2024-05-30T11:34:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>2 human right</p>, <p>2 political right</p>, <p>2 moral right</p>, <p>2 legal right</p>, <p>3 factors causing immigration and emigration </p>, <p>2 roles of free press</p>, <p>2 NGOs</p>, <p>2 ways to resolve international dispute as a country</p>, <p>2 roles of legal representatives </p>, <p>Criminal law</p>, <p>Civil law</p>, <p>Scottish legal system- 12 or 15 jury</p>, <p>What act was made in 2010</p>, <p>3 roles of trade unions</p> flashcards
Citizenship - Paper 2

Citizenship - Paper 2

  • 2 human right

    right to life, right to freedom from torture

  • 2 political right

    right to vote, right to free speech

  • 2 moral right

    right to an education, right to freedom of thought and expression

  • 2 legal right

    right to a fair trial, right for representation

  • 3 factors causing immigration and emigration

    high/low standard of living

    political stability

    lack/abudance of work and jobs

  • 2 roles of free press

    informing general public of events, hold those in power to account

  • 2 NGOs

    doctors without borders, WaterAid

  • 2 ways to resolve international dispute as a country

    military action, sanctions such as stopping trades

  • 2 roles of legal representatives

    provide advice and guidance, argue for innocence/guilt of an individual

  • Criminal law

    Deals with issue between individual and state

  • Civil law

    Deals with issue between individual and organisation

  • Scottish legal system- 12 or 15 jury


  • What act was made in 2010

    2010 equality act

  • 3 roles of trade unions

    Represent employees

    Provide advice and guidance

    Protect and campaign for employees right