2024-03-13T00:27:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Solid particles</p>, <p>Liquid particles</p>, <p>Gas particles</p>, <p>Mistake with simple solid liquid gas diagram</p>, <p>Gaining electron makes element positive or negative?</p>, <p>Describe ionic bonding where 1 electron moves</p>, <p>Ionic bonding</p>, <p>Covalent bonding</p>, <p>Why do somethings have high boiling point</p>, <p>Difference between ionic and covalent bonds</p>, <p>Why do somethings have low boiling point</p>, <p>Why do giant covalent substance have high boiling melting point</p>, <p>diamond made from..</p>, <p>Delocalised electrons can do what? and why?</p>, <p>graphite is a good conductor of ?? and why??</p>, <p>2 uses for fullerene </p>, <p>property of metals and why</p> flashcards

Chemistry Paper 1 - Structure and Bonding


  • Solid particles

    Particles in a solid are tightly packed and are fixed

  • Liquid particles

    Particles in a liquids are close together with gaps and take the shape of the container and the particles can move

  • Gas particles

    Particles in a gas are very apart and they move quickly and randomly

  • Mistake with simple solid liquid gas diagram

    Assume no force between particle

  • Gaining electron makes element positive or negative?


  • Describe ionic bonding where 1 electron moves

    1 electron is passed from x element to y element causing both elements to have full outer shell

  • Ionic bonding

    metal with non metal

  • Covalent bonding

    non metal with non metal

  • Why do somethings have high boiling point

    The strength of the bonds is high so they require more energy to break these.

  • Difference between ionic and covalent bonds

    Ionic - transfer electrons

    Covalent - share electrons

  • Why do somethings have low boiling point

    Weak intermolecular bonds so they require low energy to break

  • Why do giant covalent substance have high boiling melting point

    Millions of bonds require high energy to break

  • diamond made from..


  • Delocalised electrons can do what? and why?

    move as they aren't bound to an atom

  • graphite is a good conductor of ?? and why??

    electricity and heat as they have delocalised electrons

  • 2 uses for fullerene

    Lubricant and catalyst

  • property of metals and why

    bent and shaped cuz the layers of atoms can slide over each other