2024-02-16T14:36:54+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Sampling</p>, <p>Sampling frequency </p>, <p>Greater sampling frequency means</p>, <p>Sample size</p>, <p>Bit rate formula</p>, <p>File size formula</p>, <p>Lossy compression</p>, <p>Lossless compression</p>, <p>RLE - compress 'yyyybbbpppprr' where y is yellow b is blue etc</p>, <p>NOT gate</p>, <p>OR gate</p>, <p>AND gate </p>, <p>XOR gate</p>, <p>Application software</p>, <p>System software</p>, <p>Operatig system</p>, <p>Machine code (low level)</p>, <p>Assembly code (low level)</p>, <p>High level code</p>, <p>High level vs Low level</p>, <p>Translators and why their needed</p>, <p>Assembler</p>, <p>Compiler</p>, <p>Interpreter</p>, <p>ALU</p>, <p>Control Unit</p>, <p>Register</p>, <p>Clock</p>, <p>RAM is (non volatile / volatile)</p>, <p>ROM is (non volatile / volatile)</p>, <p>Cache</p>, <p>Cores</p>, <p>Optical storage</p>, <p>Optical 1 disadvantage 2 advantage</p>, <p>Magnetic storage</p>, <p>Magnetic 1 disadvantage 2 advantage</p>, <p>Solid State Storage</p>, <p>SSD 1 disadvantage 2 advantage</p>, <p>Embedded system</p>, <p>Network</p>, <p>Protocols </p>, <p>Application layer protocols </p>, <p>Transport layer protocols </p>, <p>Internet layer protocols</p>, <p>Link layer protocols</p>, <p>Application layer</p>, <p>Transport layer </p>, <p>Internet layer </p>, <p>Link layer</p>, <p>Viruses</p>, <p>Adware</p>, <p>Trojans</p>, <p>Spyware</p>, <p>Blagging</p>, <p>Phishing</p>, <p>Pharming</p>, <p>Shouldering</p>, <p>Firewalls</p>, <p>White box penetration test</p>, <p>Black box penetration test</p>, <p>HTTPS use</p>, <p>SMTP VS IMAP</p>, <p>TCP VS UDP 1 similarity and 3 differences each</p>, <p>IP protocol use</p>, <p>2 enviromental issues of computing</p>, <p>2 cultural issues of computing</p>, <p>2 ethical issues of computing</p>, <p>2 legal issues of computing</p> flashcards

Computer Science Paper 2


  • Sampling

    Recording a signal at regular intervals

  • Sampling frequency

    Num of samples obtained per second

  • Greater sampling frequency means

    Better quality but bigger file size

  • Sample size

    How many bits are available for each sample - bit depth

  • Bit rate formula

    Sample frequency x bit depth

  • File size formula

    sample frequency x bit depth x time

  • Lossy compression

    Some data is removed from the file

  • Lossless compression

    Rearranged data to make it more efficient

  • RLE - compress 'yyyybbbpppprr' where y is yellow b is blue etc


  • NOT gate

    Reverses input

    Reverses input

  • OR gate

    Returns true if either / both input are true

    Returns true if either / both input are true

  • AND gate

    Returns true if both inputs are true

    Returns true if both inputs are true

  • XOR gate

    Returns true if either (not both) are true

    Returns true if either (not both) are true

  • Application software

    Used to carry out tasks on a computer e.g web browsers

  • System software

    Peforms tasks need to operate the hardware e.g operating system, utility software

  • Operatig system

    Manages computer system e.g linux

  • Machine code (low level)


  • Assembly code (low level)

    Communicates with computer

  • High level code

    Like Python

  • High level vs Low level

    programmer understands vs computer understands

  • Translators and why their needed

    Converts code from one language to another - all code needs to be translated to machine code

  • Assembler

    Converts assembly to machine code

  • Compiler

    Converts high level to machine code translates the whole block

  • Interpreter

    Converts high level to machine code translates line by line and slower than compiler

  • ALU

    Perform arithmetic and logic operations

  • Control Unit

    Coordinates the CPU

  • Register

    Quick small stores of data in cpu

  • Clock

    Provide signals to synchronise internal components

  • RAM is (non volatile / volatile)

    Volatile memory that can be read/write to

  • ROM is (non volatile / volatile)

    Non volatile memory that can only be read to

  • Cache

    Fast but small memory that stores frequently used data

  • Cores

    Processing units

  • Optical storage

    Binary data

    Light is shined and light that hits a land reflects differently to when it hits a pit. E.g pits can be read as 0 and lands as 1. Data is written with a laser burning the pits into the disk

  • Optical 1 disadvantage 2 advantage

    Small capacity


    Very portable

  • Magnetic storage

    Parts of the surface are either magnetised (1) or demagnetised (0) by the electromagnets in the head.

  • Magnetic 1 disadvantage 2 advantage

    Can be noisy and generate heat

    Large capacity


  • Solid State Storage

    Form of flash memory

  • SSD 1 disadvantage 2 advantage



    Reliable as non-mechanical

  • Embedded system

    A special purpose computer

  • Network

    Connection between devices to share resources

  • Protocols

    Set of rules for communication

  • Application layer protocols


  • Transport layer protocols

    TCP, UDP

  • Internet layer protocols


  • Link layer protocols

    Ethernet, Wifi

  • Application layer

    Where the network applications operate

  • Transport layer

    Sets up communication between two hosts

  • Internet layer

    Handles and routes data

  • Link layer

    Where hardware operates

  • Viruses

    Insert themselves in normal programs

  • Adware

    Generates unwanted adverts

  • Trojans

    Disguised as a desirable software but there is malware hidden within it

  • Spyware

    Collects data about the user

  • Blagging

    Inventing a scenario to gain a victim trust

  • Phishing

    Obtaining private info through a fake link often pretending to be something your not

  • Pharming

    Cyberattack where websites traffic is redirected to a fake site

  • Shouldering

    Viewing private info over the person shoulder

  • Firewalls

    Monitor network traffic and filter packets based on rules

  • White box penetration test

    Attempting to gain access with some knowledge and basic credentials - simulating an inside attack

  • Black box penetration test

    Attempting to gain access with no knowledge - simulating an outside attack

  • HTTPS use

    used for accessing webpages from a server and uses encryption to secure data


    handling out bound email vs handling in bound email

  • TCP VS UDP 1 similarity and 3 differences each

    Similarity; exists to deal with connection between devices

    Differences; TCP - two way connection splits and slower and more reliable

    UDP - sends data one way and faster and less reliable

  • IP protocol use

    Enables communication over the internet

  • 2 enviromental issues of computing

    too much energy use and finite resource use

  • 2 cultural issues of computing

    changing the job market and social media also makes it easier to spread abuse and hold politicians accountable

  • 2 ethical issues of computing

    the right to privacy conflicting with the government ensuring public safety e. g FBI asking apple to hack into a phone

  • 2 legal issues of computing

    Blackmail , stealing of financial info