2017-07-29T12:17:48+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Wolfram Language, Reduce (computer algebra system), SageMath, Maple (software), Julia (programming language), Wolfram Mathematica, Maxima (software), Wolfram Alpha, SMath Studio, Mathcad, AMPL, GAP (computer algebra system), Axiom (computer algebra system), WIRIS, Algebrator, FORMAC (programming language), FORM (symbolic manipulation system), Fermat (computer algebra system), KANT (software), General Algebraic Modeling System, Cambridge Algebra System, TI InterActive!, MuPAD, Mxparser, Analytica (software), Derive (computer algebra system), SAMPL, Schoonschip, Macaulay computer algebra system, MATLAB, AIMMS flashcards
Computer algebra systems

Computer algebra systems

  • Wolfram Language
    The Wolfram Language, a general multi-paradigm programming language developed by Wolfram Research, is the programming language of Mathematica and the Wolfram Programming Cloud.
  • Reduce (computer algebra system)
    Reduce is a general-purpose computer algebra system geared towards applications in physics.
  • SageMath
    SageMath (previously Sage or SAGE, System for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation) is mathematical software with features covering many aspects of mathematics, including algebra, combinatorics, numerical mathematics, number theory, and calculus.
  • Maple (software)
    Maple is a symbolic and numeric computing environment, and multi-paradigm programming language.
  • Julia (programming language)
    Julia is a high-level dynamic programming language designed to address the requirements of high-performance numerical and scientific computing while also being effective for general-purpose programming, web use or as a specification language.
  • Wolfram Mathematica
    Wolfram Mathematica (sometimes referred to as Mathematica) is a symbolic mathematical computation program, sometimes called a computer algebra program, used in many scientific, engineering, mathematical, and computing fields.
  • Maxima (software)
    Maxima is a computer algebra system based on a 1982 version of Macsyma.
  • Wolfram Alpha
    Wolfram Alpha (also styled WolframAlpha and Wolfram|Alpha) is a computational knowledge engine or answer engine developed by Wolfram Research, which was founded by Stephen Wolfram.
  • SMath Studio
    SMath Studio is a freeware (gratis, but not libre), closed source, mathematical notebook program similar to Mathcad.
  • Mathcad
    Mathcad is computer software primarily intended for the verification, validation, documentation and re-use of engineering calculations.
  • AMPL
    A Mathematical Programming Language (AMPL) is an algebraic modeling language to describe and solve high-complexity problems for large-scale mathematical computing (i.e., large-scale optimization and scheduling-type problems).
  • GAP (computer algebra system)
    GAP (Groups, Algorithms and Programming) is a computer algebra system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory.
  • Axiom (computer algebra system)
    Axiom is a free, general-purpose computer algebra system.
    WIRIS is a set of proprietary HTML-based Javascript tools which can author and edit mathematical formulas, execute mathematical problems and show mathematical graphics on the Cartesian coordinate system.
  • Algebrator
    Algebrator (also called Softmath) is a computer algebra system (CAS), which was developed in the late 1990s by Neven Jurkovic of Softmath, San Antonio, Texas.
  • FORMAC (programming language)
    FORMAC, acronym of FORmula MAnipulation Compiler was an early computer algebra system based on FORTRAN.
  • FORM (symbolic manipulation system)
    FORM is a symbolic manipulation system.
  • Fermat (computer algebra system)
    Fermat is a freeware program developed by Prof.
  • KANT (software)
    KANT is a computer algebra system for mathematicians interested in algebraic number theory, performing sophisticated computations in algebraic number fields, in global function fields, and in local fields.
  • General Algebraic Modeling System
    The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system for mathematical optimization.
  • Cambridge Algebra System
    The CAMAL (CAMbridge ALgebra system) is a computer algebra system written at Cambridge University by David Barton, Steve Bourne, and John Fitch.
  • TI InterActive!
    TI InterActive! is a Texas Instruments computer program which combines the functionality of all of the TI graphing calculators with extra features into a text editor which allows you to save equations, graphs, tables, spreadsheets, and text onto a document.
  • MuPAD
    MuPAD is a computer algebra system (CAS).
  • Mxparser
    mXparser is an open-source mathematical expressions parser/evaluator providing abilities to calculate various expressions at a run time.
  • Analytica (software)
    Analytica is a visual software package developed by Lumina Decision Systems for creating, analyzing and communicating quantitative decision models.
  • Derive (computer algebra system)
    Derive was a computer algebra system, developed as a successor to muMATH by the Soft Warehouse in Honolulu, Hawaii, now owned by Texas Instruments.
    SAMPL, which stands for "Stochastic AMPL", is an algebraic modeling language resulting by expanding the well-known language AMPL with extended syntax and keywords.
  • Schoonschip
    Schoonschip was one of the first computer algebra systems, developed in 1963 by Martinus J.
  • Macaulay computer algebra system
    Macaulay is a computer algebra system for doing polynomial computations, particularly Gröbner basis calculations.
    MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language.
    AIMMS (an acronym for "Advanced Interactive Multidimensional Modeling System") is a software system designed for modeling and solving large-scale optimization and scheduling-type problems.