2025-01-07T21:49:01+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueWhat is the function of the DNS?, What is the hierarchy of DNS?, Define and describe RR, Define and describe A and AAAA, Define and describe MX, Define and describe TXT, Define and describe SPF, Define and describe DKIM, Define and describe DMARCflashcards
To translate human-readable names into computer-readable IP addresses and vice versa
What is the hierarchy of DNS?
Top-level (.com) > Site (.google) > Location (www) > Individual
Define and describe RR
Resource Records are the database records of domain name services
Define and describe A and AAAA
Address Records define the IP address of a host, A Records are for IPv4 and AAAA Records are for IPv6
Define and describe MX
Mail Exchanger Records determine the host name for a mail server
Define and describe TXT
Text Records are human-readable text information that contain useful public information and can be used for verification purposes by containing encoded information
Define and describe SPF
Sender Policy Framework Protocol is a list of all servers authorized to send emails to a domain, it prevents mail spoofing
Define and describe DKIM
Domain Keys Identified Mail digitally signs a domain’s outgoing mail with a key that is validated by the recipients mail server, the public key is stored in the DKIM TXT Record
Define and describe DMARC
Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance prevents email spoofing as an extension of SPF and DKIM, DMARC allows the admin to create a policy for what happens to incoming mail that fails SPF and DKIM validation
To translate human-readable names into computer-readable IP addresses and vice versa
What is the hierarchy of DNS?
Top-level (.com) > Site (.google) > Location (www) > Individual
Define and describe RR
Resource Records are the database records of domain name services
Define and describe A and AAAA
Address Records define the IP address of a host, A Records are for IPv4 and AAAA Records are for IPv6
Define and describe MX
Mail Exchanger Records determine the host name for a mail server
Define and describe TXT
Text Records are human-readable text information that contain useful public information and can be used for verification purposes by containing encoded information
Define and describe SPF
Sender Policy Framework Protocol is a list of all servers authorized to send emails to a domain, it prevents mail spoofing
Define and describe DKIM
Domain Keys Identified Mail digitally signs a domain’s outgoing mail with a key that is validated by the recipients mail server, the public key is stored in the DKIM TXT Record
Define and describe DMARC
Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance prevents email spoofing as an extension of SPF and DKIM, DMARC allows the admin to create a policy for what happens to incoming mail that fails SPF and DKIM validation
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