2025-01-07T21:14:00+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueWhat is Cloud Computing?, What are the 4 types of Cloud Development Models?, What is a Private Cloud?, What is a Public Cloud?, What is a Hybrid Cloud?, What is a Community Cloud?, In the pizza analogy, what is On-Premises?, What is Infrastructure-as-a-Service?, In the pizza analogy, what is IaaS?, What are some use cases for IaaS?, What is Platform-as-a-Service?, In the pizza analogy, what is PaaS?, What are some use cases for PaaS?, What is Software-as-a-Service?, In the pizza analogy, what is SaaS?, What are some use cases for SaaS?flashcards
A cloud center available to anyone over the internet
What is a Hybrid Cloud?
A mix of public and private clouds
What is a Community Cloud?
A cloud shared by several organizations who need to share resources and information
In the pizza analogy, what is On-Premises?
Making the pizza from scratch at home
What is Infrastructure-as-a-Service?
IaaS (sometimes called HaaS [Hardware-as-a-Service]) is a cloud service that rents the hardware to be used as a virtual machine
In the pizza analogy, what is IaaS?
Buying a frozen pizza, you will still need an oven, electricity, drinks, plates, etc.
What are some use cases for IaaS?
Testing and development, storage and backups, high performance computing
What is Platform-as-a-Service?
PaaS is a cloud service that runs the OS level programs while allowing the client controls the development of materials on that platform
In the pizza analogy, what is PaaS?
Having the pizza delivered, you will still need drinks, plates, etc.
What are some use cases for PaaS?
Analytics, business intelligence, development framework
What is Software-as-a-Service?
SaaS is on-demand software that requires no management from the client
In the pizza analogy, what is SaaS?
Dining out, everything is provided for you
What are some use cases for SaaS?
Gaining access to sophisticated applications without having to manage the infrastructure
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