2021-05-18T16:52:00+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Define matter, how we can classify matter under physical classification, How we can classify matter under chemical classification, Define mixture and compound, Define atom and molecule, Define element and compound. flashcards

Class plus one chemistry

Some basic concept of chemistry

  • Define matter
    Anything which occupy some space and having some mass is known as matter our universe is consist of matter and energy matter energy always show some transformation.
  • how we can classify matter under physical classification
    We can classify matter into three phase solid liquid and gas under its physical classification. today matter exist in more than three phase and every forms have different nature in solid phase we have definite shape and definite volume hole liquid phase we have definite volume but not definite shape but in case of gases neither we have definite shape nor we have definite volume.
  • How we can classify matter under chemical classification
  • Define mixture and compound
    In mixture different compounds for element mixed in any proportion.we have two kind of mixture h********** and heterogeneous. While in compound different element atoms or atom of same elements combined in definite proportion
  • Define atom and molecule
    Smallest particle of matter which may or may not have independent existence while molecule is also smallest particle of matter which can exist independently when two or more atoms combined in some proportion they will form molecule. Like nitrogen molecule oxygen molecule water molecules Atom may be of same element or maybe of different elements may. combine
  • Define element and compound.