2024-01-25T01:18:16+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Democritus (400 BC)</p>, <p>John Dalton (1766 - 1844)</p>, <p>Law of conservation of</p><p>mass</p>, <p>Law of definite</p><p>proportions</p>, <p>J.J. Thompson (1856-1940)</p>, <p>Sir Ernest Rutherford</p>, <p>James Clerk Maxwell (1864)</p>, <p>Plank &amp; Einstein (1877 &amp; 1905)</p>, <p>Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962)</p>, <p>Problems with Bohr´s Theory</p>, <p>Heisenberg uncertainty</p><p>principle</p>, <p>Louis de Broglie (1892-1987)</p>, <p>Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961)</p>, <p>Max Born (1882–1970)</p>, <p>Principal Quantum Number n</p>, <p>Secondary Quantum Number l</p>, <p>Magnetic Quantum Number m</p>, <p>Spin Quantum Number s</p>, <p>Aufbau principle</p>, <p>Hund´s rule</p>, <p>Pauli exclusion principle</p>, <p>Atom-Size</p><p>or atomic</p><p>radius</p>, <p>Ionization</p><p>Energy</p>, <p>Electron</p><p>Affinity</p>, <p>Electronegativity</p>, <p>Hess´s law</p>, <p>Energy Minimum</p>, <p>Octet Rule</p>, <p>Coordinate Bond</p>, <p>Le Châtelier´s principle</p>, <p>Reaction – KC</p><p>Relationship</p>, <p>The value of Q</p>, <p>Cohesive Forces</p>, <p>Adhesive Forces</p>, <p>Surface Tension</p>, <p>Viscosity</p>, <p>Solubility</p>, <p>Solute and solvent</p>, <p>Saturated solution</p>, <p>The Solubility Product</p>, <p>Ka , Kb. pKa, pKb</p>, <p>Charges in Molecules</p>, <p>Partial Charges</p>, <p>Charges</p>, <p>VSEPR rule</p>, <p>Intermolecular Attraction Forces (secondary bonds)</p>, <p>Solvation:</p>, <p>Hydration</p>, <p>Arrhenius</p>, <p>Brønsted</p>, <p>Oxoacids</p>, <p>Ampholytes</p>, <p>Boyle</p>, <p>Lewis-Definition</p>, <p>Indicators</p>, <p>Common Indicators</p>, <p>pH-Meter</p>, <p>Buffers</p>, <p>Lavosier</p>, <p>The new idea</p>, <p>EN</p>, <p>Half reaction</p>, <p>Potential</p>, <p>Reduction Potentials</p>, <p>Standard Reduction Potential</p> flashcards


  • Democritus (400 BC)

    Matter consists of parts

    that cannot be cut down

    anymore, so called

    „atomos“ (which means


  • John Dalton (1766 - 1844)

    1. Matter consists of tiny particles called atoms

    2. Atoms are indistructable. During reactions they

    rearrange but they do not themselves break


    3. In a sample of a pure element all atoms are

    identical in mass and other properties.

    4. Atoms of different elements differ in mass and

    other properties

    5. When different elements combine to compounds,

    new and more complex particles are built–

    however, in a given compound they are always

    present in the same fixed numercial ratio

  • Law of conservation of


    in a chemical reaction mass is neither created nor destroyed.

  • Law of definite


    the individual elements that constitute a chemical compound are always present in a fixed ratio'

  • J.J. Thompson (1856-1940)

    The „plum pudding“ model

    Discovery of the electron in


    Positive “cloud” (the

    pudding) surrounds the

    negative charges (the

    plums) then still called


  • Sir Ernest Rutherford

    The Gold-foil experiment

    try to shoot alpha-rays

    at a gold foil

    There are two parts of the atom:

    The core (nucleus) and the shell


    positive charged

    massive particles

    1/10.000 th of the size

    protons & neutrons


    negative charged

    nearly mass-less particles

    almost the whole atom size


  • James Clerk Maxwell (1864)

    His set of equations —

    Maxwell's equations

    — demonstrated that

    electricity, magnetism

    and even light are all

    manifestations of the

    same phenomenon:

    the electromagnetic


  • Plank & Einstein (1877 & 1905)

    Energy of a photon of

    electromagnetic radiation is

    proportional to the

    radiation´s frequency

    E = h . ν

    with h being Plank´s constant

  • Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962)

    Niels Bohr proposed a model for the hydrogen atom that incorporated quantized electron orbits. Electrons were allowed to exist only in certain orbits without emitting radiation.

    Bohr introduced the idea that electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed energy levels or shells. Electrons could jump between these levels by absorbing or emitting energy in discrete quanta.

    Bohr's model successfully explained the spectral lines of hydrogen but had limitations and couldn't fully account for the behavior of atoms with more than one electron.

  • Problems with Bohr´s Theory

    starts to fail mathematically with

    more than 1 electron

    ➔ Only hydrogen can be treated

    with this model

    So the model violates the uncertainty

    principle in that it considers electrons

    to have known orbits and a definite

    radius, two things which can not be

    directly known at once.

  • Heisenberg uncertainty


    certain pairs of physical

    properties, such as position and

    momentum, cannot be

    simultaneously known to

    arbitrarily high precision.

  • Louis de Broglie (1892-1987)

    Elecrtons may not be seen as a just

    a particle

    but also as a wave

    proposed that electrons exhibit both particle and wave-like properties. This wave-particle duality was supported by experimental evidence.

  • Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961)

    The Wave Function

    3 dimensional waves

    Starting from the hydrogen atom the

    wave function Ψ

    can be used to describe the electrons

    Erwin Schrödinger developed a mathematical equation (Schrödinger equation) describing the behavior of electrons as waves.

    The wave function, denoted by ψ, represents the probability amplitude of finding an electron at a particular location in space and time.

    The square of the wave function (|ψ|^2) gives the probability density of finding the electron.

    Unlike Bohr's orbits, the wave function provides a more continuous and probabilistic description of the electron's location.

  • Max Born (1882–1970)

    Since the location can not

    be given precise


    Probability of the

    position of the electrons

    these spaces are called


  • Principal Quantum Number n

    = number of the „shell“ from Bohr´s model

    n = 1 to ∞

    sometimes also refered to with capital


    n = 1 = K; n = 2 = L; n = 3 = M; ….

    gives the size of the wave

  • Secondary Quantum Number l

    = subshells

    value of l depends on value of n

    there are subshells from 0 to n-1

    ➔bigger shell contains more subshells

    Ex. n=1 ➔ l=0

    n=2 ➔ l=0 or 1

    n=3 ➔ l= 0 or 1 or 2

  • Magnetic Quantum Number m

    = orientation of the orbitals

    To each value of l there are orientations

    from –l to +l


    l=1 ➔ m= -1,0,+1

    l=2 ➔ m= -2,-1,0,+1,+2

  • Spin Quantum Number s

    That means that every orbital holds

    2 electrons !

    Those 2 electrons differ only in their

    so called „spin“

    s = - ½ or + ½

  • Aufbau principle

    states that electrons fill lower-energy atomic orbitals before filling higher-energy ones

    1) E-minimum

    Orbitals of lower energy are occupied first

  • Hund´s rule

    When there are different orbitals of the same energy they

    first get occupied with a single electron

  • Pauli exclusion principle

    Electrons do at least differ in 1 quantum number →

    In one orbital the two electrons have to differ in their spin

  • Atom-Size

    or atomic


    Size increases

    from the top to

    the bottom and

    from the right

    to the left

  • Ionization


    energy required

    to remove an


  • Electron


    energy change

    associated with

    the adding of an


    (Noble gases don´t have

    a positve electron


  • Electronegativity

    The ability to attract an electron


    Inreases towards fluorine

    (from bottom to top and from left to


    the element with the highest


  • Hess´s law

    The value of ΔH° for any reaction that

    can be written in steps equals the

    sum of the values of ΔH° of each of

    these individual steps

  • Energy Minimum

    2 or more atoms react when during

    this reaction energy is released

    →they want to keep their energy

    level as low as possible

    →Achieved through reacting with

    each other!

  • Octet Rule

    The s- and p-electrons are called

    valence electrons or outer electrons

    since they build the beginning (s) and

    the end (p) of each period

    So having 8 valence electrons (an octet

    of electrons) means having the state of

    a noble gas (configuration s2p6)

  • Coordinate Bond

    Sometimes a bond can be established

    by both bond electron comming from

    one partner ex.: NH4+

  • Le Châtelier´s principle

    Equilibrium systems always

    conuteracts a disturbing

    influence to return to the

    equilibrium state.

    Any change in status quo

    prompts an opposing

    reaction in the responding


  • Reaction – KC


    reverse reaction → inverse K

    •reaction multiplied by x → K raised to the power of x

    •K for a net reaction → product of the individual steps

  • The value of Q

    To predict the direction of equilibrium of a reaction, the

    reaction quotient Q is used.

    Q, is calculated in the same way as the equilibrium

    constant, only that Q uses the current or initial

    concentrations instead of the equilibrium

    concentrations used to calculate K

    If Q < K, then there are more reactants present than

    equilibrium and the reaction will need to produce more

    products to reach equilibrium and will shift to the right.

    If Q > K, then there are more products present than

    equilibrium and the reaction will need to produce more

    reactants shifting the reaction to the left.

    If Q = K, then the reaction is already at equilibrium and

    there will be no shift.

  • Cohesive Forces

    Intermolecular forces between the

    molecules in a phase (e.g. liquid), which

    hold the phase together

  • Adhesive Forces

    Intermolecular forces between molecules of

    different phases and composition (e.g. liquid

    water /solid metal; liquid water / liquid


  • Surface Tension

    Surface tension describes the force, which holds

    the liquids together. It can be quantitatively

    described by the energy required to increase

    the surface area of a liquid.

  • Viscosity

    Viscosity describes the

    gooey appearance of

    liquids caused by the

    inner friction between

    the molecules

  • Solubility

    is the ability of two

    substances to form a homogeneous


  • Solute and solvent

    The solute is the substance that is being dissolved, while the solvent is the dissolving medium.

  • Saturated solution

    telített oldat

    is a solution that holds as

    much solute as possible.

    At this state an equilibrium between the solute

    in the solid, liquid or gaseous state and the

    dissolved state is reached.

    Saturation is temperature dependent.

    Increasing or decreasing the temperature will

    alter the amount of solvent needed to reach


  • The Solubility Product

    The solubility product constant is a measure for

    the maximum solubility of a salt in water.

  • Ka , Kb. pKa, pKb

    The smaller pKa, the stronger the acid. The smaller pKb, the stronger the base.

    The higher Ka and Kb values, the stronger the acid or base.

  • Charges in Molecules

    There are three general ways charge

    separation can occur in a molecule.

    Formation of ions

    •Permanent dipoles caused by a polar bond

    •Induced dipoles in polar and non polar


  • Partial Charges

    Charges at opposite end of a dipole,

    that are fractions of full 1+ or 1-

    charges. They are caused through an

    uneven distribution of electron density

    in a molecule with respect to its nuclei.

    Partial charges are normally indicated

    by δ+ and δ-


  • Charges

    formal charge bc of coordinate bond

    partial charge bc of polar bond

  • VSEPR rule

    Valence shell electron pair repulsion

    Every electron pair wants as much space

    as possible

    e.g.: CH4

  • Intermolecular Attraction Forces (secondary bonds)

    Van der Waals Interactions

    describe the electrostatic interactions

    between non charged molecules,

    which are caused either the formation

    of a polar bond (permanent dipoles) or

    by a temporary disequilibrium in

    electron density across the molecule

    (induced dipole).

    -dipole dipole interaction

    -hydrogen bond

    -London Dispersion Interactions

  • Solvation:

    The process of generating a cage-like network of a

    solution‘s solvent molecules around a molecule or ion

    of the solvent

  • Hydration

    is the special case of water being the solvent

  • Arrhenius

    An acid is a substance that reacts

    with water to produces a

    hydronium ion H3O+

    A base is a substance that produces

    hydroxide ions OH- in water

  • Brønsted

    an acid-base reaction is a proton

    transfer reaction

    (the proton is the H+)

    An acid needs a base to react


    This theory doesn´t need water

    to react with the acids and bases!

  • Oxoacids

    Oxoacids are formed through the reaction of

    nonmetal oxides with water


    SO3 + H2O ⇄ H2SO4

    CO2 + H2O ⇄ H2CO3

    the oxides are therefore also called acetic

    anhydrides („without water“)

  • Ampholytes

    compounds that can donate or accept

    a proton

  • Boyle

    acids: sour, corrosive, change litmus to red

    base: slippery, change litmus to blue

  • Lewis-Definition

    acid: any ionic or molecular species that can

    accept a pair of electrons to form a coordinate


    base: any ionic or molecular species that can

    donate a pair of electrons to form a coordinate


    neutralisation: formation of the coordinate

    bond between donator and acceptor

  • Indicators

    are weak organic acids

    if deprotonate change color

    color 1 as acid, color 2 as conjugated base

  • Common Indicators

    universal indicator: mixture of several

    indicators (red-green-blue) pH: 3-7-11

    phenolphtalein: colorless-purple 8.2-10

    bromthymolblue: yellow-blue 6.0-7.6

    methyl-orange: red-yellow 3.2-4.4

    red cabbage: natural universal


  • pH-Meter

    electrode system

    no more than a voltmeter that displays measurements

    in pH units instead of volts

  • Buffers

    Buffers are watery solutions, where the

    pH value stays constant upon the

    addition of small amounts of

    concentrated acids or bases. They are

    usually composed out of an acid with

    intermediate or weak strength and the

    corresponding base pair.

  • Lavosier

    Oxidation describes the process of taking up

    oxygen or releasing hydrogen.

    Reduction describes the process of releasing

    oxygen or taking up hydrogen.

  • The new idea

    Oxidation takes place, whenever a compound

    releases electrons. It is indicated by an increase

    in the oxidation number

    Reduction takes place, whenever a compound

    takes up electrons. It is indicated by a decrease

    in the oxidation number

  • EN

    big EN sum and low EN difference - covalent

    small EN sum and small EN difference metallic bond

    big EN difference ionic bond

  • Half reaction

    A hypothetical reaction that constitutes

    exclusively either the reduction or the

    oxidation half of a redox reaction and in

    whose equation the correct formulas for all

    species taken part in the reaction are given

    together with enough electrons to give the

    correct electrical balance

  • Potential


    The potential describes the ability of a compound to

    perform work.

    Chemical potential (μ)

    The chemical potential describes the increase in the ability

    of a compound to perform usable work during transport of

    a certain amount of the compound.

    (e.g. a concentration gradient)

    Electrical potential (ϕ)

    The electrical potential refers to the work, which can be

    performed through charges moving in an electrical field.

    (e.g. a positive charge moving to the negative pole)

  • Reduction Potentials

    To quantify differences in reactivity of redox

    reactions standard reduction potentials were


    The standard reaction potential describes the

    tendency of a reduction reaction to take up

    electrons at standard conditions.

    The higher the tendency to take up electrons,

    the higher the potential.

  • Standard Reduction Potential

    The reduction potential of a half

    reaction at 25°C when all ion

    concentrations are 1M and the partial

    pressure of all gases are 1 atm. It is

    measured as a voltage difference

    between the half reaction of interest

    and the standard hydrogen electrode

    (SHE) as a standard.