2017-07-27T18:31:09+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Cultural imperialism, Digital anthropology, Cultural heritage, Organizational culture, Scientism, Secularization, German studies, Pan-European identity, Western world, Witchcraft, Jewish studies, Cross-cultural communication, Intercultural competence, Women warriors in literature and culture, Social criticism, Cultural rights, Culture of fear, Cultural psychology, Cultural turn, Malinchism, Insects in culture flashcards
Cultural studies

Cultural studies

  • Cultural imperialism
    Cultural imperialism comprises the cultural aspects of imperialism.
  • Digital anthropology
    Digital anthropology is the study of the relationship between humans and digital-era technology, and extends to various areas where anthropology and technology intersect.
  • Cultural heritage
    Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.
  • Organizational culture
    Organizational culture encompasses values and behaviours that "contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization.
  • Scientism
    Scientism is a belief in the universal applicability of the scientific method and approach, and the view that empirical science constitutes the most authoritative worldview or the most valuable part of human learning—to the exclusion of other viewpoints.
  • Secularization
    Secularization is the transformation of a society from close identification with religious values and institutions toward nonreligious values and secular institutions.
  • German studies
    German studies is the field of humanities that researches, documents, and disseminates German language and literature in both its historic and present forms.
  • Pan-European identity
    Pan-European identity is the sense of personal identification with Europe.
  • Western world
    The Western world or the West is a term usually referring to different nations, depending on the context, most often including at least part of Europe.
  • Witchcraft
    Witchcraft (also called witchery or spellcraft) broadly means the practice of, and belief in, magical skills and abilities that are able to be exercised by individuals and certain social groups.
  • Jewish studies
    Jewish studies (or Judaic studies) is an academic discipline centered on the study of Jews and Judaism.
  • Cross-cultural communication
    Cross-cultural communication is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and how they endeavour to communicate across cultures.
  • Intercultural competence
    Intercultural competence is the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately with people of other cultures: * Appropriately.
  • Women warriors in literature and culture
    The portrayal of women warriors in literature and popular culture is a subject of study in history, literary studies, film studies, folklore and mythology, gender studies, and cultural studies.
  • Social criticism
    The term social criticism often refers to a mode of criticism that locates the reasons for malicious conditions in a society considered to be in a flawed social structure.
  • Cultural rights
    The cultural rights movement has provoked attention to protect the rights of groups of people, or their culture, in similar fashion to the manner in which the human rights movement has brought attention to the needs of individuals throughout the world.
  • Culture of fear
    Culture of fear (or climate of fear) is the concept that people may incite fear in the general public to achieve political goals through emotional bias.
  • Cultural psychology
    Cultural psychology is the study of how psychological and behavioral tendencies are rooted in and embodied in culture.
  • Cultural turn
    The cultural turn is a movement beginning in the early 1970s among scholars in the humanities and social sciences to make culture the focus of contemporary debates; it also describes a shift in emphasis toward meaning and away from a positivist epistemology.
  • Malinchism
    Malinchism (Spanish: malinchismo) or malinchist (Spanish: malinchista) is a form of attraction that the foreigner has in the popular imagination, causing individuals to lose the spirit of nationality by moving to the other side, a particular case of cultural cringe.
  • Insects in culture
    The roles of insects in culture include their use as food (entomophagy), in medicine, in science, for dyestuffs, in art, in music, in film, in religion, and in mythology.