2024-02-12T12:24:37+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Pure substance</p>, <p>How to test for pure substance</p>, <p>Formulation and 3 examples</p>, <p>Paper Chromatography </p>, <p>What's the stationary and mobile phase</p>, <p>Rf equation</p>, <p>Test for hydrogen</p>, <p>Test for oxygen</p>, <p>Test for carbon dioxide </p>, <p>Test for chlorine</p> flashcards

Chemistry Paper 2 - Chemical Analysis


  • Pure substance

    Made up of one element

  • How to test for pure substance

    Measure their boiling and melting point as pure substances have fixed points

  • Formulation and 3 examples

    Complete mixture designed to be a useful product such as paints, medicines and cleaning products

  • Paper Chromatography

    Draw a pencil line on paper

    and put several different coloured dots not the line

    put the bottom of the paper in the solvent

    the solvent makes it way up the paper dissolving the dots

    if there's only one spot we know the colour is pure

    if there's multiple spots we know its a mixtur

  • What's the stationary and mobile phase

    Paper (dont move) and solvent (moves)

  • Rf equation

    distance moved by substance / distance moved by solvent

  • Test for hydrogen

    Insert a lighted splint into a test tube maybe containing hydrogen and then if it is hydrogen it will pop and burn rapidly

  • Test for oxygen

    Insert a glowing splint into a test tube maybe containing oxygen and then if it is oxygen the splint will relight

  • Test for carbon dioxide

    Using a pipette take some gas from the test tube maybe containing carbon dioxide and bubble the gas into a tube of limewater, repeat several times and if it turns cloudy it is carbon dioxide

  • Test for chlorine

    Insert damp litmus paper into the mouth of the test tube maybe containing chlorine as chlorine bleaches the paper turning it white