Physical and Mechanical Pest Control
are direct or indirect (non-chemical) measures that destroy pests outright or make the environment unsuitable for their entry, dispersal, survival, or reproduction.
different from cultural control because actions are taken specifically for controlling the pest and not merely modifications of existing management practices
Temperature Manipulation
Pest activity and metabolic rate are influenced by temperature. The optimum range of temperature is vital for normal pest activity
Heat and Steam Sterilization
This method is widely used in greenhouse operations to control many insects, nematodes, weed seeds, and especially soil-borne plant pathogens.
This method of control is however not economically feasible under field conditions. In the Philippines, we normally use steam sterilization of soil and potting media of seedlings.
This method is used to control weeds and other insects that are closely associated with plants and plant diseases to minimize the inoculum for the next season.
We normally use this to burn stubbles and crop residues after harvest to kill pests that they may harbor.
Sun drying
drying of rice grains and coconut for copra is a common practice in the Philippines to prevent molds and other pests from attacking them.
How water treatment of Propagules
Hot water is used to kill any pathogen which may be present inside seed coats, bulb scales, etc., or which may be present in external surfaces or wounds of fruits.
White tip nematode
Hot water treatment of rice seeds at 52-54 °C for 15 minutes is used to control
52-54 for 15 minutes
hot water treatment of rice seeds requires _____ to control white tipe nematode
Loose smut of wheat
Hot water treatment of wheat seeds at 50-52 °C for 10 min. is used to control
50-52 for 10 minutes
hot water treatment of wheat seeds requires _____ to control Loose smut of wheat
15 seconds in hot water in 59
Rinsing melon for ________ resulted in a significant reduction of fruit decay while maintaining fruit quality after prolonged storage
Exported mangoes are immersed in hot water in temperatures that range from ______ for periods that also depend on variety to minimize pathogens causing fruit decay.
pathogens causing fruit decay.
Exported mangoes are immersed in hot water in temperatures that range from ______ for periods that also depend on variety to minimize
Hot Air Treatment
Treatment of certain storage products with warm air (this is also called curing) removes excess moisture from their surfaces and hastens the healing of wounds, thus preventing their infection by certain pathogens
Rhizopus and soft-rotting bacteria
sweet potatoes at 28°C-32°C for 2 weeks helps the wounds to heal and prevents infection by
28-32 for 2 weeks
conditions for curing sweet potato
Fungal and Bacterial weak pathogens
Hot air curing of harvested ears of corn, tobacco leaves, rice panicles, etc. removes most moisture thus protecting these propagules from attack by
corn, tobacco leaves, rice panicles
can be protected from weak bacterial pathogen and fungal through curing
Cold storage
is usually used to store postharvest goods such as fruits and vegetables to increase their shelf life.
It however requires special equipment and is practiced here in the Philippines just in small-scale storage of vegetables and fruits to increase shelf life.
range for Cold storage
Moisture manipulation
Well-drained soil with low moisture content (<10%) will reduce the survival of stored pests such as weevils.
Intermittent irrigation
Alternate wetting and drying
Brown planthopper damage
Alternate wetting and drying (intermittent irrigation) in rice fields can reduce
Light manipulation
Plates Light affects insect behavior and development in a variety of ways. Behavioral orientation in insects is influenced by light
One of the most typical responses to light is
positive phototaxis, moving toward a light source).
negative phototaxis, moving away from light)
Light trapping
serves many purposes monitoring initial infestation of an insect pest, determining seasonal incidence, pest-weather relationship, pest intensity, pest survey, trapping to control, and killing of pests.
Rice stem borers
Insect light traps using blue fluorescent light were used widely to control
Blue fluorescent light
used to control rice stem borers
Electromagnetic energy
All of the electromagnetic radiations from the low energy radio waves through infrared, visible light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and gamma rays are similar in nature.
Rice weevil
Use of infrared radiation (wavelength range 0.78 – 102 µ) controls
RF 102-1010 μ
The use of radio frequency ______ affects thoracic ganglion and causes synaptic blocking, alteration of amino acids, and dissolution of nerve cells of insects.
Yellow color attracts
Angumois grain moth
black color attracts
Ionizing radiation
such as X-rays and gamma rays will kill insect pests and pathogens.
acoustic device
produce a sudden loud sound which frightens birds.
birds scarer, acetylene exploders
Acoustic device
are also used to make loud sounds to scatter away rats, mice,
Mechanical Pest Control
uses mechanical force or manual labor either for the destruction or exclusion of pests.
Metal bands in tree trunks
to prevent rats and some insect pests from climbing and nets around rice paddies to control rats.
Fences, barriers, wraps, nets, electronic wires and trap
exclusion devices such as
Use of screens
in irrigation pipes to prevent weeds and snail pests is also practiced
Sticky traps
are commonly used for insects. Sticky traps are also used for rats and other rodent pests but more commonly used are mechanical rat traps