2025-01-07T21:06:22+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueDefine and describe CPU, True or False: Any processor can run any application, Define and describe RISC, Define and describe ARM, What is important about a CPU having multiple cores?, What is Multithreading?flashcards
True or False: Any processor can run any application
False - 32-bit processors cannot run 64-bit applications, but 64-bit processors can run both
Define and describe RISC
Reduced Instruction Set Computer, uses optimized and smaller codesets to run functions
Define and describe ARM
Advanced RISC Machine, is a CPU architecture designed for smaller devices like mobile or IoT
What is important about a CPU having multiple cores?
Each core has its own cache allowing it to operate independently, some CPUs have a shared cache for all cores
What is Multithreading?
When one CPU core acts like 2, multithreading does not double performance but increases it 15-30%
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