2025-01-07T20:55:15+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueDefine and describe a LAN, Define and describe a VLAN, Define and describe a VPN, What is a concentrator?, What is a Client-to-Site VPN?flashcards
A local area network, is a group of devices within the same broadcast domain
Define and describe a VLAN
A virtual local area network, is a LAN that is separated logically (digitally) rather than physically
Define and describe a VPN
A virtual private network, is a system that is able to encrypt data while it traverses a public network
What is a concentrator?
An encryption/decryption device that is often integrated into the firewall that manages VPN traffic
What is a Client-to-Site VPN?
An on-demand access service from a remote device, software connects the client to a concentrator
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