2025-01-07T19:56:04+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueWhat is 802.11?, Describe 802.11a, Describe 802.11b, Describe 802.11g, Describe 802.11n, Describe 802.11ac, Describe 802.11ax, Why might a Wi-Fi network use a directional antenna?, True or False: Wireless regulations are standardized internationally, Why does 802.11 use the 2.4 and 5GHz frequencies?, True or False: There are regulations on signal strength, Define and describe RFID, Define and describe NFC, What is Bluetoothflashcards
The wireless networking standard established by the IEEE, also known as Wi-Fi
Describe 802.11a
5GHz, 54Mb/s, small range
Describe 802.11b
2.4GHz, 11Mb/s, better range than a, suffered from frequency conflicts
Describe 802.11g
2.4GHz, 54Mb/s, upgrade to b, suffered from frequency conflicts
Describe 802.11n
2.4 and 5GHz, 600Mb/s, 40MHz channels, MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) capability, Wi-Fi 4
Describe 802.11ac
5GHz, 7Gb/s, <160MHz channels, 8 MIMO antennas, Wi-Fi 5
Describe 802.11ax
2.4 and 5GHz, 1.2Gb/s per channel, 20, 40, 80, or 160MHz channels, 8 Full-Duplex MIMO antennas, OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access) allows network meshing and better coverage similar to cell networks
Why might a Wi-Fi network use a directional antenna?
To dramatically extend the range in a single direction
True or False: Wireless regulations are standardized internationally
False - Wireless regulations vary by country
Why does 802.11 use the 2.4 and 5GHz frequencies?
They are unlicensed frequencies that anyone can use
True or False: There are regulations on signal strength
Define and describe RFID
Radio-Frequency Identification, is a standard that communicates information at extremely close proximities, it is commonly used in access cards, inventories, animal identification, and tracking, it uses radio energy to ping the tag and reads the response
Define and describe NFC
Near Field Communication, is a standard that communicates information at short distances, it is commonly used in touchless payments, access cards, and data transfers, it builds on RFID and allows for 2-way communication
What is Bluetooth
A standard that communicates information at medium distances, it is commonly used in wireless peripherals using the 2.4GHz range
The wireless networking standard established by the IEEE, also known as Wi-Fi
Describe 802.11a
5GHz, 54Mb/s, small range
Describe 802.11b
2.4GHz, 11Mb/s, better range than a, suffered from frequency conflicts
Describe 802.11g
2.4GHz, 54Mb/s, upgrade to b, suffered from frequency conflicts
Describe 802.11n
2.4 and 5GHz, 600Mb/s, 40MHz channels, MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) capability, Wi-Fi 4
Describe 802.11ac
5GHz, 7Gb/s, <160MHz channels, 8 MIMO antennas, Wi-Fi 5
Describe 802.11ax
2.4 and 5GHz, 1.2Gb/s per channel, 20, 40, 80, or 160MHz channels, 8 Full-Duplex MIMO antennas, OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access) allows network meshing and better coverage similar to cell networks
Why might a Wi-Fi network use a directional antenna?
To dramatically extend the range in a single direction
True or False: Wireless regulations are standardized internationally
False - Wireless regulations vary by country
Why does 802.11 use the 2.4 and 5GHz frequencies?
They are unlicensed frequencies that anyone can use
True or False: There are regulations on signal strength
Define and describe RFID
Radio-Frequency Identification, is a standard that communicates information at extremely close proximities, it is commonly used in access cards, inventories, animal identification, and tracking, it uses radio energy to ping the tag and reads the response
Define and describe NFC
Near Field Communication, is a standard that communicates information at short distances, it is commonly used in touchless payments, access cards, and data transfers, it builds on RFID and allows for 2-way communication
What is Bluetooth
A standard that communicates information at medium distances, it is commonly used in wireless peripherals using the 2.4GHz range
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