What is Black Body Radiation?
How was black body radiation describe classically?
How was black body radiation described in quantum?
Thermal energy cannot gain a single quantum of electromagnetic oscillator with high frequency. The effective number of oscillators decreases with frequency
What is the Dulong - Petit law. How was this corrected?
This was explained and correct by Einstein using Planck's constant
Wave particle duality/ de broglie relation
light is particle-like and wave-like. [Lambda = (planck's constant)/momentum] explains this property
Photo electric effect
Schrodinger Eqn
Hamiltonian operator
Momentum operator
What is the simple wave eqn?
Time dependent SE
What is the born interpretation?
The square of a wave function is the probability of finding a particle at that location
Probability of a wave function
Normalization of a wave function
Time independet SE VS Time dependent SE (Which encompasses both?)
Time dependent SE
Potential energy operator
Hermitian operator
What are the 3 properties of a Hermitian operator
What is the probability of obtaining an energy eigenvalue? En?
Dirac's Delta function (What does it represent?)
What is the expectation value of energy?
Non-commutable operators
Particle in a box (eqn and b.c)
Boundary condition requirements for particle in a box
What does a quantum number (n) = 0 mean for particle in a box?
Energy eigenvalue soln particle in a box
What is the zero point energy?
What is the excitation energy for a particle?
Probability density for particle in a box (eqn)
Eqn to normalize the way function for the particle in a box
Particle in a well SE and B.C.
Separation of variables of the particle in a box
What is degeneracy for the particle in a box.
Harmonic Oscillator S.E.
How are the energy levels separated in the Harmonic Oscillator S.E.? and what the ground state energy?
E = (1/2)h_bar(omega)
omega = sqrt(k/m)
What are the cylindrical coordinates
Particle on a ring SE w/ B.C.
Particle on a ring Eigenfunction
What is the energy and zero point energy for the particle on a ring
SE for the particle on a sphere
Energy eqn for quantum #l, energy eqn for quantum # m_L,what are the bounds for m_L (Particle on a sphere)
What is the total defined energy and total angular momentum energy for the particle on a sphere
Total spin angular momentum / What is the sping magnetic quantum #
Pauli Exclusion principle
What are bosons