2024-01-01T20:17:59+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true a) Outline three ways Christians may show belief in the Trinity. (3), a) Outline three beliefs about the Trinity as shown in the Nicene Creed. (3), b) Explain two Christian beliefs about the Trinity. (4), a) Outline three Christian beliefs about creation. (3), a) Outline three features of the biblical story of creation. (3), b) Explain two reasons why Creation may be significant for Christians today. (4), a) Outline three Christian beliefs about Jesus (3), b) Explain two reasons why the incarnation is important to Christians. (4), c) Explain two ways the Bible shows that Jesus is the Son of God. SOWA. (5), c) Explain two Christian beliefs about the incarnation of Jesus. SOWA. (5), a) Outline three events in the last days of Jesus’ life. (3), b) Explain two reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians. (4), a) Outline three things’ Christians believe about salvation. (3), c) Explain two reasons why salvation is important to Christians. SOWA. (5), a) Outline three Christian beliefs about life after death. (3), b) Explain two Christian teachings about life after death. (4), c) Explain two different Christian’s beliefs about life after death. SOWA. (5), b) Explain two ways Christians respond to evil and suffering. (4), c) Explain two different Christian solutions to the problem of evil and suffering. SOWA. (5), c) Explain two reasons why evil and suffering may cause problems about the nature of God for Christians. SOWA (5)., c) Explain two reasons why evil and suffering may cause believers to question their faith. SOWA. (5), a) Outline three ways a Christian can worship (3), a) Outline three forms of worship used by Christians. (3), b) Describe two differences between Christian worship and that of another religion you have studied (4), b) Explain two reasons why some Christians may prefer liturgical forms of worship. (4), a) Outline three Christian sacraments (3), b) Explain two reasons why the Eucharist is important to Christians. (4), b) Explain two reasons why prayer is important to Christians (4), c) Explain two reasons why Christians might benefit from liturgical worship. SOWA.(5), a) Outline three activities Christians may do on pilgrimage. (3), a) Outline three reasons why pilgrimage is important to Christians (3), b) Explain two reasons Christians might go on pilgrimage to Iona. (4), a) Outline three religious celebrations that take place during the Church year. (3), c) Explain two reasons why most Christians celebrate Easter. (5), a) Outline three purposes of Christian missionary work (3), c) Explain two reasons why evangelism is important to Christians. SOWA. (5), a) Outline three ways that the local church serves its local community (3), b) Explain two reasons why the local church is important for Christians. (4), b) Explain two reasons why ecumenism is important to Christians (4), a) Outline three ways the worldwide church works for reconciliation. (3), c) Explain two reasons why peace is important for Christians. SOWA. (5), a) Outline three Christian responses to the problems caused by conflict. (3), a) Outline three Christian teachings about weapons of mass destruction. (3), a) Outline three Christian beliefs about justice (3), b) Explain two Christian responses to why justice is important for victims (4), c) Explain two reasons why justice is important to Christians. SOWA. (5), a) Outline three possible causes of crime (3), b) Explain two Christian views on the different aims of punishment (4), a) Outline three Christian teachings about the treatment of criminals. (3), b) Explain two reasons why some Christians do not accept the use of the death penalty. (4) flashcards
christianity rs

christianity rs

  • a) Outline three ways Christians may show belief in the Trinity. (3)
    The Trinity is included in the Creeds. Some Christians will bless themselves using the sign of the cross. Christians are baptised using the trinitarian formula.
  • a) Outline three beliefs about the Trinity as shown in the Nicene Creed. (3)
    God is one. God the Father made the world. Jesus is God.
  • b) Explain two Christian beliefs about the Trinity. (4)
    God is one in three persons as shown in the baptism of Jesus where the three persons are shown. God is the Father and continues to have a loving relationship with his creation Jesus referred to God as father in the Lord’s Prayer saying, ‘Our Father in heaven’.
  • a) Outline three Christian beliefs about creation. (3)
    Christians believe all members of the Trinity were present at creation. Christians believe God created by speaking.
  • a) Outline three features of the biblical story of creation. (3)
    On day one God created light. He created the land, sea and trees. He created fish and birds.
  • b) Explain two reasons why Creation may be significant for Christians today. (4)
    The Creation account is significant today because it shows God created everything. This means it is a gift to them from God. The account is significant as it shows they are stewards. God asked them to care for his creation.
  • a) Outline three Christian beliefs about Jesus (3)
    Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God. Christians believe Jesus was God born in human form here on earth. Jesus is believed to be the saviour of the world as He died for our sins.
  • b) Explain two reasons why the incarnation is important to Christians. (4)
    One reason the incarnation is important to Christians is that it showed that Jesus can relate to them. This means that as Jesus was here on earth and can understand their human suffering. Another reason it’s important is that it restored the relationship between God and humanity. This means that it brought them closer to God as Jesus was walking among them.
  • c) Explain two ways the Bible shows that Jesus is the Son of God. SOWA. (5)
    One way is through the fact that Mary was a virgin. This means that Jesus' entrance into the world was impossible for humans so He must be divine. Another way is through His resurrection. Humans can't do that.
  • c) Explain two Christian beliefs about the incarnation of Jesus. SOWA. (5)
    The Bible teaches that Jesus was present at creation, and he was with God from the beginning. ‘‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God’. Jesus ‘the Word’ came to earth as a human being he lived with and showed Gods glory to humanity.
  • a) Outline three events in the last days of Jesus’ life. (3)
    The last supper which took place on the Thursday night. Betrayal by Judas to the authorities. Arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.
  • b) Explain two reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians. (4)
    God sent his Son to sacrifice his life and in turn extends salvation to everyone that believes in him. Some Christians believe that Jesus paid the price for sin and released humanity from being enslaved by it.
  • a) Outline three things’ Christians believe about salvation. (3)
    Some Christians believe salvation will lead them to heaven. Some believe the death of Jesus brings. Some believe faith brings salvation.
  • c) Explain two reasons why salvation is important to Christians. SOWA. (5)
    Salvation frees Christians from sin. This means they can go to heaven. Salvation allows Christians to have a relationship with God. This means atonement can be achieved.
  • a) Outline three Christian beliefs about life after death. (3)
    Christians believe there is life after death. They believe the good will go to heaven. Most believe that bad people will go to hell.
  • b) Explain two Christian teachings about life after death. (4)
    Christians believe that there is everlasting life after this one. They believe that those who live good Christian lives will go to heaven. Christians teach that after death people will be judged by God. This is shown in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats.
  • c) Explain two different Christian’s beliefs about life after death. SOWA. (5)
    2 Corinthians 5:10 says ‘For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.’ teaching Christians that they will appear before Christ after death and be judged. The parable of the Sheep and Goats teaches that there will be rewards and punishments after death ‘and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.’ The good will go to heaven and the bad to hell.
  • b) Explain two ways Christians respond to evil and suffering. (4)
    Christians may do charitable work to ease suffering they may raise funds for charities that reduce poverty. They may teach that it will make you into a better Christian Jesus taught that those who believe will have eternal life.
  • c) Explain two different Christian solutions to the problem of evil and suffering. SOWA. (5)

    One solution to the problem of evil and suffering is that no one knows why suffering happens, but we must trust in God. Christians may believe that he will always help them, the writer of the Psalms says, ‘You are my refuge and my shield’. This means that even if they're suffering, God is looking after them. Christians may also say that suffering only exists because humanity has free will and chooses to do evil. This means that God gave us free will and therefore the presence of moral evil is explained.

  • c) Explain two reasons why evil and suffering may cause problems about the nature of God for Christians. SOWA (5).

    Christians believe God is omnipotent and can do anything including stopping all evil and suffering. In the Bible it says 'The Lord is compassionate ang gracious.' Christians may question why an all-loving God allows His creations to suffer. Christians believe that God is benevolent and does not want His creations to suffer. A Christian may then question the power of God, if He does not want us to suffer, then the reason that we are still suffering must be that He does not have the power to stop it.

  • c) Explain two reasons why evil and suffering may cause believers to question their faith. SOWA. (5)
    Christians may wonder why a loving God would allow them to suffer, many Christians suffer from diseases and pain even though Psalm 103:3 says God ‘forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases’. Christians believe God is all powerful, so should be able to prevent suffering. However, suffering often happens to believers, contrary to biblical teaching about God, ‘he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities’.
  • a) Outline three ways a Christian can worship (3)
    Through individual or communal prayer. Singing as in charismatic worship. By following the Book of Common Prayer.
  • a) Outline three forms of worship used by Christians. (3)
    Christians may use individual prayer. Christians may sing worship songs. They may attend Sunday services.
  • b) Describe two differences between Christian worship and that of another religion you have studied (4)
    Christians generally have no set times for prayer however, Muslims should pray five times a day at set times. Some Christians use images within worship however, Muslims do not allow the use of any images.
  • b) Explain two reasons why some Christians may prefer liturgical forms of worship. (4)
    Christians might prefer liturgical worship as it is set out by the Church to follow the tradition of Christians in the past. Christians may feel more comfortable worshipping in a set pattern they know that they are worshipping God in an appropriate manner ‘Whoever does not honour the Son does not honour the Father, who sent him.’
  • a) Outline three Christian sacraments (3)
    Baptism is the first of the Catholic sacraments. Confirmation reaffirms the sacrament of Baptism. The Eucharist is when Catholics receive the body and blood of Christ.
  • b) Explain two reasons why the Eucharist is important to Christians. (4)
    Article 28 of the Church of England’s 39 Articles of Faith states the Eucharist is a sacrament, and those who receive it with faith are receiving an emblem of the body of Christ and the blood of Christ. Jesus told his disciples to do this in remembrance of him ‘And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”’, as disciples today Christians continue to follow this instruction.
  • b) Explain two reasons why prayer is important to Christians (4)
    The Bible says Christians should pray. Christians believe prayer is a way of communicating and getting closer to God. Jesus told His followers to pray. During the sermon on the mount Jesus gave His followers The Lord's Prayer and Christians are meant to follow His example.
  • c) Explain two reasons why Christians might benefit from liturgical worship. SOWA.(5)
    They provide a pattern familiar to believers enabling them to be comfortable in their worship of God and do as Jesus suggested by praying such prayers as the Lord’s Prayer: ‘This, then, is how you should pray’. The words of the set prayers have been said throughout history reciting these aloud increases a sense of shared belief and unity Jesus taught his disciples one prayer that is still learned by Christians today known as the Lord’s Prayer.
  • a) Outline three activities Christians may do on pilgrimage. (3)
    Christians may pray on pilgrimage. They may study the Bible. They may have religious experiences.
  • a) Outline three reasons why pilgrimage is important to Christians (3)
    It can bring them closer to Jesus. It helps them to develop spiritually. They can walk where Jesus walked.
  • b) Explain two reasons Christians might go on pilgrimage to Iona. (4)
    The pilgrimage to Iona follows in the footsteps of great saints including St Columba who is credited with bringing Christianity to Scotland. It may join people together in a communal journey because they will all participate in Tuesday’s pilgrimage walk.
  • a) Outline three religious celebrations that take place during the Church year. (3)
    One celebration is Advent. Another is Christmas. Another is Easter.
  • c) Explain two reasons why most Christians celebrate Easter. (5)
    Easter provides an opportunity to focus on the resurrection which Christians believe opened the way to eternal life. As St Paul explains ‘Now if there is no resurrection, what will those do who are baptised for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why are people baptised for them?’. Christians celebrate Easter as it is a festival of great joy, they celebrate Jesus overcoming death ’For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.’
  • a) Outline three purposes of Christian missionary work (3)
    One purpose of missionary work is to spread Jesus' teachings. Another purpose is to set up hospitals in other countries. Another purpose is to translate the Bible into every language
  • c) Explain two reasons why evangelism is important to Christians. SOWA. (5)
    One reason evangelism is important to Christians is that they have agape love. This means they love everyone and should want to save everyone from Hell. Another reason its important is that Jesus commanded it. In the book of Mark, Jesus said ' Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.' This means that He wants Christians to share His teachings and they should follow His instructions.
  • a) Outline three ways that the local church serves its local community (3)
    One way the local church helps the local community is by giving them practical advice. Another way is by raising money for charity. Another way is by offering moral guidance.
  • b) Explain two reasons why the local church is important for Christians. (4)
    A church offers support to the community by providing counselling and support for members of the local community as Peter describes in his letter when he says to the elders ‘be shepherds of God’s flock’. It provides a place and support for the coming together of the community for example funerals and marriages as ‘where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them’.
  • b) Explain two reasons why ecumenism is important to Christians (4)
    One reason ecumenism is important to Christians is that it reduces conflict and discrimination. This means that they can be closer aligned to Jesus' ideals of peace. Another reason is that Jesus asked for Christians to be at peace with one another. In the Bible it says 'Let there be no divisions in Church.'. This means that God wants Christians to be at peace with each other.
  • a) Outline three ways the worldwide church works for reconciliation. (3)
    The Church speaks out against oppression and terrorism in the world. The World Council of Churches brings Christians together on organised days of prayer. Churches work to build inter-religious trust and respect.
  • c) Explain two reasons why peace is important for Christians. SOWA. (5)
    Many Christians believe that Jesus taught that peace was preferable to violence they believe Jesus showed this in his actions in the Garden of Gethsemane. Luke 22:51 shows he stopped the fighting saying ‘“No more of this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him’. Some Christians believe that most people want to live in peace, that this is the main way that Christians show love to others. Luke 6:31 teaches ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you.’
  • a) Outline three Christian responses to the problems caused by conflict. (3)
    Conflict may lead to war. The Church teaches to end conflict. Conflict leads to violence.
  • a) Outline three Christian teachings about weapons of mass destruction. (3)
    Christians should not use WMD as they might not meet the conditions of a Just War. Christians should protect life not, destroy it so cannot use WMD. WMD destroy the land that Christians as stewards should protect.
  • a) Outline three Christian beliefs about justice (3)
    The Bible teaches that God shows justice. God wants Christians to show justice. Christian justice is restorative.
  • b) Explain two Christian responses to why justice is important for victims (4)
    Some Christians believe justice helps victims come to terms with their ordeal allowing them to learn to forgive the offender. Some Christians believe it is important as it reflects God’s justice. It enables victims to understand that there is an ultimate judge.
  • c) Explain two reasons why justice is important to Christians. SOWA. (5)
    Jesus taught the importance of justice. He taught his followers to 'Do unto others as you would have them do to you.' which means everyone is treated in a just and fair. Another reason is that the Bible puts an emphasis on justice. For example the decalogue which guides people to what is right or wrong.
  • a) Outline three possible causes of crime (3)
    One cause of crime can be addiction. Another can be hatred. Another can be poor upbringing.
  • b) Explain two Christian views on the different aims of punishment (4)
    Christians believe punishment should help reform a person so that they become a better person ‘if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently’. They may believe that punishment should protect people from harm in the same way that Christians expect God to protect them ‘Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent’.
  • a) Outline three Christian teachings about the treatment of criminals. (3)
    Christians feel that the punishment should try to reform the criminal. They think Christians should offer forgiveness to the criminal. The treatment of criminals should reflect the God given dignity of the person.
  • b) Explain two reasons why some Christians do not accept the use of the death penalty. (4)
    Some teach that it would make the executioner as bad as the offender, Matthew teaches ‘But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.’, showing that it is more Christian to forgive the person than to react. Some Christians teach that using the death penalty is the same as murder, it is taking away someone else’s life which no one has the right to do. Jesus said, ‘Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her’.