2020-08-19T20:52:33+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Henking, X - Body, Autosomes flashcards

Class XII - Principles of inheritance (sex determination)

Use this as a practice material for the getting the concepts learnt today on sex determination thorough.

  • Henking
    In 1891 traced specific nuclear structures all through spermatogenesis in a few insects and it was also observed by him that 50% of the sperm received this structures after spermatogenesis, whereas the other 50% sperm did not receive it.
  • X - Body
    Henking gave the name to the nuclear structure observed in the 50% sperms formed during spermatogenesis. Further investigations by other scientists led to the conclusion that the 'X - body' of Henking was in fact a chromosome and that is why it was given the name X chromosome.
  • Autosomes
    All the chromosomes common in the male and female