2025-01-07T21:00:23+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueDefine and Describe SATA, How many pins are on the SATA Power and Data connectors, respectively?, What is the maximum effective length of a SATA Data cable?, What is the maximum data transfer rate of SATA 1.0?, What is the maximum data transfer rate of SATA 2.0?, What is the maximum data transfer rate of SATA 3.0?, What is the maximum data transfer rate of SATA 3.2?, What is eSATA?, True or False: eSATA and SATA are identicalflashcards
Serial Advanced Technology Attachment, is a standard for serial data and power connectors
How many pins are on the SATA Power and Data connectors, respectively?
15 and 7
What is the maximum effective length of a SATA Data cable?
What is the maximum data transfer rate of SATA 1.0?
What is the maximum data transfer rate of SATA 2.0?
What is the maximum data transfer rate of SATA 3.0?
What is the maximum data transfer rate of SATA 3.2?
What is eSATA?
External SATA is a standard for external SATA devices
True or False: eSATA and SATA are identical
False - eSATA cables can run up to 2m and have physically distinct connectors
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