2025-01-07T19:55:00+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueDefine and describe NAT, Define and describe SDN, What are the 3 layers of SDN?, What are the 3 planes of SDN?, What are the functions of the infrastructure layer and data plane?, What are the functions of the control layer and plane?, What are the functions of the application layer and management plane?flashcards
Network Address Translation allows private IP addresses to be translated into public IP addresses
Define and describe SDN
Software-Defined Networking separates the functions of a network into discrete logical units to extend the functionality and management of a single device, it is optimal for cloud services
What are the 3 layers of SDN?
Infrastructure, Control, and Application
What are the 3 planes of SDN?
Data, Control, and Management
What are the functions of the infrastructure layer and data plane?
Processing the network frames and packets, forwarding, trunking, encrypting, and NAT (Network Address Translation)
What are the functions of the control layer and plane?
Managing the actions of the data plane, creating tables for routing, sessions, and NAT, processing updates from the dynamic routing protocol
What are the functions of the application layer and management plane?
Configuring and managing the device, facilitating SSH, API, and browsers
Network Address Translation allows private IP addresses to be translated into public IP addresses
Define and describe SDN
Software-Defined Networking separates the functions of a network into discrete logical units to extend the functionality and management of a single device, it is optimal for cloud services
What are the 3 layers of SDN?
Infrastructure, Control, and Application
What are the 3 planes of SDN?
Data, Control, and Management
What are the functions of the infrastructure layer and data plane?
Processing the network frames and packets, forwarding, trunking, encrypting, and NAT (Network Address Translation)
What are the functions of the control layer and plane?
Managing the actions of the data plane, creating tables for routing, sessions, and NAT, processing updates from the dynamic routing protocol
What are the functions of the application layer and management plane?
Configuring and managing the device, facilitating SSH, API, and browsers
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