2017-07-28T19:56:05+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics, Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution, Normal distribution, Pareto distribution, Multivariate normal distribution, Rayleigh distribution, Cauchy distribution, Exponential distribution, F-distribution, Gamma distribution, Stable distribution, Beta distribution, Fisher's z-distribution, Davis distribution, Triangular distribution, Exponential family, Rayleigh mixture distribution flashcards
Continuous distributions

Continuous distributions

  • Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics
    In statistical mechanics, Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics describes the average distribution of non-interacting material particles over various energy states in thermal equilibrium, and is applicable when the temperature is high enough or the particle density is low enough to render quantum effects negligible.
  • Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution
    In statistics the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution is a particular probability distribution named after James Clerk Maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann.
  • Normal distribution
    In probability theory, the normal (or Gaussian) distribution is a very common continuous probability distribution.
  • Pareto distribution
    The Pareto distribution, named after the Italian civil engineer, economist, and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, is a power law probability distribution that is used in description of social, scientific, geophysical, actuarial, and many other types of observable phenomena.
  • Multivariate normal distribution
    In probability theory and statistics, the multivariate normal distribution or multivariate Gaussian distribution, is a generalization of the one-dimensional (univariate) normal distribution to higher dimensions.
  • Rayleigh distribution
    In probability theory and statistics, the Rayleigh distribution /ˈreɪli/ is a continuous probability distribution for positive-valued random variables.
  • Cauchy distribution
    The Cauchy distribution, named after Augustin Cauchy, is a continuous probability distribution.
  • Exponential distribution
    In probability theory and statistics, the exponential distribution (a.k.a. negative exponential distribution) is the probability distribution that describes the time between events in a Poisson process, i.
  • F-distribution
    In probability theory and statistics, the F-distribution, also known as Snedecor's F distribution or the Fisher–Snedecor distribution (after Ronald Fisher and George W. Snedecor) is a continuous probability distribution that arises frequently as the null distribution of a test statistic, most notably in the analysis of variance, e.
  • Gamma distribution
    In probability theory and statistics, the gamma distribution is a two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions.
  • Stable distribution
    In probability theory, a distribution is said to be stable (or a random variable is said to be stable) if a linear combination of two independent copies of a random sample has the same distribution, up to location and scale parameters.
  • Beta distribution
    In probability theory and statistics, the beta distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions defined on the interval [0, 1] parametrized by two positive shape parameters, denoted by α and β, that appear as exponents of the random variable and control the shape of the distribution.
  • Fisher's z-distribution
    Fisher's z-distribution is the statistical distribution of half the logarithm of an F-distribution variate: It was first described by Ronald Fisher in a paper delivered at the International Mathematical Congress of 1924 in Toronto.
  • Davis distribution
    In statistics, the Davis distributions are a family of continuous probability distributions.
  • Triangular distribution
    In probability theory and statistics, the triangular distribution is a continuous probability distribution with lower limit a, upper limit b and mode c, where a < b and a ≤ c ≤ b.
  • Exponential family
    In probability and statistics, an exponential family is a set of probability distributions of a certain form, specified below.
  • Rayleigh mixture distribution
    In probability theory and statistics a Rayleigh mixture distribution is a weighted mixture of multiple probability distributions where the weightings are equal to the weightings of a Rayleigh distribution.