2019-04-01T15:27:37+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Crime, Offence, Offence, crime, Fine, parking ticket, Hardened criminal, Attack, assault, mugging, Assailant, To mug, To stab, Manslaughter, Murder, Murderer, Rape, Rapist, To abduct, Kidnapping, Abduction, Kidnapper, Kidnapper, Hostage, Ransom, Burglary, Burglar, To loot, Hold up, Gangster, Robbery, Bribery, Open to bribery, Bribe, Blackmail, To blackmail, Extortion, Fraud, Drug pusher, Drug trafficking, Police, Police station, Emergency services, Traffic police, Plain-clothes policeman, Police dog, Inquiry, investigation, Interrogation, Private detective, Identification, Lost property office, Justice, Trial, Public prosecutor, Magistrate, Jury, Juror, Lawyer, Lawyer, Solicitor, Indictment, Defendant, Proof, Evidence, Plaintiff, Witness, To plead guilty, To plead not guilty, To make a statement, To make a testimony, Statement, Confession, To charge, To appeal, Court of appeal, La caution, L’acquittement (m), Acquitter, To discharge, To be found guilty, Detention, Pardon, imprisonment flashcards
Crime, law and justice. French words.

Crime, law and justice. French words.

  • Crime
    Le crime
  • Offence
    L’infraction (f)
  • Offence, crime
    Le délit
  • Fine, parking ticket
    La contravention
  • Hardened criminal
    Le criminel endurci
  • Attack, assault, mugging
    L’agression (f)
  • Assailant
    Un agresseur
  • To mug
  • To stab
  • Manslaughter
    L’homicide involontaire (m)
  • Murder
    Le meurtre /L’assassinat (m)
  • Murderer
    Le meurtrier/la meurtrière / L’assassin/l’assassine
  • Rape
    Le viol
  • Rapist
    Le violeur
  • To abduct
  • Kidnapping
    L’enlèvement (m)
  • Abduction
    Le rapt
  • Kidnapper
    Le kidnappeur/la kidnappeuse
  • Kidnapper
    Le ravisseur/la ravisseuse
  • Hostage
    L’otage (m/f)
  • Ransom
    La rançon
  • Burglary
    Le cambriolage
  • Burglar
    Le cambrioleur
  • To loot
    Piller / Mettre à sac
  • Hold up
    Le hold-up (m)
  • Gangster
    Le gangster
  • Robbery
    Le vol avec violences
  • Bribery
    La corruption
  • Open to bribery
  • Bribe
    Le pot de vin
  • Blackmail
    Le chantage
  • To blackmail
    Faire chanter / Soudoyer
  • Extortion
    L’extorsion (f)
  • Fraud
    La fraude
  • Drug pusher
    Le revendeur de drogues
  • Drug trafficking
    Le trafic de drogues
  • Police
    La Police
  • Police station
    Le poste de police
  • Emergency services
    La police-secours
  • Traffic police
    Les agents de circulation (m)
  • Plain-clothes policeman
    Le policer/la policière en civil
  • Police dog
    Le chien policier
  • Inquiry, investigation
    L’enquête (f)/ Les recherches (f)
  • Interrogation
    L’interrogatoire (m)
  • Private detective
    Le détective privé
  • Identification
    La pièce d’identité
  • Lost property office
    Le bureau des objets trouvés
  • Justice
    La justice
  • Trial
    Le procès
  • Public prosecutor
    Le procureur
  • Magistrate
    Le magistrat
  • Jury
    Le jury
  • Juror
    Le/la juré(e)
  • Lawyer
    Le/la juriste
  • Lawyer
  • Solicitor
    Le notaire
  • Indictment
    L’inculpation (f)
  • Defendant
  • Proof
    La preuve
  • Evidence
    Les preuves (f)
  • Plaintiff
    Le/la poursuivant(e)
  • Witness
    Le témoin
  • To plead guilty
    Plaider coupable
  • To plead not guilty
    Plaider non coupable
  • To make a statement
    Faire une déclaration
  • To make a testimony
    Faire une déposition
  • Statement
    Le constat
  • Confession
    L’aveu (m)
  • To charge
  • To appeal
    Interjeter l'appel
  • Court of appeal
    La cour d’appel
  • La caution
  • L’acquittement (m)
  • Acquitter
    To acquit
  • To discharge
  • To be found guilty
    Etre reconnu coupable
  • Detention
    La détention
  • Pardon
    La grâce
  • imprisonment
    L’incarcération (f)