cold logic
  • trust v. mistrust
    1st stage in Erikson's model; infants must learn to view the world as a predictable, safe place or face a future of guarded skepicism
  • autonomy v. shame & doubt
    2nd stage in Erikson's model; toddlers must be able to exercise some independence or will be ashamed and uncertain of their abilities
  • initiative v. guilt
    3rd stage in Erikson's model; preschoolers must learn to start and direct creative tasks, or they may feel guilty about asserting themselves
  • industry v. inferiority
    4th stage in Erikson's model; children must master the skills valued by their society or feel inferior
  • identity v. role confusion
    5th stage in Erikson's model; adolescents must develop a sense of identity or suffer lack of direction
  • intimacy v. isolation
    6th stage in Erikson's model; young adults must form close, satisfying relationships or suffer loneliness
  • generativity v. stagnation
    7th stage in Erikson's model; in middle age, adults must discover a sense of contributing to the world or they may feel a lack of purpose
  • integrity v. despair
    8th stage in Erikson's model; when reflecting at the end of life, an older adult must feel a sense of satisfaction or experience despair (feelings of having wasted one's life)
  • Erik Erikson
    famous for his 8-stage model of psychosocial development; neo-Freudian
  • G. Stanley Hall
    founder of the APA; known for his work in developmental psych, particularly for defining adolescence as a period of "storm and stress"
  • emerging adulthood
    developmental stage proposed by Jeffrey Arnett; period between adolescence and assumption of typical adult roles (18-29, perhaps?)
  • Alzheimer's disease
    progressive and irreversible brain disorder characterized by gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and physical functioning; linked to deterioration of neurons that produce acetylcholine
  • cross-sectional study
    study in which people of different ages are compared with one another
  • crystallized intelligence
    one's accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age
  • fluid intelligence
    one's ability to reason speedily and abstactly; tends to decrease during late adulthood
  • social clock
    culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement
  • prospective memory
    The ability to remember to perform actions in the future; declines with age
  • retrospective memory
    involves remembering events from the past or previously learned information; not as vulnerable to age-related declines
  • autism spectrum disorder
    A disorder characterized by deficits in social relatedness and communication skills that are often accompanied by repetitive, ritualistic behavior.
  • neurocognitive disorder
    An age-related disorder caused by brain dysfunction that affects thinking processes, memory, consciousness, and perception. Formerly called "dementia".
  • longitudinal study
    A research approach that follows a group of people over time to determine change or stability in behavior.
  • temperament
    A person's characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity.
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
    A medical condition in which body deformation or facial development or mental ability of a fetus is impaired because the mother drank alcohol while pregnant
  • social identity
    The "we" aspect of our self-concept; the part of our answer to "Who am I?" that comes from our group memberships.
  • menopause
    Cessation of menstruation; marks end of reproductive capactiy for women, typically occurring around age 50
  • Carol Gilligan
    moral development studies to follow up Kohlberg. She studied girls and women and found that they did not score as high on his six stage scale because they focused more on relationships rather than laws and principles. Their reasoning was merely different, not better or worse
  • androgyny
    Combination of culturally determined female and male characteristics in one person.
  • culture
    the enduring behavior, ideas, attitudes, and traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted (via learning) from one generation to the next
  • fraternal birth order effect
    Men with older brothers are more likely to demonstrate a homosexual orientation, increasing with the number of older brothers. This is presumed to be the result of changes to the prenatal environment that accompany successive male pregnancies.
  • gender
    A socially and culturally constructed set of distinctions between masculine and feminine sets of behaviors that is promoted and expected by society
  • gender identity
    one's sense of being male or female
  • gender role
    set of expected behaviors for males and females
  • gender schema theory
    The theory that children learn from their cultures a (mental) concept of what it means to be male and female and they adjust their behavior accordingly.
  • gender-typing
    the acquisition of a traditional masculine or feminine role
  • interaction
    the interplay that occurs when the effect of one factor (such as environment) depends on another factor (such as heredity).
  • intersex
    refers to persons born with intermediate or atypical combinations of male and female physical characteristics (e.g., both male and female reproductive organs)
  • Mark Rosenzweig
    demonstrated the neurological consequences of being raised in an "impoverished" versus and "enriched" environment (in rats).
  • norms
    an understood rule for accepted and expected behavior
  • primary sex characteristics
    sex characteristics present at birth; the body structures that make sexual reproduction possible
  • pruning
    When applied to brain development, the process by which unused connections in the brain atrophy and die.
  • role
    set of expectations (norms) about a social position, defining how those in the position ought to be behave
  • secondary sex characteristics
    nonreproductive sexual characteristics that appear as one reaches puberty, such as female breasts and hips, male voice quality, and body hair
  • sexual orientation
    an enduring sexual attraction toward members of either one's own sex (homosexual orientation) or the other sex (heterosexual orientation)
  • social learning theory
    The theory that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating and by being rewarded or punished. For example, this may contribute to the acquisition of gender roles.
  • testosterone
    male sex hormone; both males and females have it, but additional amounts of it in males stimulates growth of male reproductive organs in a fetus and development of male characteristics during puberty
  • transgender
    an umbrella term describing people whose gender identity or expression differs from that associated with their birth sex
  • X chromosome
    The sex chromosome found in both men and women. Females have two; males have one.
  • Y chromosome
    the sex chromosome found only in males.