An element’s number, determined by how many protons it has
Chemical change
The production of a new substance from a chemical reaction
Chemical reaction
Involves creating new products from the existing reacting chemicals. When a chemical reaction occurs a new substance is always produced.
Made from a combination of atoms from different elements.
Electron configuration diagram
A model of an atom that shows how the electrons are organized on
different shells
Electron shell
a collection of orbiting electrons. Each shell can contain a maximum number of electrons.
sub-atomic particle with a negative charge that orbits the nucleus
a pure substance composed of only one kind of atom
an atom that has gained or lost electrons and so is no longer neutral
substances made of more than one type of particle mixed together
smallest indivisible particle of a compound
sub-atomic particle with no charge that lies within the nucleus
Periodic Table
A table listing all the known elements, arranged according to their atomic properties
Physical change
Does not create a new substance. While the substance might change its state, size, shape, temperature, or amount, it still remains the same substance.
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