2024-02-11T12:24:38+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Mean rate of reaction formula</p>, <p>Disappearing cross practical</p>, <p>Increased (surface area effect) or (temperature) on reaction</p>, <p>How do catalysts increase rate of reaction</p>, <p>Activation energy</p> flashcards

Chemistry Paper 2 - Rates of reaction


  • Mean rate of reaction formula

    quantity / time

  • Disappearing cross practical

    10cm^3 of thiosulfate in a conical flask

    place conical flask onto a black cross

    10cm^3 of hydrochloric acid

    swirl solution and start stopwatch

    look at cross above the conical flask

    stop the clock when you can not see the cross

    repeat with lower concentration and find mean

  • Increased (surface area effect) or (temperature) on reaction

    Increased rate of collisions and increased rate of reaction

  • How do catalysts increase rate of reaction

    By providing a different pathway for the reaction that has a lower activation energy

  • Activation energy

    minimum amount of energy needed for a reaction to take place